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    Ettin in the Playground

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    smile You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    Out of a discussion in this thread I got interested in the ways there are to impose the conditions of sickened and/or nauseated. This is an informal 'gathering of stuff' thread, if there's enough material I'll get around to tidying it up and resource/handbooking it at some point.

    For the record:
    Sickened Condition
    Quote Originally Posted by SRD
    The character takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
    Nauseated Condition
    Quote Originally Posted by SRD
    Experiencing stomach distress. Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn.
    Obviously of the two conditions it's nauseated we like more, because it's all-but stun and doesn't have quite as many creatures immune to it. But I'd like to catalogue sickened as well, because the thread title just works better with it :) :)

    Methods identified thus far:

    Soulwarp Strike ACF: Monk only, lose Monk bonus feat at level 1. Imposes Nauseated condition if Fort save failed, Sickened if save made.

    Brutal Strike (Feat) (PHB 2): Hit someone really hard with Power Attack, impose sickened with a Fort save of DC 10+the damage you did via Power Attack.

    Sickening Grasp (CMage) (feat): If you've got a 3rd level Necromancy or higher spell available, melee touch attack to sicken for level of spell/rounds. Fort save to cut the sickening time to 1 round.

    Sickening Strike (DoTU) (feat): give up 1d6 sneak attack damage, sicken the target for 1 round (no save).

    Stinking Cloud (SRD) (3rd level spell for every man and his dog) - Living creatures in the cloud become nauseated. This condition lasts as long as the creature is in the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after it leaves. Can be permanencied, 20 foot radius. Have to save each round you're in the cloud even if you save the first time.

    Nauseating Breath (SpC): Halitosis, the spell. 3rd level spell on the Sor, Wiz, and Clr lists, provides a cone-shaped burst, Fort save, targets are nauseated 1d6 rounds.

    Finger of Agony (CMage) (Hex 4, Sor/Wiz 4): 3 rounds nauseating effect on target, sickened if save.

    Circle of Nausea (BoVD) (Drd 2, Clr 3): Similar to Stinking Cloud but lower level, takes vastly longer to prepare and cast, but sits in one place, lasting 1 min/level.

    Cloud of Bewilderment (SpC) (Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2): Also lower level than Stinking Cloud with a similar effect ... but also provides concealment and obscures vision.

    Rot of Ages (SpC) (Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1): Just sicken a target for 2 rounds and get no-save concealment against it. Weirdly, a black dragon that can cast 3rd level sorcerer spells can cast this one as a swift action, so ... yeah.

    Wall of Smoke (SpC) (Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1): Wall of Smoke makes it difficult to see, save against nausea for 1 round if you pass through it.

    Power Word Nauseate (RoTD) (Sor/Wiz 6): Nauseate something with a power word. No save, duration depends on the creature's current hitpoint total.

    Smoking weapon quality (Lords of Darkness): +1 weapon quality. Continuous concealment (20% miss chance) and opponents must save vs. nausea if they enter your square.

    Insect swarms (SRD) all have the Distraction quality which imposes Fort saves vs nausea for 1 round.

    Good old Troglodyte stench (Ex) imposes the sickened condition.

    That's all I have at this point, happy to hear contributions while we wait for the next Monk thread.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    Three Mountains Style (Feat, Complete Warrior) - hit twice with one of a specific subset of bludgeoning weapons, force Fort save against Nauseate (DC 10 + 1/2 character level + Strength mod.)

    (Sort of combo with Brutal Strike as they both require the same weapon classes - if you Sicken somebody with Brutal Strike on your first hit you can penalize their save against getting it 'upgraded' to Nausea from Three Mountains on the second.)

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    The Three Mountains style feat (CW 114) allows you to nauseate a target you hit twice in one round with one of the specified weapons. Fort save at a good (Str-based) DC. (There is a ninja in our midst!)

    It's worth mentioning that although sickened and nauseated are often linked, you can't escalate sickened to nauseated by applying sickened twice (like you can escalate shaken to frightened and panicked).
    Last edited by ExLibrisMortis; 2024-05-15 at 12:54 AM.
    Spoiler: Collectible nice things
    Quote Originally Posted by Faily View Post
    Read ExLibrisMortis' post...

    Quote Originally Posted by Keledrath View Post
    Libris: look at your allowed sources. I don't think any of your options were from those.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    Warlock's Sickening and Noxious Blasts cause sickened/nauseated.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    The current Iron Chef round features Kinslayer, which gets a no-save sicken ability at level 4. It's really bad (full-round action, -4 attack penalty, incompatible with iteratives) but some of the builds try to make use of it.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    The Cloudy Conjuration feat makes a 5ft-radius cloud of sickening smoke (no save) appear whenever you cast a spell from the Conjuration school. Rather handy.

    The Pain Touch feat makes it so that any creature stunned by your Stunning Fist is also nauseated, no save, for 1 round after that. It's quite a good feat for a Stunning Fist build.

    A bunch of other spells do that as well, like Word of Balance, which is the Holy Word of neutral characters. Ennemies whose HD is equal to or less than the caster level of the spellcaster are nauseated, no save.
    VC XV, The horsemen are drawing nearer: The Alien and the Omen (part 1 and part 2).
    VC XVI, Burn baby burn:Nero
    VC XVIII, This is Heresy! Torquemada
    VC XX, Elder Evil: Henry Bowyer

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  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    Wall of Smoke deserves more credit than you've given it. You can cast it across opponents' spaces to force an immediate save.

    Fetid Breath (GW) (Sor/Wiz 1): 10 ft. cone lasts a single round, but anyone in the cone makes a Fort save or is nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds.

    Bewildering Visions (CC) (Adept 2, Cleric 2, Shugenja 2): One target is sickened for 1 round/level (no save), and must make a Fort save every round or be nauseated.

    Blackfire (SpC) (Sor/Wiz 8): Ray that causes the target to be on fire for 1 round/level, each round they make a Fort save or take 1d4 Con damage and become nauseated, on a success they're sickened instead.

    Bleed (CC) (Blackguard 4, Cleric 5, Druid 5): One touched target, for 1 round/level any piercing or slashing attacks it takes also deal 1 Con damage to it. Casting this a second time on the same target (twin spell?) imposes a -4 penalty vs any disease, poison, sickened, or nauseated condition.

    Blood Snow (FB) (Cleric 2, Druid 2, Disciple of Thrym 2, Sor/Wiz 3): A 20 ft. area of snow per level, lasts 1 round/level, anyone in contact with the snow makes a Fort save or takes 1d2 con drain and becomes nauseated each round.

    Caterwaul (CM) (Bard 2): Enchantment (sonic, mind-affecting, compulsion), 30 ft. cone, 1 round, creatures in the area make a Will save or become nauseated for 1 round, those that save are sickened 1 round instead.

    Choking Cobwebs (CM) (Sor/Wiz 7): 10 ft. radius, 1 minute/level, each square in the area costs 2 squares of movement and anyone in the area makes a Fort save vs sickened every round. Casting it twice in the same area instead makes each square cost 4 squares of movement, and it's a Fort save vs nauseated and 1d4 Con damage per round instead.

    Dancing Dragonmark (Dragonmarked) (Bard 2): One dragonmarked target/level all within 30 ft. of each other, duration just says concentration (indefinite???), Will save vs nauseated for the duration, cater must have a dragonmark.

    Dragonmark Symbol (Dragonmarked) (Cleric 6, Sor/Wiz 6): 10 minutes/level, 10 minute cast time, can use permanency on it, functions like Symbol of Death except it forces a Fort save each round or become nauseated, creatures with a dragonmark matching yours are immune.

    Fleshshiver (SC) (Sor/Wiz 6): One target, stun for 1 round with no save if its HD is less than the caster level, otherwise Fort negates the stun, then on the following round it makes another Fort save or take 1d6 damage per caster level (max 15d6) and nauseated for 1d4+2 rounds.

    Fugue (SC) (Bard 4): 30-ft. radius, concentration up to 1 round/level, caster makes a Perform check, at 30+ they can inflict nauseated for 1 round. Anyone in the area makes a Will save on their turn each round or suffers the effect, on a success they still take a -2 to attack rolls and skill checks.

    Horrible Taste (SC) (Druid 1, Ranger 1, Sor/Wiz 1): For 10 minutes/level anything that bites the target makes a Fort save or becomes nauseated until the end of its next turn.

    Horrid Sickness (CM) (Hexblade 4, Sor/Wiz 4): One target per 3 caster levels all within 30 ft. of each other, 1 round/level, Fort save or nauseated for the duration, can spend a move action to retry the save each round, on a successful save a target is sickened until the spell ends.

    Inner Beauty (FC1) (Bard 4): If cast on an evil creature, everything within 15 ft. of the target that can see it makes a Fort save or becomes sickened for 1d4 rounds, only occurs on the round the spell is cast. Otherwise it just buffs or debuffs the target. Casting it on a good creature stuns everything in a 15 ft. radius of the target instead.

    Invoke the Cerulean Sign (LoM) (Druid 2, Ranger 2, Bard 3, Cleric 3, Paladin 3, Sor/Wiz 3): Affects aberrations within 30 ft. of the caster based on their HD relative to the caster level. Fort save, each effect lasts one round and then they move up to the next effect on the following round. It inflicts stun, then daze, then nauseated, then sickened.

    Love's Lament (SC) (Bard 3): Enchantment (compulsion, mind-affecting), 60 ft. cone, Will save or 1d6 Wis damage and nauseated for 1d4 rounds.

    Maddening Whispers (SC) (Sor/Wiz 8): Enchantment (compulsion, mind-affecting), one target/level, 1 round/level, Will negates, pick from several effects, hysteria causes uncontrollable laughing or crying and is identical to nauseated without being the nauseated condition, so immunity to nauseated is irrelevant.

    Rain of Black Tulips (BoED) (Druid 9): 80 ft. radius/high cylinder, 1 round/level, evil creatures in the area take 5d6 damage and make a Fort save or become nauseated until they leave the area. A successful save makes them immune to the nauseated effect of that casting for the remainder of the duration. Why is this a 9th level spell???

    Red Tide (SC) (Druid 8): 30 ft. radius, instantaneous, automatically knocks prone and forces a Fort save or become nauseated for 1 minute, on a success they're sickened 1 minute instead, with multiple damage effects as well.

    Resonating Agony (CM) (Bard 6): One touched target, 1 round/level, inflicts nauseated for the duration (automatic upon casting), on each of the target's turns it can make a Fort save to lessen the effect to sickened for that one turn. Can be combined with Painful Echoes to also inflict 1 Con damage per failed Fort save.

    Vertigo Field (PH2) (Beguiler 3, Sor/Wiz 3): 20 ft. radius, 1 round/level, Illusion (pattern), creatures that start their turn in the area make a Fort save or become nauseated for 1 round, success means they don't need to save again, doesn't affect allies, spell has multiple other effects.

    Vision of Punishment (CoV) (Sanctified 1): Swift action, one evil target, 1 round/3 levels, mind-affecting, Will save vs nauseated, on success they're sickened instead.

    Wall of Vermin (CS) (Druid 3): Up to four 5-ft. squares, lasts concentration +1 round/level after, anyone passing through the wall takes damage and makes a Fort save or becomes nauseated for 1 round. Can't cast it on top of creatures.

    Word of Balance (SC) (Druid 7, Balance 7): Neutral version of Holy Word, the equal to caster level, caster level -1, and caster level -5 effects include nauseated, no save.

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    Breath of Cleansing (Truenamer Utterance, Level 4) allows you to impart the Nausea condition on one enemy, requires a fort save, a Truespeak check, and having to deal with having at least ten levels of Truenamer in your build.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    Quote Originally Posted by pabelfly View Post
    Breath of Cleansing (Truenamer Utterance, Level 4) allows you to impart the Nausea condition on one enemy, requires a fort save, a Truespeak check, and having to deal with having at least ten levels of Truenamer in your build.
    Yeah, I think that last part is enough to impose the nauseated condition upon the player behind the character, no save, for the whole campaign.
    VC XV, The horsemen are drawing nearer: The Alien and the Omen (part 1 and part 2).
    VC XVI, Burn baby burn:Nero
    VC XVIII, This is Heresy! Torquemada
    VC XX, Elder Evil: Henry Bowyer

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    Slimy Spell (D358) is a +1 metamagic that forces one creature targeted by the spell to make a Reflex save or be nauseated for 1 round.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    Diabolus (Dragon Compendium) - poisonous tail attack

    Cleric (Exemplars of Evil) - Blasphemous Incantation ACF
    Dragonfire Adept - Sickening Breath
    Druid (Exemplars of Evil) - Spontaneous Affliction ACF

    Abolisher (Lords of Madness) - Crystals of Nature's Wrath (only vs Aberrations)
    Gray Guard (Complete Scoundrel) - Debilitating Touch
    Hexer (Masters of the Wild) - Sicken Hex

    Disease Shield (Dragon #327)
    Energy Gestalt (Complete Mage) - Acrid Fumes
    Mark of Maladomini (Fiendish Codex II)
    Mark of Malbolge (Fiendish Codex II)
    Music of the Outer Spheres (Lords of Madness)
    Otherworldly Countenance (Fiendish Codex I)
    Profane Agony (Drow of the Underdark)
    Sickening Sonata (Dragon #336)
    Trophy Hunter (Dragon #332) - side effect from eating a heart of Dragon
    Stench of the Dead

    Fussy (Dragon #328) - by drinking a potion, sickened for duration of the potion's effect; instant-duration potions sickening for CL/minute

    Corruption Domain Granted Power (Lords of Madness)

    Improved Domain Power (Dragon #342): Evil Domain - Torture Strike

    The Vestiges:
    Astaroth, the Unjustly Fallen - Astaroth's Breath

    Shadow Mysteries:
    Sickening Shadow

    Psionic Powers:
    Destiny Dissonance

    Blackrot (Complete Mage)
    Boiling Blood (Complete Mage)
    Cloud of Taint (Oriental Adventures)
    Fire and Brimstone (Complete Mage)
    Ghoul Gesture (Spell Compendium) - on a successful save!
    Ghoul Touch
    Gnome Blight (Races of the Dragon)
    Orb of Acid (Spell Compendium)
    Painful Echoes (Complete Mage)
    Power Word Sicken (Races of the Dragon)
    Prickling Torment (Complete Mage)
    Ray of Sickness (Spell Compendium)
    Sicken Evil (Book of Exalted Deeds)
    Skunk Scent (The Forge of War)
    Spore Field (Complete Scoundrel)
    Stolen Breath (Spell Compendium)
    Thorn Spray (Player's Guide to Faerūn)
    Torrent of Tears (Complete Mage)
    Unholy Blight

    Bile Droppings (Drow of the Underdark)
    Burning Dust (Dragon #334)
    Burning Dust Pot (Dragon #334)
    Diamond Water Ale (Dragon #334)
    Diamond Water Elixir (Dragon #334)
    Ferrous Aqua (Complete Scoundrel)
    Lenses of Pain (Dungeon Master's Guide II)
    Lish Nut (Dragon #336)
    Powdered Silver (Complete Scoundrel)
    Requiem Jar (Dragon #330) - in case living creature drink it (no benefits)
    Scalerot poison (Dragon #355) - secondary damage
    Sickening weapon (Fiend Folio)
    Stench Stone (Magic Item Compendium)
    Stinkpot (Stormwrack)
    Taer Stench Grease (Unapproachable East)

    Ghast and Ghastly Creature template - Stench
    Ghul template (Dragon #313) - Gruesome Hunger
    Living Wall (Dragon #343) - Sickening Wounds
    Shadow Vampire (Dragon #348) - Light Weakness: sickened by magical sunlight

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    I'm not sure if you want to discuss counters to these conditions, although I'd be for it. In that vein, Strong Stomach is a solid mundane counter to nausea.

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    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    Thank you very, very much for all the contributions, guys - much appreciated all round from everyone. Looks like I have to make a handbook now with lots of vomit jokes included!

    Couple of other points in passing from the thread:

    I'm not sure if you want to discuss counters to these conditions, although I'd be for it. In that vein, Strong Stomach is a solid mundane counter to nausea.
    Sure, why not. I know I did it for the Level Drain resource. I can title that post NaHCO3.

    Quote Originally Posted by pabelfly
    Breath of Cleansing (Truenamer Utterance, Level 4) allows you to impart the Nausea condition on one enemy, requires a fort save, a Truespeak check, and having to deal with having at least ten levels of Truenamer in your build.
    Quote Originally Posted by remetagross
    Yeah, I think that last part is enough to impose the nauseated condition upon the player behind the character, no save, for the whole campaign.
    That's going in the thread. I will say user grossfly contributed it :D

    Quote Originally Posted by remetagross
    The Cloudy Conjuration feat makes a 5ft-radius cloud of sickening smoke (no save) appear whenever you cast a spell from the Conjuration school. Rather handy.
    Especially on something like Stinking Cloud, which is a Conjuration spell and thus qualifies. Thus allowing you to either make the save against Stinking Cloud harder to resist or ideally hitting the target with both Sickened and Nauseated at once, since as we know Sickened doesn't scale into Nauseated like fear effects do.

    I went looking for poisons in Arsenic & Old Lace, and surprisingly there don't seem to be a lot that actually do nauseate or sicken the target, even the ingested ones. Still, there is:

    - Roach Paste (DoTU p. 94) which nauseates for 1 round. Fort DC 12 which is low, but only 50g to make.

    - Sekulah's Judgment (Stormwrack): 1d6 Con + nauseated for 2d6 rounds, with a secondary effect of 3d6 Con damage. Best of all, even on a successful save the target is nauseated for 1d6 rounds. Ingested poison, but there's an Eberron PrC that gets that to a contact poison.

    - Fire Coral Extract (Stormwrack): Poison Handbook says this is a cheap, low-level poison, but I just have to look up its stats - it apparently nauseates.

    - Stingray venom (Stormwrack). DC 12 or nauseated for 1d4 hours, on a successful save sickened for 1d6 rounds. Stingrays are available as animal companions.

    - DC 15: Retch (Nausea) (A&EG 37).

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    Troglodyte were - giant cockroach has a passive sicken/nauseate aura of nasty smell

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    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    Continuing on with gathering stuff:

    Lastai's Caress (BoED) (Clr 2, Pleasure 2): touch an evil creature and hit it with random status effects, one of which includes nauseating it. No saving throw.

    As for overcoming stomach bugs:

    Panacea (SpC) (Clr 4, Drd 5): Cures lots of conditions including sickened and nauseated.

    Healing Lorecall (SpC) (Rgr 1, Clr 2, Drd 2): If you've got 10+ ranks in Heal, this spell also removes nauseated and sickened conditions.

    Favor of Ilmater (PgTF) (Pal 4, Initiate of Ilmater 4): Immunity to sickened, nauseated, various other conditions, 1 min/level.

    Favor of the Martyr (SpC) (Pal 4): Favor of Ilmater for not-Forgotten Realms characters.

    Remove Nausea (BoED) (Clr 3, Apostle of Peace 3): Remove nauseated and sickened conditions, duh.

    Heroes' Feast (SRD) (Level 6 to the entire universe): Because the cure to stomach distress is eating and drinking, apparently. Removes nauseated, sickened conditions.

    Mark of Purity (Dragonmarked p. 142): feat that provides immunity to nausea and sickening, and they can remove those conditions from someone else as a standard action at will. However, only available to dragonmarked paladins and monks.

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: You Make Me Sick: Imposing Sickened/Nauseated Conditions in 3.5

    This is one of the reasons I liked playing Warforged... immunity to sickened and nausea. Getting ready to go to work, but I wonder if there's other races with immunity.

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