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  1. - Top - End - #241
    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    The Frozen Northlands

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Borthan Zuek
    Half-Drow Ranger
    AC: 17 HP:14/45
    22/29 MP
    0 Temp HP
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14 Sanity:12
    Concentrating on:
    0 of 5 d10 HD.
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/2 2nd

    "Our neighbors could use some help, people! And we could use a bit of water splashed across our deck to put out those damn fires! Starboard! Starboard on my mark!" Borthan resumes his position at the wheel and attempts to pull alongside the orog pirate ship. As much as he wanted to whet his blade with more drow blood, he could not ignore that the Orogs fought beside them when betrayal would have been easy. Putting some muscle into it, he prays quietly under his breath that people won't figure out how little he knows about what he is doing.

    Spoiler: OOC
    DC 10 Navigation check- (1d20+2)[9].

    Prince Derendil
    Quaggoth Barbarian/Abjurer
    AC: 17 HP: 39/39
    34/34 MP
    10 Temp HP
    PP: 10 PIv: 12 PIs: 10 Sanity 10
    Conditions: Mage Armor (8 hrs), Arcane Ward (0hp/8hp)
    Concentrating on: Rage
    HD:0/1 D12, 1/4 D6
    Spell Slots- 3/3 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd

    Feeling his rage begin to cool, Derendil does his best to help put out the fires on board. Any victory or loss would be cut painfully short by the ship going down into the Darklake.
    The Bear is Back.

  2. - Top - End - #242
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Spoiler: OOC: Battlefield Info
    Will be trying a mapless approach for this one.
    Approximate ranges between areas are given. Those within a given area are all within movement range of one another unless they seek a specific position somewhere using greater movement speed. Characters may engage other characters in the same area in melee unless unable for some reason, entering threat range using their movement.

    Enemies taking cover will lose cover when engaged in melee by a creature, or by a threatening spell such as Create Bonfire or Flaming Sphere smoking them out.

    A ship without a manned navigation and/or propulsion is unable to move effectively. Siege attacks and spells used against a stationary ship hit/fail Dex saves automatically. Characters manning navigation can wield weapons or cast spells with one hand without leaving their position unmanned.

    We'll feel out more as we go.

    East Cliff: Creatures without a Climb speed treat the ground as Difficult Terrain / ~30 feet from Naval Battle, ~100 feet up / ~180 feet from West Cliff
    Sarith: Wither 3
    Nilvae: Engaged by Giant Spiders A&B, Dying, 1 Failed
    Mr. Spide: Banished
    Drow Agent Xalith: Dying, 1 Success
    Drow Crossbowman A: Dying, 1 Success, 2 Fail
    Giant Spider A: Damaged, Hobbled (Ray of Frost), Engaging Nilvae
    Giant Spider B: Unharmed, Engaging Nilvae
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn of Mizzrym: Unharmed, Concentrating on Fly, Surrendered
    Drow Scout A: Unharmed, Half Cover, Surrendered
    Drow Arcane Archer A: Scratched, Half Cover, Surrendered

    West Cliff: ~180 feet from Naval Battle, ~80 feet up / ~180 feet from East Cliff
    Galdar: Riding Charlotte
    Charlotte: Climbing on Cliffside
    Topsy: Damaged, Riding Charlotte
    Drow Scout B: Dead
    Drow Crossbowman B: Dead
    Giant Spider C: Dead
    Giant Spider D: Dead

    The Black Manta (Damaged): ~100 feet down, ~60 feet away from East Cliff / ~80 feet down, ~180 feet away from West Cliff / ~5 feet from Pirate Ship
    Faedryl: Concentrating on Create Bonfire under Drow Sailor B's Harpoon Gun
    Elara: Bloodied, Twilight Sanctuary (1d6+5)
    Borthan: Manning Steering Comms (decides if the ship moves closer or further away, Sailing tool check used for ship's Dex saves)
    Derendil: Half Cover
    Ront: Tower Shield Half-Cover towards Drow Ships
    Turvy: Badly Wounded
    Kuo-toa Sailor A: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Sailor B: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor C: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor D: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor E: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Marauder B: Dead
    Dr. Donk: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Drow Venomancer A: Dying, 2 Failed, 1 Succeeded, Poisoned Weapon
    Drow Venomancer B: Dying, 1 Succeeded, 2 Failed, Poisoned Weapon
    Giant Spider F: Dead
    Drow Hexer A: Dead
    Drow Hexer B: Dead
    Mini Retriever A: Dead
    Mini Retriever B: Dead

    The Iron Eel (Undamaged): Surfaced alongside DSHS 1
    Blurg: Unharmed, Manning Steering
    Y: Unharmed, 3/4 Cover

    Dark Pirates' Duergar Sloop (Undamaged): Stalled Out (no power to engines) / ~5 feet from Black Manta
    Stool: Unharmed, Concentrating (Healing Spirit)
    Orog Wilder: Near Dead, Vision 5 ft. until Arcane Archer turn, manning Wheel, Engaged by Venomancer C
    Orc Deckhand A: Near Dead, manning Cannon, Cannon needs loading action, Engaged by Hexer E, sharing space with Healing Spirit (heal 1d6 at turn start)
    Orc Deckhand B: Dead
    Orog Arbalest: Bloodied, Belowdecks, positioned in Bunker, Engaged by Hexer C
    Orog Stonehorn: Unharmed
    Drow Venomancer C: Dying, 2 Failed, 2 Bleed
    Drow Venomancer D: Dying, 2 Succeeded
    Drow Hexer C: Damaged, in Bunker, Prone, Engaging Orog Arbalest
    Drow Hexer D: Damaged, 4 Bleed, in water
    Drow Hexer E: Scratched, Engaging Orc Deckhand A

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 1 (Enchanted Hull, Damaged, Slowed (Siege attacks have Advantage)): Crow's Nest ~20 feet up, 1 Harpoon attached to Black Manta
    Dawnbringer: Caught on a railing, Dawnbringer Shining (Disadvantage to Drow attacks on board)
    Kuo-toa Marauder A: Lightly Damaged, 2 Bleed, Belowdeck, Recklessly Attacked
    Jorlan (scarred male drow from Velkynvelve): Dying, 1 Failed
    Ilvara Mizzrym, Priestess-Commander of Velkynvelve: Dying, 1 Failure, 1 Success
    Shoor (Ilvara's lover): Bloodied
    Asha (Ilvara's junior priestess): Dying, 2 Succeeded, 1 Failed
    Drow Elite A: Scratched, 4 Bleed, in the water
    Drow Elite B: Damaged, 2 Bleed, Embedded Gauntlet Saw (returns to Y next round and deals 2 Bleed)
    Drow Arcane Archer B: Scratched, 4 Bleed, in water
    Drow Wizard: Dead
    Drow Crossbowman C: Dying, 2 Success, 1 Fail, in Crow's Nest
    Drow Crossbowman D: Damaged
    Drow Sailor A: Unharmed, manning Wheel
    Drow Sailor B: Bloodied
    Drow Sailor C: Bloodied, 2 Bleed
    Drow Sailor D: Bloodied, 2 Bleed, in water
    Drow Sailor E: Bloodied, 4 Bleed, in water

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 2 (Rudderless, Sunken) Sunken
    ALADIN: Belowdeck, Sunken
    Drow Crossbowman E: Scratched, 2 Bleed, Sunken (removed from combat)
    Drow Crossbowman F: Scratched, 2 Bleed, Sunken (removed from combat)
    Drow Sailor F: Damaged, 2 Bleed, Grappled by Slave Mob A, Sunken (removed from combat)
    Drow Slave Mob A: Damaged, 2 Bleed, Grappling Drow Sailor F, Sunken (removed from combat)
    Drow Slave Mob B: Damaged, 2 Bleed, chained belowdeck, Sunken (removed from combat)

    Spoiler: Initiative

    With Timing, the naval battle will begin on round 2. Characters on the Manta can currently see the flanking battles, but the enemies above have 3/4 cover from the angle. Characters above have a vantage to fire on characters on the drow ships.

    Jorlan - n20

    Drow Agent Xalith (Legendary Action) - 23
    Ilvara (Legendary Action) - 22
    Drow Agent Xalith - 18

    Orog Arbalest - 17

    Ilvara Mizzrym, Velkynvelve Priestess-Commander - 16

    Orog Wilder - 15
    Orc Deckhands - 15
    Kuo-toa Marauders - 15
    Elara/Turvy - 14

    Drow Venomancers - 14
    Drow Crossbowmen - 14
    Drow Sailors - 14

    <inhale> Faedryl/Sarith/Nilvae/Spide/Donk/Galdar/Charlotte - 13

    Shoor - 12
    Drow Scouts - 12
    Giant Spiders - 12
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn (Legendary Action) - 11
    Drow Elites - 11

    Kuo-toa Sailors - 10

    Asha - 10
    Drow Arcane Archers - 9
    Drow Hexers & Mini Retrievers - 9

    The Iron Eel - 8
    Borthan/Derendil - 8

    Drow House-Mage Ulryn - 8

    ALADIN/Ront - 6
    Topsy - 6
    Orog Stonehorn - 5
    Stool - 4
    Drow Slave Mobs - 0

    Amnestic and Spore cluster is up!

    East Cliff

    Gliding over the cliff, the flying wizard hesitates. His reasons are surely short of altruistic, but he determines that his chances of lenience are better if he offers aid, and he shoots one of the spiders that dragged Nilvae to the ground with an icy ray. "You two, get Xalith stable!" he calls down to the other surrendered drow.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    House-Mage Ulryn flies above the cliff. He shoots Giant Spider A with Ray of Frost for 11 damage.

    Naval Battle

    Borthan's guidance steers the ship nearer to the pirate vessel, as Ront's two javelins fly with pinpoint accuracy and sever the harpoon cables attaching it to the doomed ship. Shifting back up, the ship wobbles upon the water; were the Darklake less sober a sea, it may have toppled from the unrest alone. The javelins, alas, are lost to the deep as they fall below the black water.

    Despite their rowers' attempts, the splashes of water that hit the deck fail to put out the flames beginning to catch from the smoldering rope. Luckily Derendil is there to stamp out the flames.

    Stepping out onto the deck, the stonehorned sorcerer that had until now been powering the pirates' crystal engine assesses the situation. He grows a green crystal from his arm and launches it at one of the venomancers, but the swaying of the ship throws off his aim and she evades harm. With the ships drawn near, Stool hops aboard and conjures a swirling cloud of healing spores that coalesce around the resilient deckhand. Club growing larger, Stool misses the swift assassin. She cannot evade the orog leader's touch, which nearly throws her to the floor as more of her body is slivered away by teleportation.

    Pulling out a javelin, the deckhand tosses it at the nearly-dead venomancer, but the hexer engaging him swats the weapon from his hands. The shining javelin loosed by Elara is more successful, piercing past the hexer and then striking the venomancer from behind, sending her to the floor.

    Turvy assaults the hexer in the water with spells to keep him from climbing back up. A stray bolt hits him in the crossfire between ships, but fails to penetrate the twilit barrier.

    On the drow ship, the surviving marauder deals a nasty wound to one of the newly boarded Elites.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Borthan moves the ship alongside the pirate ship, however the rowers fail to put out the fires.
    Derendil puts out the flames on the deck in their stead.
    Ront throws two javelins, severing the harpoons from the pirate ship.

    Orog Stonehorn reaches the pirate ship deck and casts Crystal Shard on Venomancer C, but misses.
    Stool hops onto the pirate ship and casts Healing Spirit as a bonus action, on Orc Deckhand A's space.
    Stool uses Shillelagh, but misses Venomancer C.

    Drow Ship 2 sinks. Slave Mob A drags Drow Sailor F underwater with them, both taking fish damage and 2 Bleed. They are sucked down by the wake of the sinking ship and effectively doomed.
    Drow Crossbowman E and F fail athletics checks to escape the wake of the sinking ship and are pulled under, effectively doomed.

    Orog Arbalest Shoves Hexer C prone, and deals 6 damage with an attack.
    Orog Wilder uses Dissipating Touch to deal 13 damage to Venomancer C, nearly downing her.
    Orc Deckhand heals 3 from Healing Spirit. He attacks Venomancer C with a javelin, but misses due to melee penalties.
    Kuo-toa Marauder A leaps onto the deck of Drow Ship 1 and stabs Drow Elite B for 12 damage, them jumps back belowdeck.
    Kuo-toa Marauder B dies.
    Elara casts Radiant Lance, dealing 4 radiant damage to Hexer E and Venomancer C. Venomancer C drops.
    Turvy casts Mind Thrust on Hexer D in the water for 4 psychic damage after a save, and hits Hexer D with a Ray of Frost for good measure dealing 8 damage.

    Drow Crossbowman D shoots at Elara, but misses.
    Drow Sailor A misses Faedryl.
    Drow Sailor B shoots Turvy for 3 damage.
    Drow Sailor C misses Elara.
    Drow Sailor D climbs onto Drow Ship 1.
    Drow Sailor E fails to climb onto Drow Ship 1, and takes 2 fish damage and 2 more Bleed.


    Despite his best efforts, the second wall mount proves harder to pull free with ALADIN's tool, working in the slightly different physics of the underwater. Soon the water is above them, flush with the ceiling and spilling up the stairs onto the deck above. The entire ship tips backwards, and the slaves exhale bubbles from their mouths. Soon the fish find their way in or are sucked in with flowing water, slave blood clouding the water.

    The wake of the sinking ship will make swimming away nearly impossible for those unable to escape it already; not that ALADIN can swim well in the first place. Luckily, unlike the organics, he also does not need to worry about drowning.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    ALADIN is unable to get the second batch of slaves free this round (it is a tinkering tool check, sorry for not specifying which roll was used last time).
    ALADIN is probably stuck on the ship from here, but enemies currently in the water are within range of his cantrips from the sinking deck.

    The slaves take 4 fish damage and 2 Bleed as the ship sinks fully.

  3. - Top - End - #243
    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Castle Sparrowcellar

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Faedryl Melad
    Drow Hexblade/Evoker
    AC: 17 HP: 16/34 MP: 14/31
    PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 13
    Conditions: Exhaustion (1), 4 exp hit dice, THP: 10
    Concentrating: Create Bonfire
    Arcane Recovery: 0/2. Hexblade Curse: Exp.
    Slots:- Pact: 0/1 1st: 1/4 2nd: 0/3

    The enemies had mostly fallen, but the lack of any signal from Sarith still had her mildly concerned. She weaves another shadow spell at Shoor, hoping for more success.
    Spoiler: Actions

    Move: None
    Bonus Action: If anyone's still near the ship's edge, push/pull them off. If not, try to shove someone into a wall? (1d20)[4]+mods vs DC16 Str save.
    Action: Toll the Dead Shoor (1d20)[8]+mods DC16 Wis Save or (2d12)[20] necrotic.

    Anything ending its turn in Create Bonfire's square takes (2d8)[8] fire damage on a failed DC16 Dexsave.
    THP: (2d8)[8] Don't know why I rolled that, muscle memory.

    Sarith Kzerkarit
    Drow Fighter/Phantom Rogue
    AC: 16 HP: 23/40 MP: 22/22
    PP: 16 PIv: 11 PIs: 10
    Conditions: 0/8 THP
    Whispers: 0/3 (PB/LR)

    Truly he hadn't expected it to work, but it bought him a few moments to possibly save Nilvae. He couldn't see much of the ship battle below, but it seemed to be going in their favour. Even if he couldn't execute every drow here, he might be able to use that to get away.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Move: None
    Bonus Action: Steady Aim.
    Action: Bowshot the injured spider.
    Damage: (1d8+6)[7]+(2d6)[5][2](7) (+1 for min/max rolls) Total: 15

    Last edited by Amnestic; 2024-04-14 at 11:46 AM.
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  4. - Top - End - #244
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Spoiler: OOC: Battlefield Info
    Will be trying a mapless approach for this one.
    Approximate ranges between areas are given. Those within a given area are all within movement range of one another unless they seek a specific position somewhere using greater movement speed. Characters may engage other characters in the same area in melee unless unable for some reason, entering threat range using their movement.

    Enemies taking cover will lose cover when engaged in melee by a creature, or by a threatening spell such as Create Bonfire or Flaming Sphere smoking them out.

    A ship without a manned navigation and/or propulsion is unable to move effectively. Siege attacks and spells used against a stationary ship hit/fail Dex saves automatically. Characters manning navigation can wield weapons or cast spells with one hand without leaving their position unmanned.

    We'll feel out more as we go.

    East Cliff: Creatures without a Climb speed treat the ground as Difficult Terrain / ~30 feet from Naval Battle, ~100 feet up / ~180 feet from West Cliff
    Sarith: Wither 3, Engaged by Spider B
    Nilvae: Dying, 2 Failed
    Mr. Spide: Banished
    Drow Agent Xalith: Dying, 1 Success
    Drow Crossbowman A: Dying, 1 Success, 2 Fail
    Giant Spider A: Dead
    Giant Spider B: Unharmed, Engaging Sarith
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn of Mizzrym: Unharmed, Concentrating on Fly, Surrendered
    Drow Scout A: Unharmed, Half Cover, Surrendered
    Drow Arcane Archer A: Scratched, Half Cover, Surrendered

    West Cliff: ~180 feet from Naval Battle, ~80 feet up / ~180 feet from East Cliff
    Galdar: Riding Charlotte
    Charlotte: Climbing on Cliffside
    Topsy: Damaged, Riding Charlotte
    Drow Scout B: Dead
    Drow Crossbowman B: Dead
    Giant Spider C: Dead
    Giant Spider D: Dead

    The Black Manta (Damaged): ~100 feet down, ~60 feet away from East Cliff / ~80 feet down, ~180 feet away from West Cliff / ~5 feet from Pirate Ship
    Faedryl: Concentrating on Create Bonfire under Drow Sailor B's Harpoon Gun
    Elara: Bloodied, Twilight Sanctuary (1d6+5)
    Borthan: Manning Steering Comms (decides if the ship moves closer or further away, Sailing tool check used for ship's Dex saves)
    Derendil: Half Cover
    Ront: Tower Shield Half-Cover towards Drow Ships
    Turvy: Badly Wounded
    Kuo-toa Sailor A: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Sailor B: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor C: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor D: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor E: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Marauder B: Dead
    Dr. Donk: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Drow Venomancer A: Dying, 2 Failed, 1 Succeeded, Poisoned Weapon
    Drow Venomancer B: Dying, 1 Succeeded, 2 Failed, Poisoned Weapon
    Giant Spider F: Dead
    Drow Hexer A: Dead
    Drow Hexer B: Dead
    Mini Retriever A: Dead
    Mini Retriever B: Dead

    The Iron Eel (Undamaged): Underwater, alongside DSHS 2
    Blurg: Unharmed, Manning Steering

    Dark Pirates' Duergar Sloop (Undamaged): Stalled Out (no power to engines) / ~5 feet from Black Manta
    Stool: Scratched, Concentrating (Healing Spirit)
    Orog Wilder: Near Dead, Vision 5 ft. until Arcane Archer turn, manning Wheel, Engaged by Venomancer C
    Orc Deckhand A: Dying, Engaged by Hexer E, sharing space with Healing Spirit (heal 1d6 at turn start)
    Orc Deckhand B: Dead
    Orog Arbalest: Bloodied, Belowdecks, positioned in Bunker, Engaged by Hexer C
    Orog Stonehorn: Unharmed
    Drow Venomancer C: Dying, 2 Failed, 2 Bleed
    Drow Venomancer D: Dying, 2 Succeeded
    Drow Hexer C: Damaged, in Bunker, Engaging Orog Arbalest
    Drow Hexer D: Bloodied, 4 Bleed
    Drow Hexer E: Scratched, Engaging Orc Deckhand A

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 1 (Enchanted Hull, Damaged, Slowed (Siege attacks have Advantage)): Crow's Nest ~20 feet up
    Dawnbringer: Caught on a railing, Dawnbringer Shining (Disadvantage to Drow attacks on board)
    Kuo-toa Marauder A: Lightly Damaged, 2 Bleed, Belowdeck, Recklessly Attacked
    Y: Unharmed
    Jorlan (scarred male drow from Velkynvelve): Dying, 1 Failed
    Ilvara Mizzrym, Priestess-Commander of Velkynvelve: Dying, 1 Failure, 1 Success
    Shoor (Ilvara's lover): Near Death
    Asha (Ilvara's junior priestess): Dying, 2 Succeeded, 2 Failed
    Drow Elite A: Damaged, 6 Bleed, in the water
    Drow Elite B: Damaged, 8 Bleed, in the water
    Drow Arcane Archer B: Near Death, 6 Bleed, in water
    Drow Wizard: Dead
    Drow Crossbowman C: Dying, 2 Success, 1 Fail, in Crow's Nest
    Drow Crossbowman D: Bloodied, Sawbladed
    Drow Sailor A: Unharmed, manning Wheel
    Drow Sailor B: Bloodied
    Drow Sailor C: Bloodied, 2 Bleed
    Drow Sailor D: Bloodied, 2 Bleed, in water
    Drow Sailor E: Bloodied, 4 Bleed, in water

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 2 (Rudderless, Sunken) Sunken
    ALADIN: Belowdeck, Sunken
    Drow Crossbowman E: Scratched, 2 Bleed, Sunken (removed from combat)
    Drow Crossbowman F: Scratched, 2 Bleed, Sunken (removed from combat)
    Drow Sailor F: Damaged, 2 Bleed, Grappled by Slave Mob A, Sunken (removed from combat)
    Drow Slave Mob A: Damaged, 2 Bleed, Grappling Drow Sailor F, Sunken (removed from combat)
    Drow Slave Mob B: Damaged, 2 Bleed, chained belowdeck, Sunken (removed from combat)

    Spoiler: Initiative

    With Timing, the naval battle will begin on round 2. Characters on the Manta can currently see the flanking battles, but the enemies above have 3/4 cover from the angle. Characters above have a vantage to fire on characters on the drow ships.

    Jorlan - n20

    Drow Agent Xalith (Legendary Action) - 23
    Ilvara (Legendary Action) - 22
    Drow Agent Xalith - 18

    Orog Arbalest - 17

    Ilvara Mizzrym, Velkynvelve Priestess-Commander - 16

    Orog Wilder - 15
    Orc Deckhands - 15
    Kuo-toa Marauders - 15
    Elara/Turvy - 14

    Drow Venomancers - 14
    Drow Crossbowmen - 14
    Drow Sailors - 14

    <inhale> Faedryl/Sarith/Nilvae/Spide/Donk/Galdar/Charlotte - 13

    Shoor - 12
    Drow Scouts - 12
    Giant Spiders - 12
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn (Legendary Action) - 11
    Drow Elites - 11

    Kuo-toa Sailors - 10

    Asha - 10
    Drow Arcane Archers - 9
    Drow Hexers & Mini Retrievers - 9

    The Iron Eel - 8
    Borthan/Derendil - 8

    Drow House-Mage Ulryn - 8

    ALADIN/Ront - 6
    Topsy - 6
    Orog Stonehorn - 5
    Stool - 4
    Drow Slave Mobs - 0

    Borthan and Derendil are up, as are Ront and ALADIN!

    East Cliff

    A well-placed shot ends the life of one of the spiders, but Sarith can see that the half-elf's condition is worsening. The creature rears back and bares its fangs, pursuing Sarith next. He is able to anticipate it, however, and sidesteps with ease. A second ray from above fails to track its movement, freezing over the stone behind it.

    The two surrendered drow rush to Xalith's side and attempt to stop her bleeding, to no success.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Nilvae fails a death save.
    Sarith sneak attacks Giant Spider A for 15 damage, enough to finish it off.

    Drow Scout A tries to stabilize Xalith, but fails.
    Giant Spider B attacks Sarith, but misses.
    House-Mage Ulryn shoots another Ray of Frost at Giant Spider B, but misses.
    Arcane Archer A also fails to stabilize Xalith.

    Naval Battle

    As the ships circle one another around the stalled out pirate vessel, Faedryl silently shoves the elite warrior who'd just climbed up back overboard into the water with a satisfying holler, and a splash. Flailing hands try to claw their way up the wet hull, but fail to find purchase as it curves in the water. Her spell exacts its toll this time, causing Shoor to pale as he stands from the dying Ilvara, his hands now shaking with fear.

    Running to the harpoons, he steps through Faedryl's lingering flames in order to cut the harpoon line attaching their vessel to the Black Manta. Raising his sword, he points at the sailor manning the wheel, "Turn this ship around! We retreat!" a command his lover would no doubt flay him for... were she to survive.

    Pulling himself over the railing onto the remaining drow ship, Y's sawblade reappears in a glimmer of blue light and he launches it into the side of the remaining crossbowman this time. His face is a grim line this time, fully focused on the danger at hand.

    Sounds of fighting continue to clamor from inside the pirate ship's bunker, and one of the hexers manages to claw his way back onto the ship. The cursed men show no signs of forfeiting the fight, their souls already damned by fiendish ritual. One of them knocks the remaining deckhand out with another flaming morningstar strike.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Faedryl tele-bonks Elite B back overboard into the water. He takes 6 fish damage and 2 more Bleed.
    Faedryl hits Shoor with Toll the Dead and he fails his save this time, taking 20 damage. He's in rough shape.

    Shoor takes 8 damage from Create Bonfire as he moves through it to cut the harpoon line.
    Drow Elite A&B try to climb back onto the ship again, but both fail. They take 5 and 3 fish damage and 2 more Bleed each.
    Arcane Archer B fails to climb back onto the ship, taking 2 fish damage and 2 more Bleed.
    Hexer C gets up, but fails to hit Drow Arbalest.
    Hexer D climbs back onto the pirate ship.
    Hexer E hits Orc Deckhand A for 11 damage, a KO. Stool takes 6 splash damage, but holds Concentration.

    Y's sawblade returns to him, dealing 2 more Bleed to Elite B. Y climbs onto the drow ship and shoots Crossbowman B for 7 damage and a sawblade embed.


    After dropping Y off on the drow ship, Blurg sluggishly operates the Eel's controls, slithering it down towards the sunken ship.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Blurg pilots the Iron Eel down near the sinking ship, allowing those in the water to grab hold. ALADIN can also reach the Eel from where he is if he Dashes.

  5. - Top - End - #245
    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Autognome Artificer
    AC: 19 HP: 43/43
    PP: 15 PIv: 18 PIs: 13 Sanity: 10
    Ignoring the water, ALADIN continues to try to free the now rapidly drowning slaves, wanting to at least give them a chance to be free.
    Spoiler: OOC

    (1d20+8)[23] Tinkering once more?

    Orc Brute Fighter
    AC: 17 HP: 24/51
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11 Sanity: 10
    With support on the drow ship at long last, their boss dead, and the enemies thinned out and weakened, Ront looks over the edge of the ship, noting the fish, the minute amounts of blood, and the fall, before he focuses his attention on his target. He takes a moment to back up, getting a running start, and leaping across the narrowing distance to the Drow ship with a brutal roar that was definitely not a scream of terror as he triggers his vambrace to pull towards Dawnbringer. He judged well, getting pulled just over the edge of the ship, and continuing his motion, he rushes Shoor, letting his familiar Gauntlet lead the way as he slams his fist into the drow's gut with all the force he can muster, then trying to tighten his grip, and send the creature flying far away from him with brutal force.
    Spoiler: OOC

    Move: Moving?
    Attack Shoor?
    (1d20+9)[21] Punch him!
    (2d4+6)[12] Damage(Punching damage)
    If hit, bonus action grapple
    (1d20+8)[19] Athletics, (1d20)[9] Athletics or Acrobatics to escape. Or a corpse. Either way.
    Throw Shoor at the sailor manning the wheel.(If grapple succeeded)
    If not, this is actually a regular punch to Shoor.
    (1d20+9)[18] Toss
    (2d4+6)[12] Damage to both?

    Last edited by Archmage1; 2024-04-20 at 06:38 PM.
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  6. - Top - End - #246
    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    The Frozen Northlands

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Borthan Zuek
    Half-Drow Ranger
    AC: 17 HP:14/45
    22/29 MP
    0 Temp HP
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14 Sanity:12
    Concentrating on:
    0 of 5 d10 HD.
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/2 2nd

    When the Manta was close enough that a solid leap would carry him to the Orog pirate ship Borthan gave a rallying shout of "C'mon, you idjits! Let's rescue us some pirates!" before throwing himself across to the other ship. Uttering "PREY", his axe flashed as he attempted to cut down his foes.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Hexers are bad guys, right? Either way, get on the pirate ship and finish off the resistance. Hunter's mark. (1d20+8)[15] to hit for (1d8+5)[8] damage plus (1d6)[6] damage. (1d20+8)[25] to hit for (1d8+5)[9] to hurt, plus (1d6)[3].

    Prince Derendil
    Quaggoth Barbarian/Abjurer
    AC: 17 HP: 39/39
    34/34 MP
    10 Temp HP
    PP: 10 PIv: 12 PIs: 10 Sanity 10
    Conditions: Mage Armor (8 hrs), Arcane Ward (0hp/8hp)
    Concentrating on: Rage
    HD:0/1 D12, 1/4 D6
    Spell Slots- 3/3 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd

    Derendil follows Borthan, launching himself across and striking with his silver trident, aiming to mop up the boarders.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Attack with the trident- (1d20+6)[12] for (1d6+4)[8], plus a green flame blade to spread damage around- (1d8)[2] to the initial target and (1d8)[4]+2 to another, if available.
    The Bear is Back.

  7. - Top - End - #247
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Spoiler: OOC: Battlefield Info
    Will be trying a mapless approach for this one.
    Approximate ranges between areas are given. Those within a given area are all within movement range of one another unless they seek a specific position somewhere using greater movement speed. Characters may engage other characters in the same area in melee unless unable for some reason, entering threat range using their movement.

    Enemies taking cover will lose cover when engaged in melee by a creature, or by a threatening spell such as Create Bonfire or Flaming Sphere smoking them out.

    A ship without a manned navigation and/or propulsion is unable to move effectively. Siege attacks and spells used against a stationary ship hit/fail Dex saves automatically. Characters manning navigation can wield weapons or cast spells with one hand without leaving their position unmanned.

    We'll feel out more as we go.

    East Cliff: Creatures without a Climb speed treat the ground as Difficult Terrain / ~30 feet from Naval Battle, ~100 feet up / ~180 feet from West Cliff
    Sarith: Wither 3, Engaged by Spider B
    Nilvae: Dying, 2 Failed
    Mr. Spide: Banished
    Drow Agent Xalith: Dying, 1 Success
    Drow Crossbowman A: Dying, 1 Success, 2 Fail
    Giant Spider A: Dead
    Giant Spider B: Unharmed, Engaging Sarith
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn of Mizzrym: Unharmed, Concentrating on Fly, Surrendered
    Drow Scout A: Unharmed, Half Cover, Surrendered
    Drow Arcane Archer A: Scratched, Half Cover, Surrendered

    West Cliff: ~180 feet from Naval Battle, ~80 feet up / ~180 feet from East Cliff
    Galdar: Riding Charlotte
    Charlotte: Climbing on Cliffside
    Topsy: Damaged, Riding Charlotte
    Drow Scout B: Dead
    Drow Crossbowman B: Dead
    Giant Spider C: Dead
    Giant Spider D: Dead

    The Black Manta (Damaged): ~100 feet down, ~60 feet away from East Cliff / ~80 feet down, ~180 feet away from West Cliff / ~5 feet from Pirate Ship
    Faedryl: Concentrating on Create Bonfire under Drow Sailor B's Harpoon Gun
    Elara: Bloodied, Twilight Sanctuary (1d6+5)
    Turvy: Badly Wounded
    Kuo-toa Sailor A: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Sailor B: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor C: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor D: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor E: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Marauder B: Dead
    Dr. Donk: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Drow Venomancer A: Dying, 2 Failed, 1 Succeeded, Poisoned Weapon
    Drow Venomancer B: Dying, 1 Succeeded, 2 Failed, Poisoned Weapon
    Giant Spider F: Dead
    Drow Hexer A: Dead
    Drow Hexer B: Dead
    Mini Retriever A: Dead
    Mini Retriever B: Dead

    The Iron Eel (Undamaged): Underwater, alongside DSHS 2
    Blurg: Unharmed, Manning Steering

    Dark Pirates' Duergar Sloop (Undamaged): Stalled Out (no power to engines) / ~5 feet from Black Manta
    Borthan: Engaging Hexer E and Mini Retriever D
    Derendil: Engaging Hexer E and Mini Retriever D
    Stool: Scratched, Concentrating (Healing Spirit)
    Orog Wilder: Near Dead, Vision 5 ft. until Arcane Archer turn, manning Wheel, Engaged by Venomancer C
    Orc Deckhand A: Dying, Engaged by Hexer E, sharing space with Healing Spirit (heal 1d6 at turn start)
    Orc Deckhand B: Dead
    Orog Arbalest: Bloodied, Belowdecks, positioned in Bunker, Engaged by Hexer C
    Orog Stonehorn: Unharmed
    Drow Venomancer C: Dying, 2 Failed, 2 Bleed
    Drow Venomancer D: Dying, 2 Succeeded
    Drow Hexer C: Damaged, in Bunker, Engaging Orog Arbalest
    Drow Hexer D: Dead
    Drow Hexer E: Scratched, Engaging Orc Deckhand A, Borthan and Derendil
    Mini Retriever D: Unharmed, Engaging Borthan and Derendil

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 1 (Enchanted Hull, Damaged, Slowed (Siege attacks have Advantage)): Crow's Nest ~20 feet up
    Dawnbringer: Caught on a railing, Dawnbringer Shining (Disadvantage to Drow attacks on board)
    Kuo-toa Marauder A: Lightly Damaged, 2 Bleed, Belowdeck, Recklessly Attacked
    Y: Unharmed
    Jorlan (scarred male drow from Velkynvelve): Dying, 1 Failed
    Ilvara Mizzrym, Priestess-Commander of Velkynvelve: Dying, 1 Failure, 1 Success
    Shoor (Ilvara's lover): Dying
    Asha (Ilvara's junior priestess): Dying, 2 Succeeded, 2 Failed
    Drow Elite A: Damaged, 6 Bleed, in the water
    Drow Elite B: Damaged, 8 Bleed, in the water
    Drow Arcane Archer B: Near Death, 6 Bleed, in water
    Drow Wizard: Dead
    Drow Crossbowman C: Dying, 2 Success, 1 Fail, in Crow's Nest
    Drow Crossbowman D: Bloodied, Sawbladed
    Drow Sailor A: Unharmed, manning Wheel
    Drow Sailor B: Bloodied
    Drow Sailor C: Bloodied, 2 Bleed
    Drow Sailor D: Bloodied, 2 Bleed, in water
    Drow Sailor E: Bloodied, 4 Bleed, in water

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 2 (Rudderless, Sunken) Sunken
    ALADIN: Belowdeck, Sunken
    Drow Crossbowman E: Scratched, 2 Bleed, Sunken (removed from combat)
    Drow Crossbowman F: Scratched, 2 Bleed, Sunken (removed from combat)
    Drow Sailor F: Damaged, 2 Bleed, Grappled by Slave Mob A, Sunken (removed from combat)
    Drow Slave Mob A: Damaged, 2 Bleed, Grappling Drow Sailor F, Sunken (removed from combat)
    Drow Slave Mob B: Damaged, 2 Bleed, chained belowdeck, Sunken (removed from combat)

    Spoiler: Initiative

    With Timing, the naval battle will begin on round 2. Characters on the Manta can currently see the flanking battles, but the enemies above have 3/4 cover from the angle. Characters above have a vantage to fire on characters on the drow ships.

    Jorlan - n20

    Drow Agent Xalith (Legendary Action) - 23
    Ilvara (Legendary Action) - 22
    Drow Agent Xalith - 18

    Orog Arbalest - 17

    Ilvara Mizzrym, Velkynvelve Priestess-Commander - 16

    Orog Wilder - 15
    Orc Deckhands - 15
    Kuo-toa Marauders - 15
    Elara/Turvy - 14

    Drow Venomancers - 14
    Drow Crossbowmen - 14
    Drow Sailors - 14

    <inhale> Faedryl/Sarith/Nilvae/Spide/Donk/Galdar/Charlotte - 13

    Shoor - 12
    Drow Scouts - 12
    Giant Spiders - 12
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn (Legendary Action) - 11
    Drow Elites - 11

    Kuo-toa Sailors - 10

    Asha - 10
    Drow Arcane Archers - 9
    Drow Hexers & Mini Retrievers - 9

    The Iron Eel - 8
    Borthan/Derendil - 8

    Drow House-Mage Ulryn - 8

    ALADIN/Ront - 6
    Topsy - 6
    Orog Stonehorn - 5
    Stool - 4
    Drow Slave Mobs - 0

    Stool is up!

    Naval Battle

    A quick vault over the railings brings Borthan onto the pirate ship as the rowers stop beside it. No matter - the enemy ship seems to be retreating. With a mark guiding his hand, a pair of two axe strokes brings down one of the large, bare-chested drow hexers. The scarified tattoos across his back glow and erupt into another bloody, metal arachnid. Derendil follows him over, angling his trident at the last hexer on the deck, but the weapon is caught on their foe's morningstar and turned away.

    Leaping from the railing of the Black Manta, Ront activates the reeling function of his gauntlet. Much like the technique used by the drow boarders to leap onto their ship with their silk tethers, he hurls himself across the water. Landing firmly on the deck and letting the chain go slack again, he rushes the feebly standing Shoor. In spite of fading consciousness, the drow twists and parries the first gut punch with his gleaming shortsword, squinting against the glare of sunlight ringing Ront's looming eclipse.

    The backhand that follows he doesn't have strength left to resist, and it sends him sprawling to the ground.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Borthan hops onto the pirate ship and marks Hexer D. First hit deals 14 damage and the second deals 12, enough to finish him off. Mini Retriever D bursts from the corpse. Hunter's Mark is reassignable with a bonus action.
    Derendil hops onto the pirate ship and barely misses Hexer E.
    Ront successfully leaps to Ilvara's ship.
    Ront's first swing is deflected by a Parry reaction, but he can't deflect the second which KO's him.


    Persistently, ALADIN works at the look upon the wall and is able to pull it loose with his multitool. The chained slaves begin trying to claw their way up from the sinking ship, even as the fish that flooded in with them gnaw at flesh and leave trails of red in the water.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    ALADIN frees Slave Mob B.

  8. - Top - End - #248
    Titan in the Playground
    Spore's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Myconid Druid
    AC: 15 (bucket armor) HP: 38/44 MP: ??/??
    PP: 16 PIv: 9 PIs: 13 San: 12
    Conditions: -
    Concentration: Healing Spirit

    Stool hums a song that echoes throughout the cave. The water ripples in tune, shaking up a mighty Tidal Wave crashing through as many enemies as possible on its way to the slave hunter ship. Oddly enough a second voice picks up Stool's soothing song that heals his allies around.

    Sending Tidal Wave (Dex save (4d8)[22] blunt damage) vs Dex 14 save or be knocked prone. I am aiming to hit as many standing enemy drow as possible. If I can get one or two on my side, all the better. The spell does have 120 ft range and is a 10 ft (10 ft height) line of 30 ft. It feels like the crowd control version of lightning bolt.

  9. - Top - End - #249
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Spoiler: OOC: Battlefield Info
    Will be trying a mapless approach for this one.
    Approximate ranges between areas are given. Those within a given area are all within movement range of one another unless they seek a specific position somewhere using greater movement speed. Characters may engage other characters in the same area in melee unless unable for some reason, entering threat range using their movement.

    Enemies taking cover will lose cover when engaged in melee by a creature, or by a threatening spell such as Create Bonfire or Flaming Sphere smoking them out.

    A ship without a manned navigation and/or propulsion is unable to move effectively. Siege attacks and spells used against a stationary ship hit/fail Dex saves automatically. Characters manning navigation can wield weapons or cast spells with one hand without leaving their position unmanned.

    We'll feel out more as we go.

    East Cliff: Creatures without a Climb speed treat the ground as Difficult Terrain / ~30 feet from Naval Battle, ~100 feet up / ~180 feet from West Cliff
    Sarith: Wither 3, Engaged by Spider B
    Nilvae: Dying, 2 Failed
    Mr. Spide: Banished
    Drow Agent Xalith: Dying, 2 Success
    Drow Crossbowman A: Dying, 2 Success, 2 Fail
    Giant Spider A: Dead
    Giant Spider B: Unharmed, Engaging Sarith
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn of Mizzrym: Unharmed, Concentrating on Fly, Surrendered
    Drow Scout A: Unharmed, Half Cover, Surrendered
    Drow Arcane Archer A: Scratched, Half Cover, Surrendered

    West Cliff: ~180 feet from Naval Battle, ~80 feet up / ~180 feet from East Cliff
    Galdar: Riding Charlotte
    Charlotte: Climbing on Cliffside
    Topsy: Damaged, Riding Charlotte
    Drow Scout B: Dead
    Drow Crossbowman B: Dead
    Giant Spider C: Dead
    Giant Spider D: Dead

    The Black Manta (Damaged): ~100 feet down, ~60 feet away from East Cliff / ~80 feet down, ~180 feet away from West Cliff / ~5 feet from Pirate Ship
    Faedryl: Concentrating on Create Bonfire under Drow Sailor B's Harpoon Gun
    Elara: Bloodied, Twilight Sanctuary (1d6+5)
    Turvy: Badly Wounded
    Kuo-toa Sailor A: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Sailor B: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor C: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor D: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor E: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Marauder B: Dead
    Dr. Donk: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Drow Venomancer A: Dying, 2 Failed, 2 Succeeded, Poisoned Weapon
    Drow Venomancer B: Dead, Poisoned Weapon
    Giant Spider F: Dead
    Drow Hexer A: Dead
    Drow Hexer B: Dead
    Mini Retriever A: Dead
    Mini Retriever B: Dead

    The Iron Eel (Undamaged): Underwater, alongside DSHS 2
    Blurg: Unharmed, Manning Steering
    Drow Crossbowman E: Damaged, 2 Bleed, Sunken
    Drow Crossbowman F: Damaged, 2 Bleed, Sunken
    Drow Sailor F: Dead, Sunken
    Drow Slave Mob A: Bloodied, 4 Bleed, Sunken

    Dark Pirates' Duergar Sloop (Undamaged): Stalled Out (no power to engines) / ~5 feet from Black Manta
    Borthan: Engaging Hexer E and Mini Retriever D
    Derendil: Engaging Hexer E and Mini Retriever D
    Stool: Scratched, Concentrating (Healing Spirit)
    Orog Wilder: Near Dead, Engaged by Hexer E and Mini Retriever D
    Orc Deckhand A: Nearly Dead, Engaged by Hexer E and Mini Retreiver D, sharing space with Healing Spirit (heal 1d6 at turn start)
    Orc Deckhand B: Dead
    Orog Arbalest: Bloodied, Belowdecks, positioned in Bunker, Engaged by Hexer C
    Orog Stonehorn: Unharmed
    Drow Venomancer C: Dead
    Drow Venomancer D: Unconscious, Stable
    Drow Hexer C: Damaged, in Bunker, Engaging Orog Arbalest, Prone
    Drow Hexer D: Dead
    Drow Hexer E: Scratched, Engaging Orc Deckhand A, Borthan and Derendil and Orog Wilder
    Mini Retriever D: Unharmed, Engaging Orc Deckhand A, Borthan and Derendil and Orog Wilder

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 1 (Enchanted Hull, Damaged, Slowed (Siege attacks have Advantage)): Crow's Nest ~20 feet up
    Dawnbringer: Caught on a railing, Dawnbringer Shining (Disadvantage to Drow attacks on board)
    Kuo-toa Marauder A: Lightly Damaged, 2 Bleed, Belowdeck, Recklessly Attacked
    Y: Unharmed
    Jorlan (scarred male drow from Velkynvelve): Dying, 1 Succeeded, 1 Failed
    Ilvara Mizzrym, Priestess-Commander of Velkynvelve: Dying, 2 Failure, 1 Success
    Shoor (Ilvara's lover): Dying
    Asha (Ilvara's junior priestess): Dying, 2 Succeeded, 2 Failed
    Drow Elite A: Damaged, 6 Bleed, in the water
    Drow Elite B: Damaged, 8 Bleed, in the water
    Drow Arcane Archer B: Near Death, 6 Bleed, in water
    Drow Wizard: Dead
    Drow Crossbowman C: Dying, 2 Success, 2 Fail, in Crow's Nest
    Drow Crossbowman D: Dying, 1 Success, Sawbladed
    Drow Sailor B: Dying, 1 Fail
    Drow Sailor C: Dying, 2 Bleed, 1 Fail, 1 Success
    Drow Sailor D: Dead
    Drow Sailor A: Damaged
    Drow Sailor E: Near Dead, 4 Bleed

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 2 (Rudderless, Sunken) Sunken
    ALADIN: Belowdeck, Sunken
    Drow Slave Mob B: Bloodied, 4 Bleed, Sunken

    Spoiler: Initiative

    With Timing, the naval battle will begin on round 2. Characters on the Manta can currently see the flanking battles, but the enemies above have 3/4 cover from the angle. Characters above have a vantage to fire on characters on the drow ships.

    Jorlan - n20

    Drow Agent Xalith (Legendary Action) - 23
    Ilvara (Legendary Action) - 22
    Drow Agent Xalith - 18

    Orog Arbalest - 17

    Ilvara Mizzrym, Velkynvelve Priestess-Commander - 16

    Orog Wilder - 15
    Orc Deckhands - 15
    Kuo-toa Marauders - 15
    Elara/Turvy - 14

    Drow Venomancers - 14
    Drow Crossbowmen - 14
    Drow Sailors - 14

    <inhale> Faedryl/Sarith/Nilvae/Spide/Donk/Galdar/Charlotte - 13

    Shoor - 12
    Drow Scouts - 12
    Giant Spiders - 12
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn (Legendary Action) - 11
    Drow Elites - 11

    Kuo-toa Sailors - 10

    Asha - 10
    Drow Arcane Archers - 9
    Drow Hexers & Mini Retrievers - 9

    The Iron Eel - 8
    Borthan/Derendil - 8

    Drow House-Mage Ulryn - 8

    ALADIN/Ront - 6
    Topsy - 6
    Orog Stonehorn - 5
    Stool - 4
    Drow Slave Mobs - 0

    Nilvae and Amnestic gang is up!

    East Cliffs

    One spider remains menacing Sarith, while the surrendered drow attempt to stabilize their mage's fallen woman. Nilvae lay bleeding out.

    Spoiler: Combat Logs
    Nothing happened with the NPCs, just a brief recap.

    Spoiler: Nilvae
    Everything is dark, a half-conscious mess of incomplete thoughts fizzling through her dying brain as it loses its grasp on her soul. Whatever awaits she and Spide should their souls become untethered and fall through him into Lolth's abyss, she is teetering on the edge.

    A golden light cracks through the mess of nonsense inputs, something reaching out and touching her soul. She can hear the sound of church bells, bringing to mind the old country chapels from back home on the surface. Perhaps bitterer memories than one would hope.

    In the ringing of the chimes she hears a voice. Soft and deep, feminine and masculine at the same time, like two voices speaking over one another. "Nilvae. Thank the heavens I reached you in time. My name is Rahaniel, a Celestial spirit. There is something important you must do."

    A silhouette of light stretches through the gap, the shape of an arm - and a hand. "Let me help you." A soft whisper intones under the voice in a language recognize. Celestial incantations, maybe? "Take my hand and I can keep you from death's door."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Nilvae may choose to take the hand and Stabilize, or roll her death save on her own.

    Naval Battle

    Conjuring up a torrent of water, Stool sends it crashing into the slaver ship as it attempts to maneuver and turn around. The stream of water bowls over two of the sailors, and dashes one of the ones in the water against the hull, before reaching its end with a watery fist into the gut of the last crossbowman. He too, goes sprawling onto the deck. Their kuo-toa marauder leaps onto the deck one last time to join Ront on the frontlines. He rushes the last sailor standing at the wheel and delivers a glancing cut to the side with his pike.

    The singing spores lingering above the dying orc deckhand's head cause him to gasp to life and cough on them as he struggles to get up to his feet, swinging his weapon blindly in half-conscious delirium and hitting nothing. Their interim captain staggers back into the fray, trying to catch the not so miniature arachnid with his deadly hands, to no avail. Two cantrips from the Manta's deck assail the Hexer menacing them, weakening him with withering and frost.

    One of the drow sailors in the water claws their way back up onto the remaining drow ship and gasps, spitting up liquid. "I surrender!" he shouts throwing away his weapons as he lay on the deck attempting to catch his breath. By the looks of him, he will soon bleed out on his own either way. The freshly wounded drow at the wheel looks between Ront and the kuo-toa menacing him and throws down his own weapons as well, getting on his knees.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Stool's Tidal Wave smashes Drow Sailors B and C, and takes out D in the water, who sinks below the waves. It also knocks out Crossbowman D.
    Stool's Healing Spirit heals Orc Deckhand A for 6, getting him back up.

    In the bunker, Orog Arbalest Shoves Hexer C Prone and hits for 6 damage.
    Orog Wilder attempts to hit Mini Retriever D with a Dissipating Touch, but misses.
    Orc Deckhand A stands up and misses Hexer E twice with an axe swing and an unarmed strike.
    Kuo-toa Marauder B climbs onto the drow ship deck and recklessly attacks Drow Sailor A for 4 damage.
    Elara casts Toll the Dead on Hexer E for 9 damage.
    Turvy casts Ray of Frost on Hexer E for 4 damage.

    Drow Sailor A surrenders.
    Drow Sailor E climbs back up and surrenders.


    Clamboring up the sunken stairs as quickly as they can, the slaves are forced to drag some of their own who fall unconscious from loss of blood. As the rest of the sinking crew realize a lifeboat has arrived, they begin to make their way across the deck to it - those who still live.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Slave Mob A takes 3 fish damage and 2 more Bleed, as they climb into the Iron Eel. They attempt to stop their bleeding, but fail.
    Slave Mob B climbs onto the sinking deck, and takes 6 fish damage and 2 more Bleed. They Dash to get closer to the Eel.

    Drow Crossbowman E takes 1 fish damage and 2 more Bleed, F takes 4 more fish damage and 2 more Bleed. They climb onto the Eel and use their actions to reduce their bleeding.

  10. - Top - End - #250
    Titan in the Playground
    Spore's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Nilvae and Mr Spide
    Half-Elf Witch | Sentient Spider Cleric
    AC: 13 HP: 0/32 MP: 40/45 | AC: 14 HP: 37/37 MP: 34/34
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 14 San: 13 (+1) | PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 10 San 14
    Spell Slots, 3rd: 0/2 |
    Conditions: dying (2 failed, 1 success)

    Gritting her imaginary teeth, the half elf slaps away the "hand" and tries to rise on her own. I am about DONE with commands right now. First Puck, now you. Yes, I perfectly understand you are my handler. Yes I get that Spide is damned to Lolth's Abyss if we do not survive. But if you are truly divine, if you are good and benevolent, you will help me before needing further proof of my loyalty. Because everything else is extortion befitting the Nine Hells but not Mount Celestia.

    Exhausted she instead turns herself on her back and lays there for a brief moment. Would you extend your hand before I agree to do anything? At least this once?

    Last edited by Spore; 2024-04-24 at 06:54 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #251
    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Castle Sparrowcellar

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Faedryl Melad
    Drow Hexblade/Evoker
    AC: 17 HP: 16/34 MP: 14/31
    PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 13
    Conditions: Exhaustion (1), 4 exp hit dice, THP: 10
    Concentrating: Create Bonfire
    Arcane Recovery: 0/2. Hexblade Curse: Exp.
    Slots:- Pact: 0/1 1st: 1/4 2nd: 0/3

    So much death, and more was yet to come. She targets one of those engaged with Borthan and Derendil, tolling yet another bell that heralded so much death.
    Spoiler: Actions

    Move: None
    Bonus Action: If anyone's still near the ship's edge, push/pull them off. If not, try to shove someone into a wall? (1d20)[18]+mods vs DC16 Str save.
    Action: Toll the Dead Hexer E (1d20)[15]+mods DC16 Wis Save or (2d12)[11] necrotic.

    Anything ending its turn in Create Bonfire's square takes (2d8)[11] fire damage on a failed DC16 Dexsave.

    Sarith Kzerkarit
    Drow Fighter/Phantom Rogue
    AC: 16 HP: 23/40 MP: 22/22
    PP: 16 PIv: 11 PIs: 10
    Conditions: 0/8 THP
    Whispers: 0/3 (PB/LR)

    Sarith leaves his longbow in one hand, swiftly drawing his shortsword and stabbing up into the spider's underbelly.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Move: None
    Bonus Action: Steady Aim.
    Action: Shortsword Stab
    Damage: (1d6+5)[9]+(2d6)[6][3](9) (+1 min/max). Total: 19

    Last edited by Amnestic; 2024-04-28 at 11:03 AM.
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  12. - Top - End - #252
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Spoiler: OOC: Battlefield Info
    Will be trying a mapless approach for this one.
    Approximate ranges between areas are given. Those within a given area are all within movement range of one another unless they seek a specific position somewhere using greater movement speed. Characters may engage other characters in the same area in melee unless unable for some reason, entering threat range using their movement.

    Enemies taking cover will lose cover when engaged in melee by a creature, or by a threatening spell such as Create Bonfire or Flaming Sphere smoking them out.

    A ship without a manned navigation and/or propulsion is unable to move effectively. Siege attacks and spells used against a stationary ship hit/fail Dex saves automatically. Characters manning navigation can wield weapons or cast spells with one hand without leaving their position unmanned.

    We'll feel out more as we go.

    East Cliff: Creatures without a Climb speed treat the ground as Difficult Terrain / ~30 feet from Naval Battle, ~100 feet up / ~180 feet from West Cliff
    Sarith: Wither 3, Engaged by Spider B
    Nilvae: Dying, 2 Failed
    Mr. Spide: Banished
    Drow Agent Xalith: Unconscious, Stable
    Drow Crossbowman A: Dying, 2 Success, 2 Fail
    Giant Spider A: Dead
    Giant Spider B: Near Death, Engaging Sarith
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn of Mizzrym: Unharmed, Concentrating on Fly, Surrendered
    Drow Scout A: Unharmed, Half Cover, Surrendered
    Drow Arcane Archer A: Scratched, Half Cover, Surrendered

    West Cliff: ~180 feet from Naval Battle, ~80 feet up / ~180 feet from East Cliff
    Galdar: Riding Charlotte
    Charlotte: Climbing on Cliffside
    Topsy: Damaged, Riding Charlotte
    Drow Scout B: Dead
    Drow Crossbowman B: Dead
    Giant Spider C: Dead
    Giant Spider D: Dead

    The Black Manta (Damaged): ~100 feet down, ~60 feet away from East Cliff / ~80 feet down, ~180 feet away from West Cliff / ~5 feet from Pirate Ship
    Faedryl: Concentrating on Create Bonfire under Drow Sailor B's Harpoon Gun
    Elara: Bloodied, Twilight Sanctuary (1d6+5)
    Turvy: Badly Wounded
    Kuo-toa Sailor A: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Sailor B: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor C: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor D: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor E: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Marauder B: Dead
    Dr. Donk: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Drow Venomancer A: Dying, 2 Failed, 2 Succeeded, Poisoned Weapon
    Drow Venomancer B: Dead, Poisoned Weapon
    Giant Spider F: Dead
    Drow Hexer A: Dead
    Drow Hexer B: Dead
    Mini Retriever A: Dead
    Mini Retriever B: Dead

    The Iron Eel (Undamaged): Underwater, alongside DSHS 2
    Blurg: Unharmed, Manning Steering
    Drow Crossbowman E: Damaged, 2 Bleed, Sunken
    Drow Crossbowman F: Damaged, 2 Bleed, Sunken
    Drow Sailor F: Dead, Sunken
    Drow Slave Mob A: Bloodied, 4 Bleed, Sunken

    Dark Pirates' Duergar Sloop (Undamaged): Stalled Out (no power to engines) / ~5 feet from Black Manta
    Borthan: Engaging Hexer E and Mini Retriever D
    Derendil: Engaging Hexer E and Mini Retriever D
    Stool: Scratched, Concentrating (Healing Spirit)
    Orog Wilder: Near Dead, Engaged by Hexer E and Mini Retriever D
    Orc Deckhand A: Nearly Dead, Engaged by Hexer E and Mini Retreiver D, sharing space with Healing Spirit (heal 1d6 at turn start)
    Orc Deckhand B: Dead
    Orog Arbalest: Bloodied, Belowdecks, positioned in Bunker, Engaged by Hexer C
    Orog Stonehorn: Unharmed
    Drow Venomancer C: Dead
    Drow Venomancer D: Unconscious, Stable
    Drow Hexer C: Damaged, in Bunker, Engaging Orog Arbalest, Prone
    Drow Hexer D: Dead
    Drow Hexer E: Bloodied, Engaging Orc Deckhand A, Borthan and Derendil and Orog Wilder
    Mini Retriever D: Unharmed, Engaging Orc Deckhand A, Borthan and Derendil and Orog Wilder

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 1 (Enchanted Hull, Damaged, Slowed (Siege attacks have Advantage)): Crow's Nest ~20 feet up
    Dawnbringer: Caught on a railing, Dawnbringer Shining (Disadvantage to Drow attacks on board)
    Kuo-toa Marauder A: Lightly Damaged, 2 Bleed, Belowdeck, Recklessly Attacked
    Y: Unharmed
    Jorlan (scarred male drow from Velkynvelve): Dying, 1 Succeeded, 1 Failed
    Ilvara Mizzrym, Priestess-Commander of Velkynvelve: Dying, 2 Failure, 1 Success
    Shoor (Ilvara's lover): Dying, 1 Failed
    Asha (Ilvara's junior priestess): Dead
    Drow Elite A: Damaged, 8 Bleed, in the water
    Drow Elite B: Bloodied, 8 Bleed
    Drow Arcane Archer B: Dead, Sunken
    Drow Wizard: Dead
    Drow Crossbowman C: Dying, 2 Success, 2 Fail, in Crow's Nest
    Drow Crossbowman D: Dying, 1 Success, 2 Bleed
    Drow Sailor B: Dying, 1 Fail
    Drow Sailor C: Dying, 2 Bleed, 1 Fail, 1 Success
    Drow Sailor D: Dead
    Drow Sailor A: Damaged
    Drow Sailor E: Near Dead, 4 Bleed

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 2 (Rudderless, Sunken) Sunken
    ALADIN: Belowdeck, Sunken
    Drow Slave Mob B: Bloodied, 4 Bleed, Sunken

    Spoiler: Initiative

    With Timing, the naval battle will begin on round 2. Characters on the Manta can currently see the flanking battles, but the enemies above have 3/4 cover from the angle. Characters above have a vantage to fire on characters on the drow ships.

    Jorlan - n20

    Drow Agent Xalith (Legendary Action) - 23
    Ilvara (Legendary Action) - 22
    Drow Agent Xalith - 18

    Orog Arbalest - 17

    Ilvara Mizzrym, Velkynvelve Priestess-Commander - 16

    Orog Wilder - 15
    Orc Deckhands - 15
    Kuo-toa Marauders - 15
    Elara/Turvy - 14

    Drow Venomancers - 14
    Drow Crossbowmen - 14
    Drow Sailors - 14

    <inhale> Faedryl/Sarith/Nilvae/Spide/Donk/Galdar/Charlotte - 13

    Shoor - 12
    Drow Scouts - 12
    Giant Spiders - 12
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn (Legendary Action) - 11
    Drow Elites - 11

    Kuo-toa Sailors - 10

    Asha - 10
    Drow Arcane Archers - 9
    Drow Hexers & Mini Retrievers - 9

    The Iron Eel - 8
    Borthan/Derendil - 8

    Drow House-Mage Ulryn - 8

    ALADIN/Ront - 6
    Topsy - 6
    Orog Stonehorn - 5
    Stool - 4
    Drow Slave Mobs - 0

    Bort/Derry, Ront/ALADIN, and Stool are up!

    East Cliffs

    With a swift, precise motion, Sarith draws his blade and thrusts it up into the spider's belly. It pierces through and punctures the top of the abdomen. A grievous wound, but the creature has not perished yet, struggling with what strength remains. Its fangs sink into his shoulder, and the searing venom is nearly enough to bring him down. An icy blue-white ray strikes the spider's side, leaving a trail of frost.

    Spoiler: Combat Logs
    Sarith Sneak Attacks Giant Spider B for 19 damage, Bloodying it and nearly taking it down.

    Giant Spider B bites Sarith for 11 damage, and 7 poison damage after a successful save for half.

    House-Mage Urlyn's legendary action is used to cast Ray of Frost, dealing 3 damage to Giant Spider B.
    Arcane Archer A stabilizes the Drow Agent.

    Spoiler: Nilvae
    The hand hovers above. There is a pause before the voice answers. Nilvae can feel her attachments to this mortal coil holding firm for now, but they remain dangerously frayed. "The hand has been extended..." the voice answers calmly. "I cannot grasp it for you. That choice is your own."

    Naval Battle

    Faedryl attempts to yank the burly drow engaging Borthan and Derendil from the ship, but he proves too firm in his stance. The tolling of her spell proves more effective, discolored veins spreading out from his wounds and sapping his strength, leaving him wobbly. Rearing back, he swings in an uppercut at Borthan, who easily sidesteps the flagging slave-warrior.

    The metallic arachnid is more successful, sinking its bladed legs into Derendil's lower leg.

    On Ilvara's ship, one of the drow soldiers flops onto the deck and scrambles to his feet, throwing a dagger at Ront. A swift shift in stance deflects the weapon off of Ront's vambrace. Two other drow are not so lucky, one slipping back down and the other succumbing to his bleeding wounds, pulled down by hungry eels coming in for an opportune snack. Two beams of purple light streak past the elite warrior, who weaves between them.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Faedryl's pull is resisted, but Hexer E takes 11 damage from Toll the Dead and is Bloodied.

    Drow Elite A fails climbing and takes another 1 fish damage and 2 Bleed for remaining in the water.
    Drow Elite B is now Bloodied by Bleed. He throws a dagger at Ront since he's too slow to get in range after standing, but misses.
    Hexer C misses Drow Arbalest in the bunker.
    Hexer E takes a swing at Borthan, but misses.
    Mini Retriever D stabs Derendil for 7 damage.

    Y shoots a pair of Eldritch Blasts at Drow Elite B, but both miss.


    The Eel holds its position, angling for a surge to the surface once the last of those fleeing the sunken ship get aboard.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Iron Eel Readies an action to surface at round end.

  13. - Top - End - #253
    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Orc Brute Fighter
    AC: 17 HP: 24/51
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11 Sanity: 10
    With the dagger bouncing from his armor, Ront's response is to charge the thrower, the chain from his vambrace trailing behind him as he sends a good, strong roundhouse punch for the drow before attempting to grab him by his chest and hurl him into the water, slamming him into his swimming friend.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Move: Go to drow.
    Attack: Punch!
    (1d20+9)[10] Attack!
    (2d4+6)[10] Damage

    Bonus action: Grapple!
    (1d20+8)[9] Athletics vs Athletics OR Acrobatics

    Attack 2: The drowtoss(tm): (1d20+8)[27] Attack!
    (2d4+5)[8] Bump damage to both?
    (Or, if the grapple fails, just add 1 to both the above rolls and it is a punch instead.)

    Autognome Artificer
    AC: 19 HP: 40/43
    PP: 15 PIv: 18 PIs: 13 Sanity: 10
    With the slaves freed, the ship sinking, and the outcome of the battle on the surface unknown, ALADIN makes for the Iron Eel to get aboard so he can find out what has been happening on the surface.
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  14. - Top - End - #254
    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    The Frozen Northlands

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Borthan Zuek
    Half-Drow Ranger
    AC: 17 HP:14/45
    22/29 MP
    0 Temp HP
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14 Sanity:12
    Concentrating on:
    0 of 5 d10 HD.
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/2 2nd

    Borthan sneers at the slave's telegraphed punch, pushing the punch away with disgust. "Sorry bout yer luck, friend." Then he put the slave warrior down. There was a practicality to it that he didn't enjoy, but done is done. When freed of the altercation, he ran to help his allies finish their own foes.

    Prince Derendil
    Quaggoth Barbarian/Abjurer
    AC: 17 HP: 39/39
    34/34 MP
    3 Temp HP
    PP: 10 PIv: 12 PIs: 10 Sanity 10
    Conditions: Mage Armor (8 hrs), Arcane Ward (0hp/8hp)
    Concentrating on: Rage
    HD:0/1 D12, 1/4 D6
    Spell Slots- 3/3 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd

    Derendil focused on destroying the retriever, then searched for more foes, ready to kill anyone who got in their way.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Borthan attacks. He will focus the slave, then the retriever, then the one fighting the orog arbalest. Clean up duty. Attack one- (1d20+8)[23] to hit for (1d8+5)[9]. Attack two- (1d20+8)[16] to hit for (1d8+5)[13] Attack 3 with the scourge- (1d20+8)[17] to hit for (1d4+5)[9].

    Derendil attacks with booming blade, then seeks other foes if his falls. 25 to hit,, 9 weapon damage, 3 booming blade, and 11 more if the bad guy moves, all rolled in discord.
    Last edited by purepolarpanzer; 2024-05-17 at 11:42 AM.
    The Bear is Back.

  15. - Top - End - #255
    Titan in the Playground
    Spore's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Myconid Druid
    AC: 15 (bucket armor) HP: 38/44 MP: ??/??
    PP: 16 PIv: 9 PIs: 13 San: 12
    Conditions: -
    Concentration: Healing Spirit

    Stool knows they would win a stalemate due to the magic healing it provides. But the fight continued and the myconid would want to slowly bring back the tempo of the fight towards them. A slow hum freezes the air around it and a fast swarm of spores envelops the hexer

    Chill touch on Hexer: (1d20+7)[17] or take (2d8)[8] necrotic damage and unable to heal.

    continue to heal via healing spirit

  16. - Top - End - #256
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Spoiler: OOC: Battlefield Info
    Will be trying a mapless approach for this one.
    Approximate ranges between areas are given. Those within a given area are all within movement range of one another unless they seek a specific position somewhere using greater movement speed. Characters may engage other characters in the same area in melee unless unable for some reason, entering threat range using their movement.

    Enemies taking cover will lose cover when engaged in melee by a creature, or by a threatening spell such as Create Bonfire or Flaming Sphere smoking them out.

    A ship without a manned navigation and/or propulsion is unable to move effectively. Siege attacks and spells used against a stationary ship hit/fail Dex saves automatically. Characters manning navigation can wield weapons or cast spells with one hand without leaving their position unmanned.

    We'll feel out more as we go.

    East Cliff: Creatures without a Climb speed treat the ground as Difficult Terrain / ~30 feet from Naval Battle, ~100 feet up / ~180 feet from West Cliff
    Sarith: Wither 3, Engaged by Spider B
    Nilvae: Dying, 2 Failed
    Mr. Spide: Banished
    Drow Agent Xalith: Unconscious, Stable
    Drow Crossbowman A: Dying, 2 Success, 2 Fail
    Giant Spider A: Dead
    Giant Spider B: Near Death, Engaging Sarith
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn of Mizzrym: Unharmed, Concentrating on Fly, Surrendered
    Drow Scout A: Unharmed, Half Cover, Surrendered
    Drow Arcane Archer A: Scratched, Half Cover, Surrendered

    West Cliff: ~180 feet from Naval Battle, ~80 feet up / ~180 feet from East Cliff
    Galdar: Riding Charlotte
    Charlotte: Climbing on Cliffside
    Topsy: Damaged, Riding Charlotte
    Drow Scout B: Dead
    Drow Crossbowman B: Dead
    Giant Spider C: Dead
    Giant Spider D: Dead

    The Black Manta (Damaged): ~100 feet down, ~60 feet away from East Cliff / ~80 feet down, ~180 feet away from West Cliff / ~5 feet from Pirate Ship and Iron Eel
    Faedryl: Concentrating on Create Bonfire under Drow Sailor B's Harpoon Gun
    Elara: Bloodied, Twilight Sanctuary (1d6+5)
    Turvy: Badly Wounded
    Kuo-toa Sailor A: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Sailor B: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor C: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor D: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor E: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Marauder B: Dead
    Dr. Donk: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Drow Venomancer A: Dead, Poisoned Weapon
    Drow Venomancer B: Dead, Poisoned Weapon
    Giant Spider F: Dead
    Drow Hexer A: Dead
    Drow Hexer B: Dead
    Mini Retriever A: Dead
    Mini Retriever B: Dead

    The Iron Eel (Undamaged): Surfaced, ~5 feet from Black Manta
    Blurg: Unharmed, Manning Steering
    Drow Sailor F: Dead
    Drow Slave Mob A: Dying, 6 Bleed
    Drow Slave Mob B: Dying, 6 Bleed
    Drow Crossbowman E: Damaged, 2 Bleed
    Drow Crossbowman F: Damaged, 2 Bleed

    Dark Pirates' Duergar Sloop (Undamaged): Stalled Out (no power to engines) / ~5 feet from Black Manta
    Borthan: In Bunker, Engaging Hexer C
    Derendil: Engaging Mini Retriever D and E
    Stool: At Bunker Hatch, Scratched, Concentrating (Healing Spirit)
    Orog Wilder: Near Dead, Engaged by Mini Retriever D and E
    Orc Deckhand A: Nearly Dead, Engaged by Mini Retreiver D and E, sharing space with Healing Spirit (heal 1d6 at turn start)
    Orc Deckhand B: Dead
    Orog Arbalest: Bloodied, Belowdecks, positioned in Bunker, Engaged by Hexer C
    Orog Stonehorn: Unharmed
    Drow Venomancer C: Dead
    Drow Venomancer D: Unconscious, Stable
    Drow Hexer C: Bloodied, in Bunker, Engaging Orog Arbalest and Borthan, Prone
    Drow Hexer D: Dead
    Drow Hexer E: Dead
    Mini Retriever D: Dead
    Mini Retriever E: Bloodied, Engaging Orc Deckhand A, Derendil and Orog Wilder

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 1 (Enchanted Hull, Damaged, Slowed (Siege attacks have Advantage)): Crow's Nest ~20 feet up
    Dawnbringer: Caught on a railing, Dawnbringer Shining (Disadvantage to Drow attacks on board)
    Kuo-toa Marauder A: Bloodied, 2 Bleed, Recklessly Attacked
    Y: Unharmed
    Jorlan (scarred male drow from Velkynvelve): Dying, 2 Succeeded, 1 Failed
    Ilvara Mizzrym, Priestess-Commander of Velkynvelve: Dying, 2 Failure, 2 Success
    Shoor (Ilvara's lover): Dying, 1 Failed
    Asha (Ilvara's junior priestess): Dead
    Drow Elite A: Damaged, 8 Bleed, in the water
    Drow Elite B: Badly Wounded, 8 Bleed
    Drow Arcane Archer B: Dead, Sunken
    Drow Wizard: Dead
    Drow Sailor B: Dying, 1 Fail, 1 Success
    Drow Sailor C: Dying, 2 Bleed, 2 Fail, 2 Success
    Drow Sailor D: Dead
    Drow Sailor A: Damaged
    Drow Sailor E: Dying, 4 Bleed
    Drow Crossbowman C: Nearly Dead, in Crow's Nest
    Drow Crossbowman D: Nearly Dead, 2 Bleed

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 2 (Rudderless, Sunken) Sunken

    Spoiler: Initiative

    With Timing, the naval battle will begin on round 2. Characters on the Manta can currently see the flanking battles, but the enemies above have 3/4 cover from the angle. Characters above have a vantage to fire on characters on the drow ships.

    Jorlan - n20

    Drow Agent Xalith (Legendary Action) - 23
    Ilvara (Legendary Action) - 22
    Drow Agent Xalith - 18

    Orog Arbalest - 17

    Ilvara Mizzrym, Velkynvelve Priestess-Commander - 16

    Orog Wilder - 15
    Orc Deckhands - 15
    Kuo-toa Marauders - 15
    Elara/Turvy - 14

    Drow Venomancers - 14
    Drow Crossbowmen - 14
    Drow Sailors - 14

    <inhale> Faedryl/Sarith/Nilvae/Spide/Donk/Galdar/Charlotte - 13

    Shoor - 12
    Drow Scouts - 12
    Giant Spiders - 12
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn (Legendary Action) - 11
    Drow Elites - 11

    Kuo-toa Sailors - 10

    Asha - 10
    Drow Arcane Archers - 9
    Drow Hexers & Mini Retrievers - 9

    The Iron Eel - 8
    Borthan/Derendil - 8

    Drow House-Mage Ulryn - 8

    ALADIN/Ront - 6
    Topsy - 6
    Orog Stonehorn - 5
    Stool - 4
    Drow Slave Mobs - 0

    Faedryl, Sarith and Nilvae are up!

    East Cliffs

    The near-dead spider continues to aggress Sarith with its dying breath.

    Spoiler: Combat Logs
    However, he has his turn first.

    Naval Battle

    With two hacks of his axe, Borthan brings down the last hexer on the deck. A new metal spider blossoms bloodily from the remains, blades gnashing. The tiny creatures do not seem as threatening, and he slips easily past their stabbing limbs. Grabbing the loop of the trapdoor at the ship's fore with his foot, he kicks it open and jumps down into the cramped bunker below.

    Another of the collared, abyss-cursed drow is locked in battle with an orog arbalest. The orcish warrior seems to have been holding his own, with the drow currently floored and scrambling to his feet, but the orog's armor is singed and he's panting. A whip-crack of scourge lashes strikes the slave from above, stinging across the shoulder of his weapon-wielding arm. From over his shoulder, a swarm of necrotic spores swarms the final hexer. Stool stands at the top of the small ladder to the deck. With her own axe, the orog swings down, further wounding their outnumbered foe.

    Derendil is left to contend with the retrievers, though not alone - the orcish crew members still alive are ready to fight to the end. With his trident, he scores a thunderous strike on one of the abyssal creatures, cracking and crumpling a good portion of its metal carapace. A blueish crystal punctures its body and finishes the creature off, launched from the palm of the orog stonehorn who just marched onto the deck.

    The wilder and deckhand attempt to curbstomp the last one into the deck. Only the deckhand is able to get his foot on the construct, and he hacks into one of its limbs with his handaxe.

    On the drow ship, Ront moves to confront the soggy, bleeding elite drow warrior. His first punch is sidestepped easily, but he pivots and backhands the drow across the face, sending him reeling. A pike lunges at him from the side, but the drow gets his bearings faster than expected and, with a veteran's precision, swipes the spearhead aside.

    A torrent of tiny missiles slams into the drow, from the Manta, but he remains standing.

    There is a clattering of wood. The drow crossbowman who'd been unconscious in the crow's nest has woken up and thrown down his weapon, now curled up and covering his head. Down below, another crossbowman fades in and out of consciousness, crawling towards any humanoid shape he can see. "H... help... dying..." he begs with desperation, leaving his weapon behind.

    Nearby the Black Manta and pirate ship as they coast together, the Iron Eel surfaces, covered with bleeding drow and ALADIN. Most of the drow are bound together with slave manacles, and many of them are rapidly succumbing to weakness and blood loss. The two soldiers aboard the submersible vessel cast their crossbows aside into the water and hold up their hands in surrender.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Borthan deals 9 and then 13 damage to Hexer E, enough to finish him off. Mini Retriever E spawns.
    No AoOs from the Minitrievers hit as Borthan moves to the bunker and hits Hexer C for 9 damage, Bloodying him. Rolled for prone advantage, but no lucky crit, alas.
    Derendil strikes Mini Retriever D for 12 damage, Bloodying it.
    Stool uses Chill Touch, dealing 8 damage to Hexer C. He's Prone, but due to angles with Stool directly above I gave it Adv instead of Disadvantage. No lucky crit, alas.
    Ront misses his first punch, but his second punch hits for 9 damage.

    Orog Stonehorn shoots Mini Retriever D for 8 damage with a Crystal Shard, finishing it off.

    Iron Eel surfaces carrying ALADIN, the freed slaves who are dying, and two surrendered Drow Crossbowmen.

    Orog Arbalest strikes Hexer C for 6 damage.
    Orog Wilder attempts a Dissipating Touch on Mini Retriever E, but misses.
    Orc Deckhand strikes Mini Retriever E for 8 damage, and stomps it for 1 damage.
    Kuo-toa Marauder A recklessly attacks Drow Elite B, but a reaction Parry deflects the attack.
    Elara casts Toll the Dead on Drow Elite B, but he resists.
    Turvy casts 2nd level Magic Missile on Drow Elite B, minrolling for 8 damage total.

    Drow Crossbowman C and D both critically stabilize. They both opt to surrender.

  17. - Top - End - #257
    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Autognome Artificer
    AC: 19 HP: 40/43
    PP: 15 PIv: 18 PIs: 13 Sanity: 10
    Reaching the Iron Eel, ALADIN rapidly assesses the condition of the slaves, quickly realizing that they needed urgent medical care, thanks to the efforts of the fish in the water, but also that until they were out of the water, such aid would be useless.
    Instead, he positions himself by two of the worst injured of the group, and prepared his medical subsystem for immediate triage. Almost as soon as the Iron Eel surfaced, his fingers were opened, and the tiny variable needle system installed within operating, working to close the wounds that the fish had inflicted, to stop the bleeding, and preserve the life of the slaves. Thanks to his pre-positioning and pre-planning, he was able to operate on two simultaneously, leaving behind a neat row of book binding grade stitches on the more serious wounds the fish had left on the slaves broken bodies.
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  18. - Top - End - #258
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Faedryl Melad
    Drow Hexblade/Evoker
    AC: 17 HP: 16/34 MP: 14/31
    PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 13
    Conditions: Exhaustion (1), 4 exp hit dice, THP: 10
    Concentrating: Create Bonfire
    Arcane Recovery: 0/2. Hexblade Curse: Exp.
    Slots:- Pact: 0/1 1st: 1/4 2nd: 0/3

    With most surrendered, Faedryl focuses on one of the few enemies left alive and fighting.
    Spoiler: Actions

    Move: None
    Bonus Action: I think everyone of note is dead or surrendered, so probably not.
    Action: Toll the Dead Mini-Retreiver E (1d20)[8]+mods DC16 Wis Save or (2d12)[22] necrotic.

    Anything ending its turn in Create Bonfire's square takes (2d8)[5] fire damage on a failed DC16 Dexsave.

    Sarith Kzerkarit
    Drow Fighter/Phantom Rogue
    AC: 16 HP: 6/40 MP: 22/22
    PP: 16 PIv: 11 PIs: 10
    Conditions: 0/8 THP
    Whispers: 0/3 (PB/LR)

    Near death but still standing, Sarith stabs again, sensing the end. His blade thrusts up through the creatures underbelly and out the other side, leaving him elbow deep in spider guts. The deathblow delivered, he raises a foot and kicks the massive creature away, letting it tumble off down the cliff.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Move: None
    Bonus Action: Steady Aim.
    Action: Shortsword Stab
    Damage: (1d6+5)[10]+(2d6)[2][6](8) (+1 min/max). Crit. Discord rolls: 4, 1 (+1), 3 Total: 27

    Last edited by Amnestic; 2024-05-19 at 03:25 PM.
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  19. - Top - End - #259
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Nilvae and Mr Spide
    Half-Elf Witch | Sentient Spider Cleric
    AC: 13 HP: 0/32 MP: 40/45 | AC: 14 HP: 37/37 MP: 34/34
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 14 San: 13 (+1) | PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 10 San 14
    Spell Slots, 3rd: 0/2 |
    Conditions: stable and unconscious

    As the elf turns herself on her stomach and tries to rise, she slips and drops down again. She sighs and her "eyes" begin to water. I just want this nightmare to end. I want to be back at the surface. Maybe even married in that shoddy cottage. She sees her protége before her eyes, the unabashedly evil spider, encircled in an orb of light that slowly fades.

    If she died the spider would surely be grasped by Lolth. She sees her friends. Bort, Stool, and all the ****ing weirdos in her group. She smiles a peaceful smile. Please don't let me regret THIS pact, Rahaniel. Nilvae says and extends her arm.

  20. - Top - End - #260
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Spoiler: OOC: Battlefield Info
    Will be trying a mapless approach for this one.
    Approximate ranges between areas are given. Those within a given area are all within movement range of one another unless they seek a specific position somewhere using greater movement speed. Characters may engage other characters in the same area in melee unless unable for some reason, entering threat range using their movement.

    Enemies taking cover will lose cover when engaged in melee by a creature, or by a threatening spell such as Create Bonfire or Flaming Sphere smoking them out.

    A ship without a manned navigation and/or propulsion is unable to move effectively. Siege attacks and spells used against a stationary ship hit/fail Dex saves automatically. Characters manning navigation can wield weapons or cast spells with one hand without leaving their position unmanned.

    We'll feel out more as we go.

    East Cliff: Creatures without a Climb speed treat the ground as Difficult Terrain / ~30 feet from Naval Battle, ~100 feet up / ~180 feet from West Cliff
    Sarith: Wither 3
    Nilvae: Near Death
    Mr. Spide: Banished
    Drow Agent Xalith: Unconscious, Stable
    Drow Crossbowman A: Unconscious, Stable
    Giant Spider A: Dead
    Giant Spider B: Dead
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn of Mizzrym: Unharmed, Concentrating on Fly, Surrendered
    Drow Scout A: Unharmed, Half Cover, Surrendered
    Drow Arcane Archer A: Scratched, Half Cover, Surrendered

    West Cliff: ~180 feet from Naval Battle, ~80 feet up / ~180 feet from East Cliff
    Galdar: Riding Charlotte
    Charlotte: Climbing on Cliffside
    Topsy: Damaged, Riding Charlotte
    Drow Scout B: Dead
    Drow Crossbowman B: Dead
    Giant Spider C: Dead
    Giant Spider D: Dead

    The Black Manta (Damaged): ~100 feet down, ~60 feet away from East Cliff / ~80 feet down, ~180 feet away from West Cliff / ~5 feet from Pirate Ship and Iron Eel
    Faedryl: Concentrating on Create Bonfire under Drow Sailor B's Harpoon Gun
    Elara: Bloodied, Twilight Sanctuary (1d6+5)
    Turvy: Badly Wounded
    Kuo-toa Sailor A: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Sailor B: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor C: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor D: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Kuo-toa Sailor E: Unconscious, Stable
    Kuo-toa Marauder B: Dead
    Dr. Donk: Unharmed, Belowdecks, manning Oars
    Drow Venomancer A: Dead, Poisoned Weapon
    Drow Venomancer B: Dead, Poisoned Weapon
    Giant Spider F: Dead
    Drow Hexer A: Dead
    Drow Hexer B: Dead
    Mini Retriever A: Dead
    Mini Retriever B: Dead

    The Iron Eel (Undamaged): Surfaced, ~5 feet from Black Manta
    Blurg: Unharmed, Manning Steering
    Drow Sailor F: Dead
    Drow Slave Mob A: 2/4 Dying, 6 Bleed / 2/4 Stabilized
    Drow Slave Mob B: 4/4 Dying, 6 Bleed / 0/4 Stabilized
    Drow Crossbowman E: Damaged, 2 Bleed
    Drow Crossbowman F: Damaged, 2 Bleed

    Dark Pirates' Duergar Sloop (Undamaged): Stalled Out (no power to engines) / ~5 feet from Black Manta
    Borthan: In Bunker, Engaging Hexer C
    Derendil: Engaging Mini Retriever D and E
    Stool: At Bunker Hatch, Scratched, Concentrating (Healing Spirit)
    Orog Wilder: Near Dead, Engaged by Mini Retriever D and E
    Orc Deckhand A: Nearly Dead, Engaged by Mini Retreiver D and E, sharing space with Healing Spirit (heal 1d6 at turn start)
    Orc Deckhand B: Dead
    Orog Arbalest: Bloodied, Belowdecks, positioned in Bunker, Engaged by Hexer C
    Orog Stonehorn: Unharmed
    Drow Venomancer C: Dead
    Drow Venomancer D: Unconscious, Stable
    Drow Hexer C: Bloodied, in Bunker, Engaging Orog Arbalest and Borthan, Prone
    Drow Hexer D: Dead
    Drow Hexer E: Dead
    Mini Retriever D: Dead
    Mini Retriever E: Dead

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 1 (Enchanted Hull, Damaged, Slowed (Siege attacks have Advantage)): Crow's Nest ~20 feet up
    Dawnbringer: Caught on a railing, Dawnbringer Shining (Disadvantage to Drow attacks on board)
    Kuo-toa Marauder A: Bloodied, 2 Bleed, Recklessly Attacked
    Y: Unharmed
    Jorlan (scarred male drow from Velkynvelve): Dying, 2 Succeeded, 1 Failed
    Ilvara Mizzrym, Priestess-Commander of Velkynvelve: Dying, 2 Failure, 2 Success
    Shoor (Ilvara's lover): Dying, 2 Failed
    Asha (Ilvara's junior priestess): Dead
    Drow Elite A: Damaged, 8 Bleed
    Drow Elite B: Dying, 8 Bleed
    Drow Arcane Archer B: Dead, Sunken
    Drow Wizard: Dead
    Drow Sailor B: Dying, 1 Fail, 1 Success
    Drow Sailor C: Dying, 2 Bleed, 2 Fail, 2 Success
    Drow Sailor D: Dead
    Drow Sailor A: Damaged
    Drow Sailor E: Dying, 4 Bleed
    Drow Crossbowman C: Nearly Dead, in Crow's Nest
    Drow Crossbowman D: Nearly Dead, 2 Bleed

    Drow Slave-Hunter Ship 2 (Rudderless, Sunken) Sunken

    Spoiler: Initiative

    With Timing, the naval battle will begin on round 2. Characters on the Manta can currently see the flanking battles, but the enemies above have 3/4 cover from the angle. Characters above have a vantage to fire on characters on the drow ships.

    Jorlan - n20

    Drow Agent Xalith (Legendary Action) - 23
    Ilvara (Legendary Action) - 22
    Drow Agent Xalith - 18

    Orog Arbalest - 17

    Ilvara Mizzrym, Velkynvelve Priestess-Commander - 16

    Orog Wilder - 15
    Orc Deckhands - 15
    Kuo-toa Marauders - 15
    Elara/Turvy - 14

    Drow Venomancers - 14
    Drow Crossbowmen - 14
    Drow Sailors - 14

    <inhale> Faedryl/Sarith/Nilvae/Spide/Donk/Galdar/Charlotte - 13

    Shoor - 12
    Drow Scouts - 12
    Giant Spiders - 12
    Drow House-Mage Ulryn (Legendary Action) - 11
    Drow Elites - 11

    Kuo-toa Sailors - 10

    Asha - 10
    Drow Arcane Archers - 9
    Drow Hexers & Mini Retrievers - 9

    The Iron Eel - 8
    Borthan/Derendil - 8

    Drow House-Mage Ulryn - 8

    ALADIN/Ront - 6
    Topsy - 6
    Orog Stonehorn - 5
    Stool - 4
    Drow Slave Mobs - 0

    Bort/Derry, AL/Ront and Stool are all up!

    East Cliffs

    Spoiler: Nilvae
    The Celestial says nothing further, but she takes the hand and...

    Nilvae gasps awake, coughing and choking, just as the corpse of the spider tumbles off of the mountain at the end of Sarith's blade and boot. She feels a brief warmth in her chest that fades away. The remaining drow seem to have laid down their weapons, save for a flying drow wizard who slowly glides to the ground and sheathes his wand. He holds out his empty palms - not that those are always safe when dealing with a mage. "If it helps our case, I am willing to assist your allies with what remains of our... former mistress' retinue," he offers cautiously.

    The ships are down below, though they all seem to have stopped now. Only two stubborn elites are still visible putting up a fight, with wounded and dead scattered everywhere on the decks and in the water.

    Spoiler: Combat Logs
    Sarith crit finishes the last giant spider.
    Nilvae receives an automatic crit stabilize and wakes up at 1 hit point.

    Naval Battle

    Acting swiftly and precisely, ALADIN is able to triage two of the drow slaves bleeding out on the back of the Eel.

    With a tolling bell, the remaining Retriever on the orcish deck fractures, curls up and rusts to a lump of useless abyssal scrap.

    Belowdeck, the hexer lets out a pained gurgle as tendrils of necrotic energy erupt from his body and lash out at Borthan, Stool and the arbalest. Borthan and Stool are able to resist the force of their draining impacts, but the arbalest staggers.

    Meanwhile, the second elite finally drags his soggy carcass back on board. Ront's foe is teetering, barely on his feet, and lashes out with what will likely be his final assault like a cornered animal. The blade cuts across Ront's chest, but he shoulder checks the drow off balance before a second blow can be struck. Raising his leg, the soldier delivers a desperate push kick that barely manages to bruise Ront's rock hard abs. Another pair of purple energy bolts resembling ALADIN's slam into his chest, and the drow slumps unconscious against the railing, leaving his comrade well and truly alone.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    ALADIN's readied stabilize saves two of the ~4 remaining survivors in Slave Mob A.
    Faedryl's Toll the Dead deals a whopping 22 necrotic to Mini Retriever E and erases it from existence.

    Drow Elite A climbs back up.
    Drow Elite B hits Ront once for 10 damage, misses once, then kicks him in the shin for 1 damage.
    Hexer C stands up and uses Arms of Hadar at 2nd level. It deals a mere 5 damage, which Borthan and Stool both save against for half.

    Y EBs Drow Elite B twice for 10 damage total, a KO.

  21. - Top - End - #261
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Myconid Druid
    AC: 15 (bucket armor) HP: 38/44 MP: ??/??
    PP: 16 PIv: 9 PIs: 13 San: 12
    Conditions: -
    Concentration: Healing Spirit

    Stool's song envelops the Orog Wilder in a sweet scent of healing and focusses his onslaught on the Hexer.

    8 on Chill Touch vs Orog Wilder.
    7 on Healing Word on Orog Wilder, continue to heal Orc Deckhand

    Nilvae and Mr Spide
    Half-Elf Witch | Sentient Spider Cleric
    AC: 13 HP: 11/32 MP: 40/45 | AC: 14 HP: -/37 MP: 34/34
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 14 San: 13 (+1) | PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 10 San 14
    Spell Slots, 3rd: 0/2 |
    Conditions: prone

    The elven sorceress looks up at the drow, uneasy to trust. She looks at her friend' injuries. This drow male has defended her with his life. His bravado could have been mostly show. How was she so naive. We don't do murder for favors here. she says looking at Sarith. We could use information though. Now come back from the ledge. Your former allies dont need to see us talking. Nilvae's head spins as she sits up.

    Galdar Bloodskull
    Duergar 'Psion'
    AC: 19 HP: 21/38 MP: 39/39
    PP: 15 PIv: 9 PIs: 13 San: 14
    Spell Slots, 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 1/2
    Sorcery Points: 1/4
    Conditions: Telepathic Bond (Nilvae)
    Concentration: -

    Galdar continues to ride down the cliff towards the ships with Topsy in tow. The surface elf is back again in the world of the living. he briefly comments.

    Double move/Sprint riding If I need to cast Misty Step to reach a ship please tell me.

  22. - Top - End - #262
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Orc Brute Fighter
    AC: 17 HP: 24/51
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11 Sanity: 10
    Ront grins, viciously as the Drow's frantic efforts have almost no visible effect on him, instead being dispersed into a shield of darkness around him, but before he could follow up, Y drops the drow, giving Ront only one target.
    Rather than sprinting over, Ront walks over, relishing the fear and terror that the still standing drow was feeling, emerging onto the dock, bloodied, battered, and without a single ally left to support it, alone against an army.
    Reaching the drow, Ront brutally swings down, slamming his fist into the drow's head, trying to grab it, then spinning to slam the drow into the ship's mast, leaving it nowhere to run.

    Spoiler: OOC

    If at first, you don't succeed, try, try, try again?
    (1d20+9)[18] Attack 1
    (2d4+6)[12] Damage 1

    Bonus action: Grapple.
    (1d20+8)[24] Grab?(Opposed Athletics/Acrobatics)

    Slam?(+1 to both if the first attack misses, and just try the grapple after this.)
    (1d20+8)[18] Attack 2
    (2d4+5)[9] Damage 2

    If both attacks miss, use the Grapple as a shield slam to shove the drow elite overboard once more.

    Autognome Artificer
    AC: 19 HP: 43/43
    PP: 15 PIv: 18 PIs: 13 Sanity: 10
    With little time, and the combat around almost resolved, ALADIN continues to work on preserving the lives of the slaves, moving quickly, but with mechanical precision to try to seal the worst of the many injuries the slaves had endured.

    Spoiler: OOC

    (1d20+2)[7] Medicine?
    If that's an 8 or 9, (1d4)[1] Built for Success added.

    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  23. - Top - End - #263
    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Sarith Kzerkarit
    Drow Fighter/Phantom Rogue
    AC: 16 HP: 6/40 MP: 22/22
    PP: 16 PIv: 11 PIs: 10
    Conditions: 0/8 THP
    Whispers: 0/3 (PB/LR)

    It would be a stretch to say he was 'glad' Nilvae was back conscious, but at least this way he didn't have to explain her corpse to Faedryl. The drow male volunteering to execute his comrades did sound funny, in a grim way, but..."Unnecessary." The way he saw it, either they would leave (and die in the Underdark - or from other drow) or stay (and he would get credit for adding yet more forces to their fighting strength). Either worked for him. He can't imagine they'd actually provide any information they cared for, but perhaps Nilvae had an idea that hadn't come to Sarith.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  24. - Top - End - #264
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Borthan Zuek
    Half-Drow Ranger
    AC: 17 HP:14/45
    22/29 MP
    0 Temp HP
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14 Sanity:12
    Concentrating on:
    0 of 5 d10 HD.
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/2 2nd

    Borthan continues his assault, trying to drop the hexer and end this section of the fight.

    Prince Derendil
    Quaggoth Barbarian/Abjurer
    AC: 17 HP: 39/39
    34/34 MP
    7 Temp HP
    PP: 10 PIv: 12 PIs: 10 Sanity 10
    Conditions: Mage Armor (8 hrs), Arcane Ward (0hp/8hp)
    Concentrating on: Rage
    HD:0/1 D12, 1/4 D6
    Spell Slots- 3/3 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd

    Derendil smashes at any retrievers left on the deck, even if they are already deceased.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Borthan, three attacks- (1d20+8)[16] for (1d8+5)[13]. (1d20+8)[27] for (1d8+5)[11]. (1d20+8)[21] for (1d4+5)[8].

    Derendil green flame blade- (1d20+6)[12] for (1d6+5)[9] plus (1d8)[7] fire damage. (1d8+2)[7] fire damage to another target if there is one.
    The Bear is Back.

  25. - Top - End - #265
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    East Cliffs

    "They will see little more, ere long," the mage walks away from the edge all the same, at Nilvae's motion. He seats himself in the air, legs folded as his spell allows him to hover in place. "I can provide what information I have. As a House-Mage serving House Mizzrym, I am privy to many of their holdings and some of their ongoing plots. Scant as the former are, these days," he speaks well, in a smooth voice, well-educated for a male - a different sort of education from the sort Sarith received in officer school. "What information do you require, specifically? What is most relevant to you?"

    Walking where they can be seen, the two archers who'd laid down their bows keep their hands where the pair can see them.

    Spoiler: Casualties and Prisoners
    Surrendered or Turncoat Foes
    House-Mage Urlyn - Alive
    Drow Scout A - Alive
    Drow Arcane Archer A - Alive

    KO'd Foes (who did not surrender)
    Agent Xalith (Urlyn's lover?) - Stable
    Drow Crossbowman A - Stable

    Spoiler: Loot
    Clothes and armor currently worn by living prisoners not listed yet.

    Spoiler: Mundane Equipment
    Dagger x2
    Light Crossbow
    Longbow x2

    Drow Poison x2

    Spoiler: Magical Equipment
    Xalith's +1 Shortsword
    Xalith's +1 Hand Crossbow
    Spoiler: Chill Bolts x9
    These crossbow bolts count as magical weapons, and deal 2d4 Withering on a hit.

    Urlyn's +1 Wand

    Spoiler: Giant Spider Corpses x2
    Each corpse can be harvested for a dose of Giant Spider Venom, with an empty container and a DC 11 Survival check.

    West Cliffs

    Galdar and Topsy arrive near the bottom of the sheer cliffs, finding a small ledge to stop at. The sounds of battle across the water have stopped, and the ships are still. From the looks of the specks on the decks, visible in lantern-light and the gleam of Dawnbringer, their allies were triumphant.

    There are a few corpses to loot or harvest if they climb back up, but probably not enough to be worth the effort.

    Naval Battle Aftermath

    There is little the final Hexer can do. Stool's draining spores bring him to his knees, and Borthan ends his suffering with a swift slice of his axe, the head of the cursed slave-warrior rolling to the floor. When another metal spider erupts from the corpse, Borthan swiftly hacks it to pieces before it can even finish crawling out of the drow's flesh.

    On the drow ship, only one soldier remains. Ront takes a swing, his cestus blocked by a swift motion. But it is not enough, a second time. He grabs the drow by the throat and squeezes. While he is held in place, the remaining kuo-toa marauder spears him through the heart with a pike. Soon he, too, falls to the wooden deck, dying with the rest.

    Spoiler: Combat Log
    Forgot Healing Spirit healing from Deckhand A starting his turn in its space, he heals 6.
    Stool deals 8 necrotic damage to Hexer C, and heals Orog Wilder for 7 hit points.
    Ront takes his first swing, which misses due to a Parry reaction. His second hit deals 10 damage and Grapples the target successfully.
    ALADIN fails to stabilize a slave this turn. One slave dies from each mob.
    Borthan deals 13, 11 and then 8 damage, enough to kill the Hexer and then the resulting Mini Retriever.

    I do not anticipated Drow Elite B surviving to get another turn to do anything, so I will end the combat there.

    The party's foes are felled again, at the end of a bloody battle. Though none of their own number perished, one of the marauders succumbed to his wounds during the fighting, dead on the Manta's deck among the other kuo-toa, who were aided and bandaged up in time.

    Time has come to take stock of who yet breathes, who shall be allowed to continue, and of course who shall collect the loot.

    Only one of the orcish pirates fell in battle. His comrades wrap his body and take it inside, while their leader hobbles to the edge of the ship overlooking the Manta. "The enemies are dead." He nods his head. "You fought well," and with a look at Stool, he adds, "Mushroom healer. You saved one of my men. Thanks." He takes out a platinum coin and flicks it Stool's way. It is more than mundane money. There is a little glimmer of magic to it. Just a shred. "Returns the favor. It will turn a blade, once."

    Adjusting his robe, he looks towards short. "We will not be leaving. Not without our landing party." Pointing to the deck of his ship, he suggests, "Anything that died on this ship is ours' to loot. Our blood spilled, hm? We won't touch your share, stained by your blood. Sound fair?"

    Spoiler: Stool Receives
    Lucky Platinum
    This coin is worth 1pp. While it is carried by a creature, the first time they would be reduced to 0 hit points, they are reduced to 1 instead, and the coin loses its magical properties.

    Spoiler: Casualties and Prisoners
    Drow Slave-Hunting Ship B - Sunken

    Kuo-toa Sailor A - Stable
    Kuo-toa Sailor E - Stable
    Kuo-toa Marauder A - Dead
    Orc Deckhand B - Dead

    Freed Slaves
    4 Drow Slaves - Bleeding out and Dying, critical
    10 Drow Slaves - Alive, belowdeck in Ilvara's ship

    Surrendered or Turncoat Foes
    Jorlan (Ilvara's former lover, the scarred drow) - Dying, not critical
    Drow Sailor A (navigator) - Alive
    Drow Sailor E - Dying, not critical
    Drow Crossbowman C - Alive
    Drow Crossbowman D - Dying, not critical
    Drow Crossbowman E - Alive
    Drow Crossbowman F - Alive

    KO'd Foes (who did not surrender)
    Ilvara - Dying, critical
    Shoor (Ilvara's lover) - Dying, critical
    Drow Elite A - Dying, not critical
    Drow Elite B - Dying, not critical
    Drow Sailor B - Dying, not critical
    Drow Sailor C - Dying, critical
    Drow Venomancer C - Stable

    Named Foes who Died
    Asha (Ilvara's Junior Priestess) - RIP

  26. - Top - End - #266
    Titan in the Playground
    Spore's Avatar

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Nilvae and Mr Spide
    Half-Elf Witch | Sentient Spider Cleric
    AC: 13 HP: 11/32 MP: 40/45 | AC: 14 HP: -/37 MP: 34/34
    PP: 11 PIv: 11 PIs: 14 San: 13 (+1) | PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 10 San 14
    Spell Slots, 3rd: 0/2 |
    Conditions: prone

    Nilvae raises before answering, cleaning her gown with sparkling magic, though a bit of fresh blood immediately stains her wounds. I want nothing more than to rest, get a good meal and my friend back. But what does the house gain from killing Faedryl? She does not plan to come back and usurp, outside of petty revenge. there is no logical motif. Second question: Do you know of any demonic of Feydark outcroppings ahead? Third question: What can I do for you so this endeavor remains favourable to you, now that we are friends? Nilvae bows slightly and pulls of a magical copy of her flower necklace to offer to the wizard. You may need protection from the horrors that lurk in the dark. It also holds a weak enchantment to make you see the world my way. No charm spell though. Ineffective on elves anyhow.

    Offering Lei to get advantage (2d20)[19][19](38) +6 (use first roll if no advantage)

    Galdar Bloodskull
    Duergar 'Psion'
    AC: 19 HP: 21/38 MP: 39/39
    PP: 15 PIv: 9 PIs: 13 San: 14
    Spell Slots, 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 1/2
    Sorcery Points: 1/4
    Conditions: Telepathic Bond (Nilvae)
    Concentration: -

    Galdar stubbornly just waits for the ship to pass by. By Laguduer's sweaty balls. Get me a ship, girl. she says.

    Myconid Druid
    AC: 15 (bucket armor) HP: 38/44 MP: ??/??
    PP: 16 PIv: 9 PIs: 13 San: 12
    Conditions: -
    Concentration: Healing Spirit

    Stool senses the magic and simply devours the coin. Thank you. Life is precious. Stool not want to give away life. But death also precious. What you doing with dead friend? the druid inquires. Can we get friends on cliff now? he finishes, pointing in Topsy's and Galdar's general direction.

  27. - Top - End - #267
    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Faedryl Melad
    Drow Hexblade/Evoker
    AC: 17 HP: 23/40 MP: 14/31
    PP: 13 PIv: 15 PIs: 13
    Conditions: Exhaustion (1), 4 exp hit dice, THP: 10
    Concentrating: Create Bonfire
    Arcane Recovery: 0/2. Hexblade Curse: Exp.
    Slots:- Pact: 0/1 1st: 1/4 2nd: 0/3 3rd: 2/2

    Breathing a quiet sigh of relief that the battle was won, she casts her eyes to check on their allies - they'd mostly stayed alive. It would have to do. "Your terms are acceptable," Faedryl replies to the pirate leader. Putting down the slavers would be too much effort on top of their fight. They had best count their loot where they could and not get over-greedy. Her eyes trail to the unconscious foes, her hand to the dagger at her belt. The way she saw it, they couldn't keep them. There was no one else to hand them over to. Either they turned them loose in the Underdark or slit their throats here. The latter seemed more merciful, and she didn't really want the others debating their 'release' like they'd done with the slaving pirate from before.
    Spoiler: Actions

    Starting the loot with Asha, waiting on throat slitting for OOC party agreement.

    Sarith Kzerkarit
    Drow Fighter/Phantom Rogue
    AC: 16 HP: 12/46 MP: 22/22
    PP: 16 PIv: 11 PIs: 10
    Conditions: 0/8 THP
    Whispers: 0/3 (PB/LR)

    He leaves Nilvae to chatter with the mage, taking the time to gather up the magical items, never letting his senses leave the surrendered foes. He doesn't really want to carry all the mundane things back down the hill, though he does pocket the drow poison and piles the surrendered weaponry together out of easy reach. Just in case.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Xalith's +1 Shortsword
    Xalith's +1 Hand Crossbow
    Chill Bolts x9 - Deal 2d4 Withering on a hit.
    Urlyn's +1 Wand
    Drow Poison x2

    Chill Bolts+Drow Poison are staying in Sarith's inventory, the others are added to the Unidentified googledocs list.
    Last edited by Amnestic; 2024-05-23 at 03:21 AM.
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  28. - Top - End - #268
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Autognome Artificer
    AC: 19 HP: 43/43
    PP: 15 PIv: 18 PIs: 13 Sanity: 10
    ALADIN continues trying to preserve the lives of the "rescued" slaves, doing his best to patch up their injuries before they bleed to death.

    Spoiler: OOC

    (1d20+2)[4] Medicine
    (1d20+2)[9] Medicine
    (1d20+2)[5] Medicine
    (1d20+2)[3] Medicine
    When he knows he is out of time, 1 casting of cure wounds is also available, and can be used.

    If he can potentially leverage his new feature, Tool Expertise, that would add 6 to all the rolls, but unless the tool is already available, it would take an action to get it, which I think is more time than he has.

    Orc Brute Fighter
    AC: 17 HP: 24/51
    PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11 Sanity: 10
    Seeing the spear emerge from the chest of the Drow he was pummeling, Ront lets loose a roar of victory, celebrating his own survival, the ending of any risk of being killed by the drow, and still being alive.

    Afterwards, he sets himself to work, collecting weapons, disarming surrendered enemies, and collecting bleeding drow bodies for later work.
    He makes no effort to keep any of them alive.
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  29. - Top - End - #269
    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

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    The Frozen Northlands

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    Borthan Zuek
    Half-Drow Ranger
    AC: 17 HP:22/53
    22/29 MP
    0 Temp HP
    PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14 Sanity:12
    Concentrating on:
    0 of 5 d10 HD.
    Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/2 2nd

    Borthan returns to the helm, breathing hard and wiping the blood out of his eyes. "Good scrap. SEE TO THE WOUNDED! UNCHAIN THE SLAVES! AND ANY PRISONER WHO FAEDRYL DOESN'T NEED GETS THE BLADE!" He began to attempt to navigate the ship to begin collecting the crew, a crazed grin on his face. Maybe this captain thing was easier than he thought...

    Prince Derendil
    Quaggoth Barbarian/Abjurer
    AC: 17 HP: 45/45
    34/34 MP
    7 Temp HP
    PP: 10 PIv: 12 PIs: 10 Sanity 10
    Conditions: Mage Armor (8 hrs), Arcane Ward (0hp/12hp)
    Concentrating on: Rage
    HD:0/1 D12, 1/4 D6
    Spell Slots- 3/3 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd

    Derendil, exhausted from the series of lengthy fights set right against each other, nearly wavers and stumbles as the boat shifts unexpectedly. Instead, he did his best to see to the wounded, as "Captain" Borthan instructed. He hoped they'd be back on land before the half-drow's ego swelled out of his dreadlocks.
    The Bear is Back.

  30. - Top - End - #270
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Out of the Abyss, IC II

    West Cliffs

    Behind Galdar, Topsy snorts. "That's an image. Wish I could just conjure a ship, but my brother's the wizard sibling, not me."

    Eventually, they do see the Manta coming around towards them. A few new scorch marks and bloodstains on the deck, but intact.

    East Cliffs

    A sardonic smile graces the mage's face. "Logic? A reason besides petty revenge?" he laughs, glancing over at Sarith. "Does the girl know that Ilvara was a priestess of..." he trails off, pauses and gives one last chuckle. "Well. Bad luck to say the name in vain. Particularly on a man's lips."

    "Just so happens she did have a pretty good reason," setting his palms on his knees as he levitates, he allows Sarith to take the holstered wand from his belt with only a frown of dissatisfaction. "Matron Melad bid it be so. After Ilvara failed to keep Faedryl in prison at Velkynvelve, the Matron was livid. Should she have failed this task and lived, Ilvara was to be transformed into a drider."

    "To your second question..." Urlyn rubs his chin. "I hear tell that the old gnomish lighthouse to the west is haunted or cursed," they'd known this, though it probably confirms Y was being truthful about investigating those rumors, if there were any doubt. Hard to tell with derro. "South of the lighthouse, across a bridge to an adjacent landmass, is an old wizard's tower. And near that is a monument that radiates Faerzress. It is older than the tower, which was founded there to study it when the svirfneblin controlled those islands. You may find a Feydark or abyssal rift there, if you are unlucky... or lucky, depending on your intent." Lastly, he adds, "I also know of a large Feydark incursion southwest of the Neverlight Grove, where the Myconids live. It is strongly attuned to the fey fungus lord, Psilofyr."

    The last question and the proffered lei seem to confuse him, more than anything. Urlyn cautiously takes the flowered necklace between two fingers and holds it like a soggy napkin. "You must be quite mad to 'make friends' so easily," he comments, setting the lei in his lap. "None of us can easily return home, now. Some are unimportant enough to disappear and then make new lives among our kind, if they cared to return. Not so for Xalith and I," he looks at the unconscious agent-assassin. "Her family, Masq'il'yr, are not highborn enough to be served, yet she is woman, and so she served House Mizzrym as an agent and killer. I served as their prized wizard-slave. It was never the life either of us wanted, but... Our affair was in secret, for in Menzoberranzan love and affection are weaknesses to be exploited, cracks between ribs for a knife."

    "If you are truly so generous, I would ask for safe passage to the Smuggler's Cove that Xalith and I may seek a new life of our own," he answers. "On the surface, maybe... the Eilistraeens are good to their women, and kind at least to their kept men." He looks at the other surrendered soldiers. "Suppose you could come as well. Unless you plan to crawl back to the empire's territory." Neither of them seem too keen on returning with the source of their shackles effectively dead, shaking their heads.

    The Ships

    After getting confirmation of the terms, the acting captain of the pirate vessel nods his head to Stool. "Guess it'd be to mushrooms." He folds his arms and looks back at the stairs they took the corpse down. "Takin' him for rites. Got a sister. She'll want to say goodbye." Rolling his shoulders, he walks with a visible wince to begin stripping down the corpses of their foes, and tossing the loot and Retriever remains down belowdeck. "You can have any of the drow corpses y' want once I'm done stripping the loot," he tells Stool.

    As Borthan lets out those who are to do the tallying and slaying, he brings the ship around to pick up Galdar and Topsy, who he can hear calling in the distance and spots with his keen eyes. They soon reconvene with the rest at the remaining drow ship.

    ALADIN's efforts to save the rest of the soggy slaves are unfortunately unsuccessful. That is, until Derendil steps down onto the submersible with him. Together, they are able to bandage and triage three more slaves. Alas, the final victim passes on before they can get to him.

    Faedryl and Ront

    Faedryl walks among the fallen on the drow ship, slitting the throats of those who were felled fighting to the end. As she comes around to the living slaves, bound and captive by Ront, she finds that Jorlan has passed on without any medical attention. It's impossible to tell if the scarred drow died smiling after at last avenging himself on his former lover who abandoned him, or if the scars give his dead face a resting, twisted grin.

    Two of the others bled out, and a few of them are looking pale from still-bleeding wounds. Most of their faces bear the expression of hopeless resignation. They are at the mercy of a female. They know their worth, and what is coming.

    The drow helmsman is mouthing words at her.

    Spoiler: Faedryl Perception
    Spoiler: DC 5
    He's asking her out to dinner.

    Spoiler: DC 12
    He's silently asking, "Do you know Diinar?"

    Spoiler: Insight DC 14
    Her sister's passphrase, if she hadn't recalled it on her own, already. This must be one of her agents she slipped into the capture operations. Makes sense. Who better to engineer an unfortunate accident that may have allowed a prisoner to escape should the need arise, than the one steering the ship.

    During the fight, he barely seemed to be aiming his hand crossbow, just vaguely shooting in the direction of the Manta. There may have been a few stray bolts that hit someone, but they'd have been as likely to hit one of the boarders by mistake. Looking back, it seemed like a token effort.

    Spoiler: Ront: Drow Looting
    Spoiler: Mundane Equipment
    4 Light Crossbows
    4 Longswords
    2 Shortswords
    2 Morningstars
    10 Daggers
    9 Hand Crossbows
    70 Crossbow Bolts

    4 Chain Shirts
    8 Suits of Leather
    2 Suits of Studded Leather
    2 Shields

    2 doses of Drow Poison
    2 doses of Giant Spider Venom

    Spoiler: A Drow Wizard's Spellbook
    Contains the following spells:
    1st: Fog Cloud, Grease
    2nd: Acid Arrow, Cloud of Daggers
    3rd: Summon Shadowspawn
    And 1 Scroll of Sending, tucked into the pages.

    Spoiler: Ilvara
    A +1 suit of Scale Mail, glamoured to look like a skimpy black gown, which reverts to its normal appearance when removed from her
    An unidentified magical ring
    An unidentified magical rod

    Spoiler: Shoor
    A mundane shield
    +1 Studded Leather armor
    An unidentified magical shortsword
    An unidentified magical hand crossbow, its wood pale and cracked with age, but no less sturdy
    A vial of Shock Oil
    Spoiler: Description
    Shock Oil, when applied to a weapon or a bundle of ammunition within a single quiver, grants it the properties of a magical weapon and +1d6 lightning damage on hit, for 1 minute

    Spoiler: Jorlan
    A mundane shield
    +1 Shortsword
    +1 Hand Crossbow
    An unidentified magical belt

    Spoiler: Asha
    A magical, black whip whose length sweats poison when held
    An unidentified magical rod
    Robes of Protection (+1)

    Spoiler: Giant Spider Corpse x1
    A dose of Giant Spider Venom can be harvested with an empty container and a DC 11 Survival check.

    Spoiler: Mini Retriever Corpses x2
    The fiendish metal used to construct these... constructs, could be a useful component for creating or enhancing magical items. There is also one Soul Coin in each of these, lodged somewhere in their abdomen where an organ would have been. It is easily pried out with time and elbow grease.

    Spoiler: Casualties and Prisoners
    Drow Slave-Hunting Ship B - Sunken

    Kuo-toa Sailor A - Stable
    Kuo-toa Sailor E - Stable
    Kuo-toa Marauder A - Dead
    Orc Deckhand B - Dead

    Freed Slaves
    5 Drow Slaves - Stable
    10 Drow Slaves - Alive, belowdeck in Ilvara's ship

    Surrendered or Turncoat Foes
    Jorlan (Ilvara's former lover, the scarred drow) - Dead
    Drow Sailor A (navigator) - Alive
    Drow Sailor E - Dead
    Drow Crossbowman C - Alive
    Drow Crossbowman D - Dead
    Drow Crossbowman E - Alive
    Drow Crossbowman F - Alive

    KO'd Foes (who did not surrender)
    Ilvara - Dying, critical
    Shoor (Ilvara's lover) - Dying, critical
    Drow Elite A - Dying, not critical
    Drow Elite B - Dying, not critical
    Drow Sailor B - Dying, not critical
    Drow Sailor C - Dying, critical
    Drow Venomancer C - Stable

    Named Foes who Died
    Asha (Ilvara's Junior Priestess) - RIP

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