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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    For starters, I wish to state for the record that there is a reason I'm starting a new thread for this. I could have just posted this to my Final Fantasy X D20 project, I felt as though that wouldn't be sufficient. I need as many critical eyes on this crunch as possible, so I'm starting a separate thread just for Blitzball-related discussion. I've gone over these rules again & again, & I've even done some play-testing. But I want this game to be both easily playable & fun, & there are a lot of complicated rules interactions going on, so I wanna know if there's anything that I may have missed.

    I will also state that the rules presented here are very, very, VERY close to how Blitzball functions within in the game, based on my own play experience, in addition to these reference sources. Remaining faithful to the game & the universe depicted within it is a high priority for me, so if you have a suggestion for radically altering the game, please keep this in mind.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-06-22 at 01:53 AM. Reason: added link

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game


    The Blitzball Stadium in Luca being filled just before a game.

    The game of Blitzball is set within a sphere of magical water 300’-400’ (60-80 squares) in diameter. Any creature gains the [Water] subtype while within the sphere. The sphere has subjective directional gravity, & no tides or currents to speak of, so the players can move freely in all 3 dimensions with no penalties. No spells, spell-like abilities, or supernatural abilities function within the sphere, as if the entire sphere was within an antimagic field; techniques & other extraordinary abilities can function within the sphere, however. There are large triangular goal zones (20’ tall) at opposing sides of the sphere. In the center of the sphere is a vertical line marking the division between one team’s side & the other’s, although this is a somewhat arbitrary designation, as there is no inherent penalty of benefit to crossing the line during play.

    The objective of a blitzball game is to score by maneuvering the titular blitzball into the opposing team’s goal. The blitzball itself is a stuffed leather & wood sphere with many small bumps on its surface to improve grip by players. Blitzballs are always magically enhanced to ease movement through water & resist injury. The typical blitzball has the following stats: Diminutive size, 1’ diameter, 2 pounds, AC12, hardness 10, 120HP, Break DC35; it is considered a ranged weapon with a range increment of 400’. Each game lasts for 10 minutes, divided into 2 periods of 5 minutes (50 rounds) each.

    Several different styles of blitzballs, some of which have blades or spikes for added offensive capability.

    Each team consists of 6 players: a Left Forward (LF), a Right Forward (RF), a Midfielder (MF), a Left Defense (LD), a Right Defense (RD), & a Goalkeeper (GL). The forwards’ job is to get the ball into the opposing team’s goal. The midfielder’s job is to pass the ball from the defense & the forwards. The defenses’ job is to hinder the opposing team’s scoring by intercepting the ball. The goalkeeper’s job is to prevent the ball from entering his goal.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-11-16 at 03:54 AM. Reason: added image

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Attack Power (AT) is used by the defensive player during an encounter, & determines how much force the player will inflict on the ball-carrier. If the defender’s Attack Power is higher than the ball-carrier’s Endurance, then there is a very good chance that they will take the ball from the carrier. A high Attack Power is important for midfielders & defenses, who are keen stop carriers who are approaching their goal zone. Attack Power for a blitzball player is their BAB + Strength modifier + base Fortitude save.

    Blocking Power (BL) is the ability of a player to block shots or passes. The higher the Blocking Power, the greater chance the player has of intercepting the pass/shot. Blocking Power is important for midfielders & especially defenses, in order to block shots to the goal zone & passes to open players. Blocking Power for a blitzball player is their BAB + Strength modifier + base Reflex save.

    Catching Power (CA) is only used by the goalkeepers; it is used to determine if the goalkeeper can catch a ball shot by an opposing player into the goal zone, & thereby prevent a goal being scored. A goalkeeper with a high Catching Power has a greater chance of stopping incoming shots. Catching Power is important to goalkeepers, as it is their primary role in the game. Catching Power for a blitzball player is their AC + Dexterity modifier + base Reflex save.

    Endurance (EN) is the amount of force a player can endure from opposing players when they have the ball. The more Endurance a ball-carrier has the better chance they have of breaking through numerous tackles. Endurance is important in midfielders & forwards, as it is needed to break through tackles in order to shoot on goal. Endurance for a blitzball player is their AC + Constitution modifier + base Fortitude save.

    Hit Points (HP) are what a player uses to perform an action or special technique. A player loses 1HP each round that they carry the ball, except during blitz rounds (see Rules, below). A player regains 1d4 HP every round that they are not the ball-carrier, up to their maximum HP. If a player’s HP ever drops to 0, then they will be unable to carry the ball or participate in the match until it regained.

    Passing Power (PA) determines how far a player can pass the ball. The higher the Passing Power, the better chance the ball has of ending up in the receiver’s hands. Passes can be blocked by defensive players which have not been broken through. A high Passing Power is important to all players, but especially in Midfield players, as it is their primary role to move the ball around. Passing Power for a blitzball player is their BAB + Dexterity modifier + base Reflex save.

    Shooting Power (SH) is the power & accuracy of a shot toward the goal zone. The higher the Shooting Power, the greater chance the ball-carrier has of scoring a goal. Shooting is the most important attribute of forwards, as scoring is their primary role in the game. Shooting Power for a blitzball player is their BAB + Dexterity modifier + base Fortitude save.

    Speed (SP) is how quickly a player moves during the game (with and without the ball). Faster players will be better able to get into good positions than slower players. Speed is moderately important for every player, with the exception of the Goalkeeper. Speed for a blitzball player is 30’ + 5’ for every 10 ranks in Swim.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-10-11 at 05:58 PM. Reason: added red

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game


    A Blitzball team, getting psyched up before an important game.

    Play begins when the launched from the exact center of the sphere straight up along the center line. A designated forward from each team attempts to get control of the ball; this is an opposed Initiative check, with the highest roll gaining control.

    While holding the ball, a player can pass to a teammate or shoot the ball toward the goal at any time. Passing the ball to a teammate is a passing roll (PA + 1d10). As the ball travels to its intended recipient, it deducts 1 from the passing roll for each 5’ that it travels to the teammate. Any eligible defenders can make a block attempt, which deducts from the passing roll (see Blocking, below). If the result is still above 0 when the ball reaches the recipient’s square, then the recipient catches the ball; if it is 0 or below, then the ball is fumbled, & is recovered by the nearest player to the intended recipient, be they of either team.

    Shooting the ball works rather similarly, using a shooting roll (SH + 1d10). As the ball travels to the goal zone, it deducts 1 from the shooting roll for each 5’ that it travels to the goal. Any eligible defenders can make a block attempt, which deducts from the passing roll (see Blocking, below); in addition, the goalkeeper can also make a block attempt, which deducts from the shooting roll (see Catching, below). If the result is still above 0, then the ball enters the goal, scoring a point for the team; if it is 0 or below, then the ball is caught by the goalkeeper, & is passed to the nearest player of his team.

    While a player has the ball, the players of the opposing team (with the exception of the goalkeeper) must try to intercept the ball. This is done by entering into a “blitz” with the ball-carrier. A blitz is a 1-round combat-like encounter. Players must get within 15’ of the ball-carrier to initiate a blitz, which occurs during the following round. All opposing players within 15’ of the ball-carrier by the beginning of the blitz round may take part in the encounter. After a blitz, there is a 1d4 round period of time in which another blitz cannot take place.

    While in a blitz, confronted by the opposing team, the ball-carrier can attempt to break through the opponents to continue “dribbling”, to pass to a teammate, or to shoot for the goal. When breaking through opposing players during a blitz, a ball-carrier makes an endurance roll (EN + 1d10), & the result is then depleted by their attacks (see attacking roll, below). If the Endurance is still above 0 after an attack, then the ball remains with the ball-carrier & the attacker is eliminated from the blitz; if it is 0 or below, then the ball is taken by the attacker that reduced it to 0. A ball-carrier can choose to break through as many or as few of their opponent as they wish, but they cannot choose the order in which they face them; the closest opponents must be dealt with before the ones that are further away.

    Defending players must try to stop the other team from scoring, & this is done by entering a blitz with the ball-carrier & attempting to intercept the ball, becoming ball-carriers themselves. While in a blitz, if the ball-carrier opts to break through a defender, that player can attempt to tackle the ball-carrier by making an attacking roll (AT + 1d10); this result is deducted from the results of the ball-carrier’s endurance roll.

    If the ball-carrier decides instead to pass or shoot, the opposing players can attempt to intercept the ball. All opposing players in a blitz are allowed a block attempt, so long as they have sufficient HP, & were not already eliminated from the blitz in some way; they do not have to be actually positioned between the ball-carrier & their chosen target. A defender can attempt to intercept by making a blocking roll (BL + 1d10); this result is deducted from the results of the ball-carrier’s passing or shooting roll, as appropriate. If a defender reduces the ball-carrier’s roll to 0 or below, then that player successfully intercepts the ball, becoming the new ball-carrier.

    When a ball is shot toward the goal zone, the goalkeeper must try to prevent a goal being scored. Instead of a block attempt, they can attempt to catch an incoming ball by making a catching roll (CA + 1d10); this result is deducted from the results of the ball-carrier’s shooting roll.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-10-11 at 06:14 PM. Reason: added image

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Table 2-1: Blitzball Statistics
    01|Attack Power (AT)
    02|Blocking Power (BL)
    03|Catching Power (CA)
    04|Endurance (EN)
    05|Hit Points (HP)
    06|Passing Power (PA)
    07|Shooting Power (SH)
    08|Speed (SP)[/table]

    A typical Blitzball player in uniform, holding a titular blitzball.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-10-11 at 06:09 PM. Reason: added image

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Players can improve their skills in Blitzball by gaining levels (especially levels of Blitzer), but they can also learn special techniques that they can use during the game. To learn a technique, a player must select a player on another team to observe. While playing against that team, if the opponent performs a technique that the player doesn’t already know, then the player can perform a special Profession check (DC varies, see below) as an immediate action. If the check is successful, then the technique is learned, & can be used as soon as the next period.

    A player can use any technique that they know, although not all at the same time. Before a game, a player can “equip” a number of techniques equal to the number of feats they possess, up to a maximum of 5. Bonus feats gained by racial or class features do not count towards this total. A player can change the techniques that they have “equipped” during half-time, if they so choose, but techniques cannot be switched out while the player is in game-play.

    Below is a complete list of techniques & their effects. Unless it is otherwise noted, using a technique is an immediate action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, & lasts 1 round. All techniques are considered extraordinary abilities.

    Anti-Drain: 50% chance to automatically prevent a Drain effect; DC25 to learn; 1HP cost to use

    Anti-Drain 2: 100% chance to automatically prevent a Drain effect; DC30 to learn; 5HP cost to use
    Anti-Nap: 50% chance to automatically prevent a Nap effect; DC25 to learn; 4HP cost to use

    Anti-Nap 2: 100% chance to automatically prevent a Nap effect; DC30 to learn; 21HP cost to use

    Anti-Venom: 50% chance to automatically prevent a Venom effect; DC25 to learn; 1HP cost to use

    Anti-Venom 2: 100% chance to automatically prevent a Venom effect; DC30 to learn; 5HP cost to use

    Anti-Wither: 50% chance to automatically prevent a Wither effect; DC25 to learn; 3HP cost to use

    Anti-Wither 2: 100% chance to automatically prevent a Wither effect; DC30 to learn; 20HP cost to use

    Auroch’s Spirit: +10 to SH; also adds total combined SH of all original teammates still on player’s team to player’s SH; earned only as a prize in a high-level tournament after 75% of all other techniques are learned; 60HP cost to use

    Brawler: 60% chance to enter a blitz from 45’ away; learned only as a prize in a mid-level tournament after 50% of all other techniques are learned; 1HP cost to use

    Drain Tackle: during an attack roll, 40% chance to drain 3HP; DC25 to learn; no HP cost to use, but player must have 3HP or more

    Drain Tackle 2: during an attack roll, 70% chance to drain 15HP; DC30 to learn; no HP cost to use, but player must have 15HP or more

    Drain Tackle 3: during an attack roll, 100% chance to drain 50HP; DC35 to learn; no HP cost to use, but player must have 50HP or more

    Elite Defense: player can enter a blitz from 30’ away; learned only as a prize in a low-level tournament after 25% of all other techniques are learned; 1HP cost to use

    Gamble: after waking up from a Nap effect, 50% chance to randomize one of the player’s stats (stat -10 + 1d20); statistic chosen by rolling 1d8 & consulting Table 2-1: Blitzball Statistics; learned only as a prize in a low-level tournament after 25% of all other techniques are learned; 30HP cost to use

    Golden Arm: reduces deduction from PA & SH rolls by ½, so that it deducts 1 from the roll for each 10’ that it travels; learned only as a prize in a low-level tournament after 25% of all other techniques are learned; 3HP cost to use

    Good Morning!: after waking up from a Nap effect, 50% chance to gain a +2 morale bonus to all stats for 1 minute; learned only as a prize in a low-level tournament after 25% of all other techniques are learned; 8HP cost to use

    Grip Gloves: player gains +5 to CA for 1 minute; DC25 to learn; 3HP cost to use

    Hi-Risk: 6 of the player’s statistics are reduced by ½, but the other 2 are increased by 2×; statistics chosen by rolling 1d8 & consulting Table 2-1: Blitzball Statistics; learned only as a prize in a low-level tournament after 25% of all other techniques are learned; 30HP cost to use

    Invisible Shot: +3 to SH; 60% chance to make the ball invisible (total concealment = 50% miss chance for goalkeeper); DC35 to learn; 22HP cost to use

    Jecht Shot: +5 to SH; also automatically eliminates up to 2 opponents in a blitz; learned only by acquiring the Jecht Ball (earned in a one-time DC25 Dexterity check, aboard the S.S. Winno); 12HP cost to use

    Jecht Shot 2: +10 to SH; also makes the ball invisible (total concealment = 50% miss chance for goalkeeper); also automatically eliminates up to 3 opponents in a blitz; learned only as a prize in a high-level tournament after 75% of all other techniques are learned; 100HP cost to use

    Nap Pass: +3 to PA; 30% chance to put blocking defender to sleep (immobile & helpless; can be awoken by being passed the ball) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC25 to learn; 4HP cost to use

    Nap Pass 2: +5 to PA; 60% chance to put blocking defender to sleep (immobile & helpless; can be awoken by being passed the ball) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC30 to learn; 20HP cost to use

    Nap Pass 3: +7 to PA; 100% chance to put blocking defender to sleep (immobile & helpless; can be awoken by being passed the ball) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC35 to learn; 51HP cost to use

    Nap Shot: +3 to SH; 40% chance to put blocking defender to sleep (immobile & helpless; can be awoken by being passed the ball) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC25 to learn; 4HP cost to use

    Nap Shot 2: +5 to SH; 70% chance to put blocking defender to sleep (immobile & helpless; can be awoken by being passed the ball) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC30 to learn; 8HP cost to use

    Nap Shot 3: +7 to SH; 100% chance to put blocking defender to sleep (immobile & helpless; can be awoken by being passed the ball) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC35 to learn; 35HP cost to use

    Nap Tackle: +3 to AT; 100% chance to put ball-carrier to sleep (immobile & helpless; can be awoken by being passed the ball) for 1d6+4 rounds if EN is reduced to 0 by tackle; DC25 to learn; 4HP cost to use

    Nap Tackle 2: +5 to AT; 100% chance to put ball-carrier to sleep (immobile & helpless; can be awoken by being passed the ball) for 1d6+4 rounds if EN is reduced to 0 by tackle; DC30 to learn; 9HP cost to use

    Nap Tackle 3: +7 to AT; 100% chance to put ball-carrier to sleep (immobile & helpless; can be awoken by being passed the ball) for 1d6+4 rounds if EN is reduced to 0 by tackle; DC35 to learn; 18HP cost to use

    Pile Venom: allows player to add additional Venom effects to an opponent already affected by a Venom effect; learned only as a prize in a low-level tournament after 25% of all other techniques are learned; 3HP cost to use

    Pile Wither: allows player to add additional Wither effects to an opponent already affected by a Wither effect; learned only as a prize in a low-level tournament after 25% of all other techniques are learned; 7HP cost to use

    Regen: player regains 2d4 HP every round that they are not the ball-carrier, up to their maximum HP; 1 use lasts for 1 period; learned only as a prize in a mid-level tournament after 50% of all other techniques are learned; 5HP cost to use

    Sphere Shot: +3 to SH; also adds +1d10 to SH; DC35 to learn; 9HP cost to use

    Spin Ball: puts a rapid spin on the ball (-3 to goalkeeper’s CA); 1 use lasts for 1 period; DC25 to learn; 3HP cost to use

    Super Goalie: 60% chance to add +1d10 to CA; DC25 to learn; 3HP cost to use

    Tackle Slip: 40% chance to automatically dodge a tackle, eliminating the defender from the blitz without deducting from EN; 20% to be disoriented after slipping the tackle (-5 to PA & SH for 1 round); DC25 to learn; 4HP cost to use

    Tackle Slip 2: 80% chance to automatically dodge a tackle, eliminating the defender from the blitz without deducting from EN; 20% to be disoriented after slipping the tackle (-5 to PA & SH for 1 round); DC30 to learn; 17HP cost to use

    Tech Find: teaches any one random technique (except Auroch’s Spirit or Jecht Shots); never teaches a technique that has already been learned; learned only as a prize in tournaments; 0HP cost to use

    Venom Pass: +3 to PA; 30% chance to poison blocking defender (loses 1d4HP each round that they carry the ball, except during blitz rounds, & does not regain HP while they are not the ball-carrier) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC25 to learn; 4HP cost to use

    Venom Pass 2: +5 to PA; 60% chance to poison blocking defender (loses 1d4HP each round that they carry the ball, except during blitz rounds, & does not regain HP while they are not the ball-carrier) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC30 to learn; 12HP cost to use

    Venom Pass 3: +7 to PA; 100% chance to poison blocking defender (loses 1d4HP each round that they carry the ball, except during blitz rounds, & does not regain HP while they are not the ball-carrier) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC35 to learn; 25HP cost to use

    Venom Shot: +3 to SH; 30% chance to poison blocking defender (loses 1d4HP each round that they carry the ball, except during blitz rounds, & does not regain HP while they are not the ball-carrier) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC25 to learn; 2HP cost to use

    Venom Shot 2: +5 to SH; 70% chance to poison blocking defender (loses 1d4HP each round that they carry the ball, except during blitz rounds, & does not regain HP while they are not the ball-carrier) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC30 to learn; 4HP cost to use

    Venom Shot 3: +7 to SH; 100% chance to poison blocking defender (loses 1d4HP each round that they carry the ball, except during blitz rounds, & does not regain HP while they are not the ball-carrier) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC35 to learn; 10HP cost to use

    Venom Tackle: +3 to AT; 40% chance to poison ball-carrier (loses 1d4HP each round that they carry the ball, except during blitz rounds, & does not regain HP while they are not the ball-carrier) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC25 to learn; 3HP cost to use

    Venom Tackle 2: +5 to AT; 70% chance to poison ball-carrier (loses 1d4HP each round that they carry the ball, except during blitz rounds, & does not regain HP while they are not the ball-carrier) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC3025 to learn; 7HP cost to use

    Venom Tackle 3: +7 to AT; 100% chance to poison ball-carrier (loses 1d4HP each round that they carry the ball, except during blitz rounds, & does not regain HP while they are not the ball-carrier) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC35 to learn; 16HP cost to use

    Volley Shot: 50% chance to ignore all BL deductions from the shooting roll; DC25 to learn; 1HP cost to use

    Volley Shot 2: 75% chance to ignore all BL deductions from the shooting roll; DC30 to learn; 4HP cost to use

    Volley Shot 3: 100% chance to ignore all BL deductions from the shooting roll; DC35 to learn; 25HP cost to use

    Wither Pass: +3 to PA; 30% chance to wither blocking defender (AT, BL, & EN reduced by ½) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC25 to learn; 4HP cost to use

    Wither Pass 2: +5 to PA; 60% chance to wither blocking defender (AT, BL, & EN reduced by ½) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC30 to learn; 18HP cost to use

    Wither Pass 3: +7 to PA; 100% chance to wither blocking defender (AT, BL, & EN reduced by ½) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC35 to learn; 44HP cost to use

    Wither Shot: +3 to SH; 40% chance to wither blocking defender (BL & CA reduced by ½) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC25 to learn; 3HP cost to use

    Wither Shot 2: +5 to SH; 70% chance to wither blocking defender (BL & CA reduced by ½) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC30 to learn; 18HP cost to use

    Wither Shot 3: +7 to SH; 100% chance to wither blocking defender (BL & CA reduced by ½) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC35 to learn; 39HP cost to use

    Wither Tackle: +3 to AT; 40% chance to wither ball-carrier (EN, PA, & SH reduced by ½) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC25 to learn; 1HP cost to use

    Wither Tackle 2: +5 to AT; 70% chance to wither ball-carrier (EN, PA, & SH reduced by ½) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC3025 to learn; 8HP cost to use

    Wither Tackle 3: +7 to AT; 100% chance to wither ball-carrier (EN, PA, & SH reduced by ½) for 1d6+4 rounds; DC35 to learn; 25HP cost to use
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-11-16 at 03:55 AM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeta Kai View Post
    While holding the ball, a player can pass to a teammate or shoot the ball toward the goal at any time. Passing the ball to a teammate is a passing roll (PA + 1d10). As the ball travels to its intended recipient, it deducts 1 from the passing roll for each 5’ that it travels to the teammate. If the result is still above 0, then the recipient catches the ball; if it is 0 or below, then the ball is fumbled, & is recovered by the nearest player to the intended recipient, be they of either team.

    Shooting the ball works rather similarly, using a shooting roll (SH + 1d10). As the ball travels to the goal zone, it deducts 1 from the shooting roll for each 5’ that it travels to the goal. If the result is still above 0, then the ball enters the goal, scoring a point for the team; if it is 0 or below, then the ball is caught by the goalkeeper, & is passed to the nearest player of his team (see catching roll, below).
    Although you describe below that the Block or Catch attempt is deducted from these values later, it is contradictory to what is expressed here. You should make these rules incorporate that subtraction.

    As is, a literal reading of the rules makes goalies useless and a character of a high-BAB, high-Fort class at level 20 (BAB 20, Fort 12, minimum roll 1) capable of scoring from the opposite side of the arena with ease.

    Also, Anti-Wither 2 says it prevents Drain effects.

    Also, why are Sphere Shot, Jecht Shot, Jecht Shot 2, etc. Immediate Actions? (There's currently nothing specifying otherwise.) That seems odd.

    And, by these rules, it seems like you can use any of your techniques, not just one-five at a time like in FF-X, making immunity to many different status effects at once too easy in my opinion (albeit you're only immune once per turn since they're all immediate actions; so that's also non-canon in that your immunity techniques were constantly in effect).

    If you do decide to go with the 1-5 maximum equipped techniques at a time, I'd suggest using levels 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 for the levels at which a technique slot is gained.
    Last edited by Dark-Penance; 2008-06-22 at 03:58 AM.
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  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark-Penance View Post
    Although you describe below that the Block or Catch attempt is deducted from these values later, it is contradictory to what is expressed here. You should make these rules incorporate that subtraction.
    I see no real contradiction, but I edited those areas for clarity. Please let me know if you still perceive an issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark-Penance View Post
    As is, a literal reading of the rules makes goalies useless and a character of a high-BAB, high-Fort class at level 20 (BAB 20, Fort 12, minimum roll 1) capable of scoring from the opposite side of the arena with ease.
    I'm not sure what you mean exactly, as high-level defenders & goalies should still present a problem for high-level shooters. At any rate, if a character of a high-BAB, high-Fort class at level 20 can't pwn at a sport, who can?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark-Penance View Post
    Also, Anti-Wither 2 says it prevents Drain effects.
    Fixed. Thanks for the catch.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark-Penance View Post
    Also, why are Sphere Shot, Jecht Shot, Jecht Shot 2, etc. Immediate Actions? (There's currently nothing specifying otherwise.) That seems odd.
    Techniques are immediate actions so that they can be used at any time. Anti-X techniques need to be used in reaction to a Nap/Venom/Wither technique used against them, like a saving throw, but they cost HP to use, so I thought immediate actions were appropriate. Shots seemed to be similar, as a shooter needs to be able to shoot at any time, even during a blitz. The ball still requires travel time, realistically speaking, but the shooting of the ball can (& perhaps should) be split-second fast. If you have a more elegant solution, I'd be more than glad to make the necessary changes, & credit you thusly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark-Penance View Post
    And, by these rules, it seems like you can use any of your techniques, not just one-five at a time like in FF-X, making immunity to many different status effects at once too easy in my opinion (albeit you're only immune once per turn since they're all immediate actions; so that's also non-canon in that your immunity techniques were constantly in effect).

    If you do decide to go with the 1-5 maximum equipped techniques at a time, I'd suggest using levels 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 for the levels at which a technique slot is gained.
    This has been fixed, as well. Thanks again.

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Any more comments? Critiques? Hate mail? Please, believe it or not, I like feedback.

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeta Kai View Post
    I'm not sure what you mean exactly, as high-level defenders & goalies should still present a problem for high-level shooters. At any rate, if a character of a high-BAB, high-Fort class at level 20 can't pwn at a sport, who can?
    This was mainly a problem because the shooting rules did not state that the catch value was subtracted from the shot before seeing whether or not it was greater than 0. Now that you've added that in, it's a non-issue. :)

    I'll look over the rest of it to see if I can give you some more constructive criticism tomorrow (actually, later today) as it's 3 in the morning and my brain (and eyes from being tired and now looking at a computer screen; an awful combination, by the way) is fried.
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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Any more comments? Critiques? Hate mail? Please, believe it or not, I like feedback.

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    Oh, come now. There has to be something to say about all this? Anything at all?

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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    While I'm sure that the hit point loss is representive of the blitzball game in the videogames, I'm not really sure I really understand it all that well as it relates to an RPG-- especially since the players can gain back lost hit points at an accelerated rate.


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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Debihuman View Post
    While I'm sure that the hit point loss is representive of the blitzball game in the videogames, I'm not really sure I really understand it all that well as it relates to an RPG-- especially since the players can gain back lost hit points at an accelerated rate.

    Actually, the HP-drain mechanic was taken directly from the original game. In FFX, your Blitzball HP had nothing to do with your hit points outside of the mini-game. I have considered designing a separate point system for within Blitzball, one that is also divorced from one's HP, but it just seems clunkier than using the already established system. If there is sufficient demand &/or justification, I would consider a revision.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-07-24 at 12:12 PM.

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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Another shameless bump

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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    I like your Homebrews, I always wondered what blitzball was since I never played the Final fantasy game it was in, but in kingdom hearts one of the starting fights was against a blitz ball player. Wakka or something like that.

    Nice work on making a sport from Final fantasy in dnd.

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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    I'm hopping around since it's a lot to read all at once right now; am I missing something, or is Endurance basically going to be futile in Blitzball among high level players? AC goes up more slowly than Total AB...
    Last edited by AstralFire; 2008-10-11 at 05:40 PM.

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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    It's the ganging up that beats Endurance, AstralFire. That's the way it was in-game, too. At low levels, one-on-one was tough. At high levels, you can get past three defenders at once, no problem.
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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Quote Originally Posted by afroakuma View Post
    It's the ganging up that beats Endurance, AstralFire. That's the way it was in-game, too. At low levels, one-on-one was tough. At high levels, you can get past three defenders at once, no problem.
    You're right, but so is AstralFire. Endurance & Catching Power both need a boost, so I've added a player's Con/Dex modifier to those (above). This will make higher-level play more dynamic & balanced, requiring more teamwork to bring down tough players.

    I've also added several images, to spruce up the blocks of text. Enjoy.

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    If you want it to remain a competitive game, then yes, definetely. The issue with the original is that it was deliberately scaled to be easier for the player towards the higher levels.

    Because if that wasn't deliberate, then I fear for the future.
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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    What really made the game easier at higher levels wasn't so much the stat boosts that you gained (although those were a huge help), but the many special techniques that you learned. The opposing teams learned techniques as well, but they never use them as effectively as you can. Plus, you can learn the Jecht Shot, the Jecht Shot 2, & the Auroch's Spirits, which are exceedingly powerful techniques that can make a game of Blitzball laughably easy.

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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    So, I've been working on Final Fantasy X D20 for a while now, & I was thinking of a way to jazz up Spira a bit, to make it more alive. Now, Blitzball is a fairly deep, robust game that PCs can compete in with NPCs. But I never did anything with the teams to create that organized-sport feel.

    So I decided to create prestige classes for the 6 major Blitzball teams. This will give each team an identity, as well as provide additional options & advantages to characters that are dedicated to the sport. These PrC's are intended for NPCs, but PCs could take them as well, if they wish. None of the abilities & features granted by these PrC's are canonical in any way; they are included so as to give the characters distinct powers, in addition to the special techniques that they can learn in-game.

    So, here they are. Enjoy.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-11-14 at 09:18 AM.

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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Besaid Auroch (Blitzball PrC)
    • BAB: +4 or higher
    • Skill: Swim 9 ranks
    • Special: You must play for the Besaid Aurochs blitzball team.

    Fastest Route: Blitzer 6

    Class Information
    Hit Die: d8.

    Class Skills: The Besaid Auroch’s class skills (& the key ability for each skill) are Escape Artist (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), & Tumble (Dex).

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.

    MP per Level: 2d6+8.

    Table 2-2: The Besaid Auroch (Blitzball PrC)
    {table=head]Level|BAB|Fort Save|Reflex Save|Will Save|Special|Average MP
    1st|+1|+0|+2|+0|Ball Handler|15
    3rd|+3|+1|+3|+1|Athletic Vigor|45
    5th|+5|+1|+4|+1|Team Spirit|75[/table]

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Besaid Auroch. See level progression on Table 2-2: The Besaid Auroch (Blitzball PrC) for more information.

    Weapon & Armor Proficiency: You gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

    Ball Handler (Ex): at 1st level, your focus on Blitzball earns you a +2 insight bonus to Passing Power (PA) & Blocking Power (BL) for each Besaid Auroch level that you possess

    Athletic Vigor (Ex): at 3rd level, your training grants you a temporary HP bonus while you are in a blitzball game equal to your Besaid Auroch level times your base Will save

    Team Spirit (Ex): at 5th level, you gain a +2 morale bonus to all Blitzball-related statistics (except HP & SP) for every member of your team (not including you) that has at least one level of Besaid Auroch
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-11-15 at 06:06 PM. Reason: added image

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    Luca Goer (Blitzball PrC)
    • BAB: +4 or higher
    • Skill: Swim 9 ranks
    • Special: You must play for the Luca Goers blitzball team.

    Fastest Route: Blitzer 6

    Class Information
    Hit Die: d8.

    Class Skills: The Luca Goer’s class skills (& the key ability for each skill) are Intimidate (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), & Tumble (Dex).

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.

    MP per Level: 2d6+8.

    Table 2-3: The Luca Goer (Blitzball PrC)
    {table=head]Level|BAB|Fort Save|Reflex Save|Will Save|Special|Average MP
    1st|+1|+0|+2|+0|Skilled Defender|15
    3rd|+3|+1|+3|+1|Technical Aptitude|45

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Luca Goer. See level progression on Table 2-3: The Luca Goer (Blitzball PrC) for more information.

    Weapon & Armor Proficiency: You gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

    Skilled Defender (Ex): at 1st level, your focus on Blitzball earns you a +2 insight bonus to Catching Power (CA) & Endurance (EN) for each Luca Goer level that you possess.

    Technical Aptitude (Ex): at 3rd level, you are able pick up Techniques more easily. You gain a +2 insight bonus to any Profession check used to learn a technique for each Luca Goer level that you possess.

    Reallocation (Ex): at 5th level, you can focus your talents, taking points from one statistic & moving it to another. At the beginning of a period, you can remove a number of points from any one statistic (except HP & SP) equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). You can add these points to any other single statistic (except HP & SP). You can only reallocate points at the beginning of a period, not during one.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-11-15 at 06:06 PM. Reason: added image

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    Guado Glory (Blitzball PrC)
    • Race: Guado or Half-Guado
    • BAB: +3 or higher
    • Skill: Swim 9 ranks
    • Special: You must play for the Guado Glories blitzball team.

    Fastest Route: Blitzer 6

    Class Information
    Hit Die: d8.

    Class Skills: The Guado Glory’s class skills (& the key ability for each skill) are Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), & Tumble (Dex).

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.

    MP per Level: 2d6+8.

    Table 2-4: The Guado Glory (Blitzball PrC)
    {table=head]Level|BAB|Fort Save|Reflex Save|Will Save|Special|Average MP
    1st|+1|+2|+0|+0|Repeat Offender|15
    3rd|+3|+3|+1|+1|Burst of Speed|45
    5th|+5|+4|+1|+1|Technical Knockout|75[/table]

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Guado Glory. See level progression on Table 2-4: The Guado Glory (Blitzball PrC) for more information.

    Weapon & Armor Proficiency: You gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

    Repeat Offender (Ex): at 1st level, your focus on Blitzball earns you a +2 insight bonus to Attack Power (AT) & Shooting Power (SH) for each Guado Glory level that you possess.

    Burst of Speed (Ex): at 3rd level, you can gain a boost to your speed for short periods. You can a 5’ to your Speed (SP) for each Guado Glory level that you possess. This boost lasts for only 1 round, & it costs 20HP per use, but it can be used as often as you wish.

    Technical Knockout (Ex): at 5th level, you can use more of your learned techniques in-game. At the beginning of each period, you can choose a number of extra techniques equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). You can “equip” these in addition to the techniques you can normally “equip” (which are equal to the number of feats that you possess, up to a maximum of 5).
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-11-15 at 06:06 PM. Reason: added image

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Providing the [Water] subtype to creatures inside the sphere is a bit much, as it carries vulnerabilities and defenses that are a bit unreasonable. Why not provide the [Aquatic] subtype and the Amphibious special quality instead?

    Oh, wait, I see. You're doing it to give swim speeds. However, the Water subtype still doesn't provide a swim speed in itself--it just states that creatures who have it don't need to make Swim checks. It may be simpler just to grant Aquatic, Amphibious, and a Swim speed (equal to land speed?).

    No comments.

    An opposed initiative check? That's...kinda weird. It also means that moment of prescience or nerveskitter are really strong for your center forward (and so far, I see no mention that you can't use spells). It also means that swordsages are inexplicably better at the initial toss (and, come to think of it, Ocean Soul Discipline in a Blitzball game would be interesting--hell, special blitzball techniques may be best represented as maneuvers). D'oh. Teach me to look at this as a game in D&D instead of FFXd20. Without init-boosting spells, it's manageable--but it's still a weird mechanic. I'd base it on SP if anything, but that also makes SP into a really powerful stat--and frankly, it doesn't need any more help.

    Moving on: Why're you rolling d10s instead of d20s? Also, you're not very clear on the blocking/catching mechanism for goalies: you qualify what's needed to catch the ball, but not what's needed to merely block it--you also don't say what happens when the ball is blocked (I know as well as you it goes to the nearest player--with a mechanism similar to the initial toss if there's two equidistant players--but it's still not qualified here).

    As stated previous, it might be better to borrow from ToB here and go with stances for defensive techs and strikes/counters for offensive ones. It'd be simpler, and it'd allow for interesting growth within the blitzball specific PrCs.

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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Fax Celestis View Post
    various insightful suggestions
    Thank you for your input, Fax. It's always nice to hear a critique from someone with your level of expertise. I will make a few changes, based on your suggestions. I'm not sure if I will ever do an overhaul of the techniques into a ToB-style maneuvers list, as that might be a bit too much work, but your reasoning is sound, so I'll consider it.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-11-15 at 05:59 PM.

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    Default Re: Blitzball: A Final Fantasy X Game-Within-a-Game

    Al Bhed Psyche (Blitzball PrC)
    • Race: Al Bhed or Half-Al Bhed
    • BAB: +3 or higher
    • Skill: Swim 9 ranks
    • Special: You must play for the Al Bhed Psyches blitzball team.

    Fastest Route: Blitzer 6

    Class Information
    Hit Die: d8.

    Class Skills: The Al Bhed Psyche’s class skills (& the key ability for each skill) are Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), & Tumble (Dex).

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.

    MP per Level: 2d6+8.

    Table 2-5: The Al Bhed Psyche (Blitzball PrC)
    {table=head]Level|BAB|Fort Save|Reflex Save|Will Save|Special|Average MP
    3rd|+3|+1|+3|+1|Quick Recovery|45
    5th|+5|+1|+4|+1|Tech Savvy|75[/table]

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Al Bhed Psyche. See level progression on Table 2-5: The Al Bhed Psyche (Blitzball PrC) for more information.

    Weapon & Armor Proficiency: You gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

    Interceptor (Ex): at 1st level, your focus on Blitzball earns you a +2 insight bonus to Blocking Power (BL) & Catching Power (CA) for each Al Bhed Psyche level that you possess.

    Quick Recovery (Ex): at 3rd level, you are able to bounce back from HP loss more quickly. You now regain an additional 1HP for every round that you are not the ball-carrier for each Al Bhed Psyche level that you possess, up to your maximum HP. This ability only functions while you are participating in a blitzball game.

    Tech Savvy (Ex): at 5th level, you can spend less stamina to use techniques. From now on, whenever you use a technique, you only spend 50% of the HP cost (rounded down, minimum 1HP).
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-11-15 at 06:07 PM. Reason: added image

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    Ronso Fang (Blitzball PrC)
    • Race: Ronso
    • BAB: +3 or higher
    • Skill: Swim 9 ranks
    • Special: You must play for the Ronso Fangs blitzball team.

    Fastest Route: Blitzer 6

    Class Information
    Hit Die: d8.

    Class Skills: The Ronso Fang’s class skills (& the key ability for each skill) are Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Swim (Str), & Tumble (Dex).

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.

    MP per Level: 2d6+8.

    Table 2-6: The Ronso Fang (Blitzball PrC)
    {table=head]Level|BAB|Fort Save|Reflex Save|Will Save|Special|Average MP
    1st|+1|+2|+0|+0|Tackle Breaker|15
    5th|+5|+4|+1|+1|Stunning Blow|75[/table]

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Ronso Fang. See level progression on Table 2-6: The Ronso Fang (Blitzball PrC) for more information.

    Weapon & Armor Proficiency: You gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

    Tackle Breaker (Ex): at 1st level, your focus on Blitzball earns you a +2 insight bonus to Endurance (EN) & Shooting Power (SH) for each Ronso Fang level that you possess.

    Afterburner (Ex): at 3rd level, you can exchange your stamina for increased speed. You can double your Speed (SP) if you wish; doing so is a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Once active, this ability remains for the rest of the period, & cannot be deactivated until the period ends. While this ability is active, you lose 2HP for every round that you carry the ball, except during blitz rounds.

    Stunning Blow (Ex): at 5th level, you can knock you opponents senseless with your tackles. Whenever you successfully strip the ball from an opponent with a tackle, they must make a special Fortitude save (DC5 + your Attack Power) or be dazed for 1 round
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-11-16 at 07:04 PM. Reason: added image

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Kilika Beast (Blitzball PrC)
    • BAB: +4 or higher
    • Skill: Swim 9 ranks
    • Special: You must play for the Kilika Beasts blitzball team.

    Fastest Route: Blitzer 6

    Class Information
    Hit Die: d8.

    Class Skills: The Kilika Beast’s class skills (& the key ability for each skill) are Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), & Swim (Str).

    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.

    MP per Level: 2d6+8.

    Table 2-7: The Kilika Beast (Blitzball PrC)
    {table=head]Level|BAB|Fort Save|Reflex Save|Will Save|Special|Average MP
    1st|+1|+2|+0|+0|Balanced Defender|15
    3rd|+3|+3|+1|+1|Staying Power|45
    5th|+5|+4|+1|+1|Double Mark|75[/table]

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Kilika Beast. See level progression on Table 2-7: The Kilika Beast (Blitzball PrC) for more information.

    Weapon & Armor Proficiency: You gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

    Balanced Defender (Ex): at 1st level, your focus on Blitzball earns you a +2 insight bonus to Attack Power (AT) & Passing Power (PA) for each Kilika Beast level that you possess.

    Staying Power (Ex): at 3rd level, you are able to carry the ball longer. You now only lose 1HP for every other round that you carry the ball, except during blitz rounds.

    Double Mark (Ex): at 5th level, you can mark 2 of your opponents at the same time, learning techniques from each. Whenever either of your chosen opponents performs a technique that you don’t already know, then you can perform a special Profession check (DC varies) as an immediate action to learn it.
    Last edited by Zeta Kai; 2008-11-18 at 09:58 AM. Reason: added image

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