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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Seattle, WA

    Default Best Class for an Opportunity Attack Build?

    Was inspired reading through the Warden Paragon Paths, saw one that (as its level 20 power) gave you an extra square of reach and Threatening Reach for as long as you were in that form (so probably the rest of the encounter). That's really good... but also pretty late. There are other paragon paths that can give you threatening reach earlier, like Stoneblessed for one round or Polearm Master for the rest of the encounter, both at level 12.

    So Warden isn't actually necessary for the build.

    And the question becomes, what class is optimal for spamming opportunity attacks? It might be Warden after all (with its reach-granting dailies), but it might not.

    Spoiler: Build ideas so far:
    I'm thinking a Glaive with the Polearm Gambit and Heavy Blade Opportunity feats, giving you more and better OAs respectively. So a base class with a good At-Will for Heavy Blade Opportunity is key.

    Key stats so far are Strength, Dex, and Wis, all of which are required at moderate levels for the above feats. Warden works well here, with two of those as its primary stats. This also makes Stoneblessed look worse than Polearm Master, because it relies on Con as well, and that's a lot of MAD (though it does grant a permanent square of extra reach, which is lovely).

    An at-will that pushes/slides the target would be lovely, with Polearm Master increasing the distance and another feat whose name I forget letting you make the target prone if you move them more than two squares with a polearm.
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Best Class for an Opportunity Attack Build?

    If you're looking for an Opportunity Attack focused build that's stacking weapon-specific modifiers, isn't Fighter the default choice? Polearm Momentum (the feat that lets you knock targets prone after sliding them) requires at least a Fighter multiclass, and Fighter also gives you your Wisdom modifier to the attack roll on OAs to ensure the hit.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
    Kurald Galain's Avatar

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    Default Re: Best Class for an Opportunity Attack Build?

    Definitely Fighter.

    It's also one of the strongest defenders period, and funnily it can mark on an OA (so if your OA target misbehaves, he eats a second attack as an immediate!)
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Seattle, WA

    Default Re: Best Class for an Opportunity Attack Build?

    Okay yeah Combat Superiority is brutal with Threatening Reach.

    That said, Combat Challenge only gives you the immediate interrupt if your foe is adjacent to you, which is a little antisynergistic and also notably worse for this than the Nature's Wrath features for Warden.

    Guess it's time to finally learn how the heck hybrid classes work...

    Okay, that actually doesn't mix too badly. For some reason Hybrid Combat Challenge won't work with MBAs anymore (unless that was errata'd), but you can pick up Heavy Blade Opportunity at the same time as or just before you get your Threatening Reach power, so that's not too bad. Losing the other Warden class features does suck... but it's not really "losing" them, I guess, on what was going to be a Fighter anyway.

    Probably go Str primary, Dex secondary, and Wis tertiary, giving a decent AC despite having lost heavy armor, getting decent Initiative, and qualifying for all the weapon feats I want. This also means Dwarf no longer a front-runner for race, since we don't have additional benefits to Second Wind from Warden and its ability boosts aren't particularly good for the build anymore.
    Last edited by PoeticallyPsyco; 2024-05-18 at 11:44 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Darths & Droids
    When you combine the two most devious, sneaky, manipulative, underhanded, cunning, and diabolical forces in the known universe, the consequences can be world-shattering. Those forces are, of course, players and GMs.
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