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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Post Trying to find Book 1/2 and Book D?

    So I recently got back into re-reading OOTS over from the start - I bought books 1 to 5 (plus -1 and 0) some years ago, and they sat on my bookshelf for aaages, making me feel bad for not reading them all the way through. I've read the first 3 books now, and nearly finished on Book 2. ^^ Loving them sooo much!

    But I was wondering, if there is currently anywhere that I can buy both (or either) Book 1/2 and Book D? I've tried the most obvious places after the Ookadook shop - Amazon, eBay - with no luck, apart from one eBay seller who is selling Book D along with 5 of the other books for almost £240, which seems a bit steep (and doubly so as I have those other books already xD)

    Any ideas for other places I could try? :)

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Trying to find Book 1/2 and Book D?

    I think both of these are out of print. I don't think there's any official digital copies of Snips Snails and Dragon Tails but the Gumroad store sells digital copies of Good Deeds Gone Unpunished.
    Last edited by Errorname; 2024-05-11 at 11:19 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Trying to find Book 1/2 and Book D?

    Here's the link for book 1/2 -

    Book D is pretty rare these days, and with the other books ij as well, that's actually cheaper than I'd expect. Though please keep in mind that i have zero interest or dealings with anything OotS other than the forums and these are just my own personal thoughts.
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Trying to find Book 1/2 and Book D?

    Those books are all going to be hard to find in print. You are basically looking for a used seller at this point.

    Book 1 and 2 can be bought in digital form at Gumroad (and IIRC, have a bit of extra commentary beyond the print version, as the digital versions were published years later):
    Book 1:
    Book 2:

    Snip Snails and Dragon Tails has never had a digital version, and the print version is long out of print. Hopefully Rich will do a digital version at some point, but that's not the case now. So yeah, you'd just have to look for someone selling a used copy.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Trying to find Book 1/2 and Book D?

    It's a bit weird that there's no PDF of SS&DT yet - it was being held back because the physical version was exclusive to one retailer, but it's been out of stock/out of print for a while now.

    Maybe the Giant is waiting for the Xmas season or somesuch.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Trying to find Book 1/2 and Book D?

    Quote Originally Posted by facw View Post
    Those books are all going to be hard to find in print. You are basically looking for a used seller at this point.

    Book 1 and 2 can be bought in digital form at Gumroad (and IIRC, have a bit of extra commentary beyond the print version, as the digital versions were published years later):
    Book 1:
    Book 2:

    Snip Snails and Dragon Tails has never had a digital version, and the print version is long out of print. Hopefully Rich will do a digital version at some point, but that's not the case now. So yeah, you'd just have to look for someone selling a used copy.
    I think the title of the OP was referring to Book 1/2, i.e. Good Deeds Gone Unpunished, not books 1 or 2. Peelee already linked to where you can find the PDF of that.

    I'm in the camp that is hoping to eventually get a PDF of SSaDT. Maybe some day.
    Last edited by 137beth; 2024-05-18 at 09:33 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Trying to find Book 1/2 and Book D?

    Quote Originally Posted by Reboot View Post
    It's a bit weird that there's no PDF of SS&DT yet - it was being held back because the physical version was exclusive to one retailer, but it's been out of stock/out of print for a while now.

    Maybe the Giant is waiting for the Xmas season or somesuch.
    I'm sure there's also a consideration of effort-to-reward. People would certainly buy a digital SS&DT, but how many beyond the hardcore fans actually care about something that's 100% non-canon? Possibly not enough to justify the work to make a download-quality high res version.

    Yes, the files exist, and the logistics are far easier than for print versions. But if a life of working with pdfs has taught me anything, it's that the project is never as simple as you expect.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Trying to find Book 1/2 and Book D?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ionathus View Post
    But if a life of working with pdfs has taught me anything, it's that the project is never as simple as you expect.
    For some reason I know have a vision of Kubota insisting that making PDFs is exactly that simple.

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