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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    "You are welcome to come to the chapel and study the scripture if you wish, though you do not strike me as the kind to spend hours reading through dry tomes. Nor are there regular services; as much as death is a unifying inevitability for all of us, people prefer more comforting faiths than the cold truths of Pharasma. It is why the Temple of Stars and Roads on the other side of town is the one most people choose to frequent, only entering this hall to attend funerary services," Audrahni turns her head towards the six bodies draped in white cloth, "there will be such a service tomorrow evening, though I suspect only Horned Fangs shall attend. None of the dead had any family in Roderic's Cove,"

    At this moment, the doors open and Gregor strides through, returning from his trip home to rejoin the group.

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Illinois, USA

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Gregor approached, not wanting to disturb whatever might be going on. The furrowed brow hadn't left his face on the entire walk over as he thought about who might have been passing around phonies. It wasn't something any of the locals would do, he didn't think.

    He fiddled with the coin in his pocket, trying to capture the feel of it, in case there were other such coins about.

    Satisfied that he wasn't interrupting anything, he ducked his head slightly out of habit to pass through the chapel doorway. "I miss anything?"

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2024

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Audrahni had the most knowledge of them all, so it made no sense to Kenia why she didn't want to join. Kenia shrugs it off and takes the wand from Kwella. Maybe she has a reason.

    "If the bakeries on the way I might grab something but other than that I'm good to go."

    Aivela recognises Gregor from the tavern and cheerfully chirps a greeting.
    Last edited by ploptales; 2024-05-18 at 01:32 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    After reconvening and a brief discussion, the three youth set out from the chapel. Audrahni wishes you well, but does not follow you beyond the edge of town. Gregor knows the way to Roderic's Wreck, though he hasn't been there in many years. As you round a bend, the two-story structure along the water's edge comes into view. It must have been a majestic building long ago, but today it is nothing more than a wreck. The house slumps visibly towards the water, one corner edging dangerously into the river. The entire house is slanted now, and rests uneasily. It looks like it should have collapsed into the river years ago. The construction itself is barely holding on, as well. Boards in the house's walls have warped and popped free from their nails, peeling back like bark from an old tree. Moss grows over the roof and clings in patches to its walls. A light haze of black mold and thin bubbles of moisture creep across both sides of the house's windows, obscuring anything that might reside within. The front door hangs slightly ajar. The sounds of buzzing insects, creaking tree branches, and the reiver flowing by hangs in the moist air.

    There are two enrances to the house, a front entrance on the west side, and a back enrance towards the east. The Wreck isn't in great shape and you could attempt to bash a hole in the wall or break a window, though given its shape you might bring the building down on top of you. The back entrance seems rather perilous; it has pulled partially free of the house has come to rest in a very steep angle. Boards are missing or mouldering in places, and the river laps hungrily underneath. You will need to make an Acrobatics check to move across it to the doorway entrance.

    Spoiler: Perception DC 26
    You notice two tiny creatures roosting near the main entrance. They're well-hidden and barely move.

    Spoiler: Knowledge Arcana DC 10

    This is a Stirge, a flying blood-sucking menace. At first glance they appear to be a mosquito the size of a small dog, but their wings are more bat-like and their body is fleshy and maneuverable without the characteristic insectoid exoskeleton. They are a strange creature, likely the escaped creation of some deranged wizard in eons past that has since become endemic to the region.

    Spoiler: Knowledge Geography DC 15

    The river has naturally moved over the years, and its current position must be a recent development. When the rainy season comes, there is no question the house will be washed away.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Apr 2024

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Kwella eyes the dilapidated structure in front of them warily. This is definitely not what she expected to see, especially so close to a place as put together as Roderic's Cove. Getting into this place will be tricky, and actually looking around will be more difficult. She crosses her fingers that the structure won't come crashing down once they get closer and turns towards her companions.

    "What do you all think?" Kwella begins, pointing towards the wreck. "Do we go in the front or sneak in the back? Should we go in at all?" She looks up at her Roc, circling the wreck above, and has an idea.
    "Either of you opposed to Roccie getting a closer look before we decide?"

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Illinois, USA

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    "By Cayden's stein" Gregor muttered, looking at the decrepit state of the structure.

    Scratching at his beard, he replied to Kwella without looking at her. "Front door, I reckon. Back doesn't look like it'd hold me too well. And, if'n you think it'll be safe, I've no objection."

    "Am I gonna have'ta buy a bird to keep up with you lot?" he said with a rueful smile.

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Apr 2024

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    "Back looks a bit too slanted for my liking. I will go by the front door as well."

    Aivella hops to Gregory's shoulder for the walk over, returning back to Kenia as they near the house.
    Last edited by ploptales; 2024-05-18 at 01:34 AM.

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jan 2017

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Gregor strides towards the door, eyes peeled for trouble. The boards creek and groan under his weight as he approaches. The instant his foot steps down on the last step, he feels a rustle of air behind his neck. Neither he nor his compatriots have any time to react as the two tiny creatures swoop down onto Gregor. One clamps down on his arm, while the other goes for his neck, and moments later a searing pain as they puncture deep and begin to draw blood.

    Spoiler: Knowledge Arcana DC 10
    This is a Stirge, a flying blood-sucking menace. At first glance they appear to be a mosquito the size of a small dog, but their wings are more bat-like and their body is fleshy and maneuverable without the characteristic insectoid exoskeleton. They are a strange creature, likely the escaped creation of some deranged wizard in eons past that has since become endemic to the region.

    Spoiler: OOC
    The creatures have taken you by surprise. Gregor takes 2 points of Constitution damage as these nasty flying beasts suck his blood

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jul 2017
    Illinois, USA

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Gregor flinched as the bugs pierced his thick skin. He eyed them carefully for a moment, assessing the threat, before bringing his left arm into the air to deliver a crushing swat at the one lodged on his arm. Bugs were nothing new to him, but these were ... a little more inconvenient than normal, he had to admit.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Move action: martial flexibility -- Dedicated Adversary (these icky bugs that are eating me)
    Standard: unarmed strike (1d20+8)[9] attack, (1d6+7)[11]damage

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Apr 2024

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Kwella begins to move swiftly towards Gregor, starting to draw her sword at the first sign of danger but quickly rethinks. Probably not the best idea to swing at these creatures on Gregor when she is more than likely to take his arm off. Halting in her tracks, she calls out to Gregor,
    "What can we do to assist? Roccie might be hungry." Ensuring her sword is fully sheathed, Kwella approaches Gregor a little more cautiously, hands raised to swat at the creature on Gregor's arm if requested.

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Illinois, USA

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    "Just get 'em offa me!" Gregor shouted. "I'll be still enough, just take your shot."

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2024

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Kwella stops in her tracks and grabs her crossbow. She loads a bolt and lets it fly at the ugly thing on Gregor's arm while Roccie attacks the creature on his neck.

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jan 2017

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Kwella's crossbow bolt narrowly grazes the creature, but moments later Roccie swoops in. Its crushing beak comes in around the creature, and it tumbles off Gregor to the ground. Kenia follows up from behind, and with a quick incantation and glowing blue bolt arcs unerringly towards the second creature. It strikes with a satisfying burst of energy, and the creature loosens its grip and falls off Gregor. Blood streams down from the puncture wounds, but he is no longer in danger from the creatures. The two of them twitch on the ground, no longer able to fly but still alive.

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Apr 2024

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Aivella scans around for similar creatures, but these seem to be the only two.

    Kenia looks at the creatures twitching on the ground "Sheesh what were those.. Gregor, you wanna have at 'em?"

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Illinois, USA

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    "Dunno, but they had quite a sting!" Gregor replied, rubbing the welt on his arm. "I dunno 'bout finishin' them, it looks like they've had enough to me. Anyway, we may as well keep on goin'."

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Apr 2024

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Stelio Kontos View Post
    "I dunno 'bout finishin' them, it looks like they've had enough to me. Anyway, we may as well keep on goin'."
    "You are more merciful than I, but I agree we should get a move on."

  17. - Top - End - #47
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jan 2017

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    As you collect yourselves after the brief battle, you notice that some of the boards in the front porch have warped and bent and given way, possibly as Gregor was busily swatting away the blood-sucking monstrosities. A slight glimmer of silver catches your eyes from underneath the porch, a small locket that seems to have fallen underneath the porch.

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Kwella watches Kenia reach under the porch and pull out a shiny locket.
    "That's a shiny, pretty thing. Seems an odd place to hide it."

  19. - Top - End - #49
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jan 2017

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    The locket is made of silver, and after brushing off dirt and grime appears to be in surprisingly good condition. Inside the locket is the portrait of a young woman that none of you recognize, though Gregor cannot help but feel he's seen this woman somewhere before.

  20. - Top - End - #50
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Gregor eyed the locket -- and the drawing -- with a furrowed brow, finally shaking his head. "Aaaaaach. Dunno. It'll come to me."

    "You hang on'ta that careful till we get back, now" he admonished Kenia. "Let's poke our heads in, then?" And with that he made his way to the door, preparing to shove it open., and assuming the others would fall in behind.

  21. - Top - End - #51
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Kwella draws her sword, gesturing to Kenia to precede her into the crumbling building, and takes up the rear with one last glance behind her.

  22. - Top - End - #52
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    " Somehow I doubt this is Roderics. Let's keep a our eyes sharp. "

    Kenia tucks the locket away in a secure location and readies herself in front of Kwella.

  23. - Top - End - #53
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Gregor moves towards the door and shoves it open. Its rusted joints groan loudly, but it otherwise yields easily. A dank smell pervades the hallway before you. A set of stairs rises to the next floor, and the hallway turns sharply to the north past the staircase. The doorway to a closet underneath the staircase has fallen off its hinges, revealing collapsed shelves and soiled, rotting linens. Four other doors line this hallway, each one closed.

    Counter-clockwise around the hallway, starting with the door nearest the entrance:

    Door 1:
    Spoiler: Perception DC 19

    You hear a faint scratching sound coming from beneath the floorboards in this direction. Some critter, or possibly multiple critters, have taken up residence here.

    Door 2:
    Spoiler: Knowledge Nature DC 13

    You see evidence of unusual spider webs around this door, indicating a spider swarm likely has taken residence in that room. You'd best be prepared to deal with thousands of swarming arachnids if you enter.

    Door 3:
    Spoiler: Perception DC 12

    A sickly sweet smell emanates from this door

    Door 4:
    Spoiler: Perception DC 18

    You hear the faint giggling of children from behind this door. Something seems off, and you'd best approach with caution, if at all.

  24. - Top - End - #54
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Illinois, USA

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Gregor paused for a moment, sniffing at the air as his chest expanded. "Somethin' in there smells nice" he said, looking at it with suspicion. Then his head wheeled around, and he pointed at the far door.

    "There's kids in here. Or at least, somethin' soundin' like 'em. We oughta start there, I think. You want me t'open it?"
    Last edited by Stelio Kontos; 2024-05-26 at 08:43 AM.

  25. - Top - End - #55
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Apr 2024

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    "I smell that too," Kwella comments but turns her attention towards the second door to her left. "This door hides something that will be an adventure" , she continues. "I think we should leave this room until last unless we want to get tangled up in an elaborate web" . Warily, she eyes the door again and moves to stand with Gregor.
    "Kids? How would they have gotten in here without triggering those things we got hit with?"

  26. - Top - End - #56
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Apr 2024

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Kenia tries to detect for magic but doesn't pick up anytrhing. So she walks over to the closet and kicks aside the linen uncovering..... a rat.

    Of the four doors:
    Door 1: Aivella heard some critters scraping the baseboard. Might be more rats.
    Door 2: Kwella said this one is an adventure with an elaborate web. Best to leave this for later.
    Door 3: All of us can pick up a sweet scent.
    Door 4: Gregor said he heard kids in there.

    "I think there's more rodents in the first room.. didnt pick up much else. If there's kids we should check that out asap. Last door sounds like the play. Go for it Gregor."

  27. - Top - End - #57
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    "Right" Gregor replied, striding toward the door. As he reached for it, he paused for a moment at Kwella's words. "'Tis odd there'd be kids in there, hm? Possible somethin' else? Best be careful. Cayden, watch over us will ya? One of us ought be careful, and t'aint us."

    Cast Bless, just in case, then open the door.

  28. - Top - End - #58
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Gregor opens the far door, revealing what was once a beautiful sitting room. A moldering sofa sits along the south wall of this room, and once-comfortable chairs sit in front of mold-covered windows. The cloudy glass allows some light into the room, faded paintings of boats and the coastline decorate the walls. Stepping inside, all of you hear the laughter of children once more, but it doesn't seem to come from anywhere. A chillness falls upon you, the air grows still. The door slams behind you, and as you turn around the room seems to reorient. It's no longer ruined, tilted and dilapidated, but splendid and pristine. A young family sits in the room. Two children lie upon the rug on the floor, giggling, and third sits on her father's knee. Roderic sits there, appearing alive and hale, with a book in hand that he softly reads to his family. His wife sits in a nearby chair doing needlework.

    "Cunning Caroline curiously crept into the room, her nose offended by the odious odor of ogre. Hurriedly our heroine hid herself away, just in time to hear the thud of titanic toes trudging towards her," Roderic animatedly reads the book to his children, slamming his feet against the floor for dramatic effect. Roderic pauses, then looks up, his eyes meeting yours. Instantly the hale of youth leaves him, the children fall silent and they all turn to you. The lighting in the room dims, as if nightfall had come in an instant. The flesh sloughs away in wisps of shadow revealing skeletal faces. They all get up, they all eye you, and Roderick shouts loudly:

    "GET OUT"

    (Everyone must succeed a DC 15 Will save or be Frightened for 1d4 rounds)
    Last edited by Darvin; 2024-05-27 at 06:05 PM.

  29. - Top - End - #59
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Kenia brace's herself. This was her second time seeing Roderic. Surely she could handle it... NOPE. Instead fear strikes her and she makes a rush towards the exit.

  30. - Top - End - #60
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Illinois, USA

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    "It's all right, folks" Gregor said, the brief wave of fear washing over him. "It's Roderic, he wouldn't hurt us. Oughtn't be afraid."

    Despite his reassurances, the big man did take a half-step back, preparing for trouble just in case.

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