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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Kagekure: Team 5

    The training field

    The strange woman, who introduced herself as simply "Ishou-chan", met with Lani in private for a few hours. She left with a smile, waving toward the genin whilst making her way toward Kagekure proper. Lani gathers you all around and calmly explains that you'll be spending the next few days together as a way of building your teamwork. Further, you'll also be employed in a small tea-shop just outside of Kagekure to get some sort of funding for a "secret operation". She then hands you a small, already opened scroll containing your orders from Ihesamo-sama.

    Good morning Genin,
         Surely you're well rested and energized on a day like today,
    so I will be brief.
    You are being employed by one Ikata-sama who runs the inn in Torinohougaku.
    He has requested that you take over for his cook, waiter, and
    cleaning crew until this time next week.
    Immediately afterward, he will be paying you a substantial sum.
    I believe he was offering a grand total of 1,200 ryo on top of the
    amount he paid to the village. But I digress..
    Good luck and best wishes, genin.

    Lani waits until you've all read the scroll, then crosses her arms under her chest and frowns. "If you don't have any questions, then meet me in front of the Kagekure West Gate in two hours. In the meantime, gather your things and say goodbye to your families for a week."
    Last edited by ZeroNumerous; 2008-09-11 at 08:19 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5

    Ichimaru fell over, his legs stiffly hanging in the air at Lani's words regarding families. He soon found his footing and sat on his knees.

    "Tora-Sensei... This doesn't seem suspicious to you?" He asked, his lips pursed in contemplation.

    He began, pointing his finger and assuming a very dignified tone, "A teashop missing not one, not two, but three of its' employees? And secondly, Why hire shinobi? Third, why spend so much money when he could just employ some of the villagers for much cheaper?"

    The blind genin slumped over, putting his head on the ground and splaying his legs out from under him, "You and Ihesamo-sama are plotting something heinous..." He mumbled.

    The strange woman, who introduced herself as simply "Ishou-chan", met with Lani in private for a few hours.
    Hours? I hope someone in Team 5 brought a deck of cards.
    Paragon Badger (14 HP)
    Str 23, Dex 32, Con 30, Int 17, Wis 27, Cha 19
    AC: 33, Claw: +29 Melee (1d2+19)
    Body by Jake Army. Avatar by Kyace.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    "A week?!" The genin pouts without bothering hiding his displeasure. He had hoped for a nice shower at the end of the day and moving his things to Lani, but it looked like he'd have to wait.

    "Should I drop all my things at your place before we go then, tora-sensei?" He points at the bags resting near the previous meeting spot. Before she even answers, he remembers suddenly: "Dibs on the cooking job!"

    The young genin then looks at his teammate Ichimaru and simply shrugs: "Whatever it is, it's going to make us better at working together, and that's all I want to know, Ichi-kun!"

    The genin grins widely.
    A Revenant

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5


    "I have a very simple answer to that question, Ichimaru-san. The man who intends to employ us is, without a doubt, insane." Lani's frown doesn't abate, and she doesn't seem particularly enthused with the mission.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5

    Tsuchigumo, rolls his eyes and speaks sardonically unders his breath, "Insane huh? Must be something in the water..."

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5

    Ichimaru put his hand behind his head and giggled at Tsuchigomo's words. A moment later, and he leaned forward towards Lani.

    "You can count on me if you need a waiter!" He said with a smile, "Afterall, who could possibly resist my devilishly handsome smile?"

    A small gleam appeared from his large grin, and he laughed again.

    I should have taken Charm(Females) instead of Genjutsu for my Charisma talent... next level, I suppose. I'm tempted to wave off prestige classes altogether and go straight Cha/Ded. Man, Ichi's not quite as mechanically watertight as my later Naruto D20 characters. Genius Nin? What was I thinking? Should have gone for Skilled... Can never get enough skill points. <3

    But I do not regret my 8 ranks in Disguise! That, combined with Supress Chakra, and who needs Henge no Jutsu? I need Profession(Masseur) though... and preform(Singing)... and gamble.. And a sword-cane. Yargh.
    Paragon Badger (14 HP)
    Str 23, Dex 32, Con 30, Int 17, Wis 27, Cha 19
    AC: 33, Claw: +29 Melee (1d2+19)
    Body by Jake Army. Avatar by Kyace.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5


    Lani shrugs at Sanma's question. "We'll be off for a full week, so it's best that we should bring it with us. Think of it as an endurance test, since you'll need to carry plenty of stuff. Either way, if everyone is ready then we should get going."

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5

    Tsuchigumo simply nods at his most recent sensei's assessment and turns to go get his things again, however it does dawn on him after a few steps that two of his teammates had effectivley regulated him KP duties for the mission, but its not like it mattered. After several years away form home, after only a single day back in the village he was already being sent away again. He hadn't even had a chance to visit the... oh well... such was the life of Shadow ninja, he supposed.

    After a long hike to the meeting area and back, Tsuchigumo returns to the bags full of most of his worldly belongs flung percariously over his now somewhat hunched back.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5


    Grabbing and gathering all his equipment for the journey, Sanma returns to the meeting point lumbering himself with a fairly big backpack.

    "Ready to go, tora-sensei!"
    A Revenant

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5

    Looks like Unborne isn't gonna show, so we might as well get rolling..

    The trip

    Lani is carrying surprisingly little beyond her normal belt pouches and shuriken holster. She gives you all a moment to adjust yourselves before beginning the long march toward the inn in particular. The walk over is rather short and alittle tiresome, but no on succumbs to their backpack's weight. The road you take is at first a little dirt path leading out of Kagekure, but half-way there you head north and the road becomes an expensive bricked pathway.

    The Sekichikuiro Ichigo Inn

    The three genin come upon a series of stairs--forty-two in total--which lead up to a raised area of ground. The hill-side has been dug and earth shifted to form hard-packed ground, upon which sits a massive four-building complex. Each structure is built in a traditional style, with a black steepled roof and large red columns marking each entry-way. A brick path leads up to the main structure's entrance--which in turn is marked with a multitude of flowers growing in small gardens to each side. A sign hangs over the door announcing "Welcome To the Pink Strawberry Inn" in large letters.

    A line of men and women are gathered around the inn's entrance in front of a small white table. A young girl in a maid's uniform sits just behind the table, her long-skirt tucked beneath her so it doesn't get dirty. She appears to taking money and writing names down in a little book. Her auburn hair hangs down to each side of her child-like face in bangs, with the rest of it done up in a short but quick bun. She smiles often, but even a cursory glance tells you that it's a working smile and not a genuine one. She looks no older than sixteen at most, or at least her child-like face says so.

    Lani just frowns at the people, the inn, and then at her genin. "You guys sure you want to do this? We could always turn down the mission and go home."

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5

    Hefting his packs to the ground, Tsuchigumo gives Lani a curious glance before shrugging. "Well, were already here and ryo is ryo... but your the boss lady... umm... boss lady."

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5


    "Only when it comes to training. As genin, you're completely responsible for your own jobs. So ultimately it comes down to whether you want to do the work or not."

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5


    The trip

    During the trip, Sanma simply walks alongside his teammates, occasionally practicing hand seals to pass the time a bit faster. He gets a bit tired, but doesn't feel overwhelmed by his pack, which was unexpected.

    The Sekichikuiro Ichigo Inn

    When he sees the young girl, Sanma blushes slightly. Oh she's pretty. He then inspects the grounds seriously, looking everywhere.

    "We're here now, tora-sensei! And I'll be making sure those people get to eat my best cuisine!" The genin grins widely.
    A Revenant

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5

    Tsuchigumo shrugs, "Well, we are already here... and though it does feel like sort of a bum-mission... they can't all be winners. Lets just get this over with..."

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5

    "Hey, hey, hey, no complaints here!" Ichimaru chirped happily, offering his hands up as if to apologize, "I'll take any mission I can get that won't end in Kumo shinobi attacks or phantom tiger maulings or people getting killed or... ..."

    The boy frowned and sank down to his knees again, suddenly reminded of all the misfortune that had befallen them. "This'll probably be no different..." he mumbled.
    Paragon Badger (14 HP)
    Str 23, Dex 32, Con 30, Int 17, Wis 27, Cha 19
    AC: 33, Claw: +29 Melee (1d2+19)
    Body by Jake Army. Avatar by Kyace.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5


    Your jounin sighs. "Stay here then, I'll try and smooth things over a bit." She then moves forward toward the front of the gathered group of people. She elicits a few complaints, but they're silenced when they notice the collar-headband she usually wears. Lani and the maid exchange a few words, during which she points at your group before heading back to where you're gathered at alone. "Ryuji will see you in the main lobby, just behind little Maria. I'm gonna go get on the roof, and don't tell him I'm here."


    The maid puts a little sign reading "Be Back In Five" onto her desk then stands up and heads over to where you're gathered at. She bows at the collective group, then smiles and motions toward the inn proper. In the meantime, Lani has disappeared amid a flurry of cat fur. "My name is Maria. It's a pleasure to meet you. Shall we go inside now, genin-san?"

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5


    "Ehhh!!! She's really nice! No offense Maria-chan! We were told to meet with Ryuji oji-san! Let's go guys!"

    With that, a happy genin moves inside the main lobby, hands by his side.

    A Revenant

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5

    Looking half embarassed at Sanma forcefulness, Tsuchigumo smirks at the maid apologetically and returns her bow gratitiously, "Many apologies, mam. Sanma probably just wants to save our introductions for later, we will be here for the whole week afterall.", pausing somewhat nervously as Sanma strides on in, Tsuchigumo sighs, "In any event, it'll be an honor and pleasure working with you." With that and another courteous bow, Tsuchigumo follows in after Sanma, not entirely sure what to expect next.

    OOC: Probably goes without saying, but Tsuchigumo is just taking 10 there on a Diplomacy check... so 13 and +2 for Charm [female]... result of 15.
    Last edited by tomorrow; 2008-09-20 at 01:43 PM.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5


    The maid smiles at Sanma's rudeness, and says nothing. One would expect nothing less from a professional, and she simply takes Tsuchigumo's apologies in stride. A quick about-face puts her back to the group, and she does nothing but motion for you to follow before guiding the group toward the inn proper.

    The inn's insides are made of rich dark rosewood and smells faintly of vanilla. Maria points toward a small recess with a sign reading "Please remove shoes" then waits patiently for you to follow instructions. Once everyone has removed their shoes, she points toward a small desk with an open book and a small nameplate reading "Guestbook" beside it. She smiles again and says nothing, but her posture tells--Nay, demands--that you sign the little black book.

    Once you've done so, she leads the way down a small hallway and into a large lobby containing two large golden chandeliers. A set of huge bookshelves stocked with novels from across the world sit on the south wall, with a sign reading "Available for Guests" hanging off it. A series of large an unorthodox chairs sit situated around four small coffee tables--each one containing a steaming pot of tea and a set of cups ready to be served for any guests. A dark-haired man of rather plain appearance--a plain face, plain eyes, plain hair, and even a plain unassuming jawline--sits in one of the chairs sipping a cup of steaming tea. Maria points to the floor beside his chair, then bows deeply to the plain looking man. "Ouja-sama, these are the shinobi you ordered."

    The man--at least thirty-five years old if not older--simply looks at you and waits patiently for you to introduce yourselves.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5

    Ichimaru looked around the place with his chakra sight, though he could see little. 'Guess there isn't alot of shinobi activity here- not at all like the training field' He idly thought to himself.

    The blind genin required the assistance of his friends more than once, first to see them removing their shoes before he nearly walked in with his own dirty sandals on, and then to find an empty space on the registery (though he signed his name with the grace and practice ill-fitting of his sightless nature... he coulden't tell how neat his handwriting was.)

    "Arigato, Maria-chan." Ichimaru said with a smile as he took a seat and nodded politely to the man, "Good afternoon, Ouja-san. My name is Zato Ichimaru, and this is Sanma and Tsuchigumo."

    Curse you for making me use gratuitous japanese in an english conversation! I just hope I didn't throw a sama where I should have put a san, or a chan where I should have put a san, and so on... Blargh.
    Paragon Badger (14 HP)
    Str 23, Dex 32, Con 30, Int 17, Wis 27, Cha 19
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    Body by Jake Army. Avatar by Kyace.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5

    Bowing gratiticiously again, this time to their employer, Tsuchigumo smiles and calmly speaks in a manner befitting this rather minial ninja mission, "As contracted, Kagekure has dispatched us here to temporarily replace and/or suppliment your cooking, waiting, and cleaning staff for the week. Samna here has expressed an interest in working in the kitchen, Ishimaru considers himself expecially personable and believes he could serve the restraunt well on the main floor, and I... well... I'll do whatever the mission requires... and so I'd be more then happy to work on your cleaning detail. Does that suit your needs sir, or will you be needing one or perhaps all of us to be performing multiple roles for you this week?"

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5


    The genin finds little to add to his teammate's input, and simply grins widely, putting his hand behind his head.

    "Is there going to be some kind of wedding or big party? Is that why you need shinobi for the job?"
    A Revenant

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kagekure: Team 5

    [Holding the post slot, we will be continuing this thread by the end of the week. :D]

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