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  1. - Top - End - #181
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Brian, Turn 8

    He follows Clock and takes the fish when offered. "Thank you Clock, I am truly honored to be your guest." He whispers, "Now do I take the first bite or do you?"
    Avatar by Onasuma

  2. - Top - End - #182
    Orc in the Playground
    Earl of Purple's Avatar

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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Turn 8

    The masstakra, in their seven nests, once again hear the voice. They trust the voice, but do not understand why it is trying to help them, after all, Strange-Masstakra said that its master wanted to destroy the masstakrain race, not help it. Besides, what are these 'poisons'? Nevertheless, it seems that the Strange-Masstakra's master had almost kick-started evolution-the bacteria dwelling inside individual masstakra to help it feed is developing a toxic excretion. The masstakra of Hill Nest are continuing to mine in their tunnels, looking for something which might be the poisons Strange-Masstakra's-Master wants.

    2 EP in Toxic Bite, 3 EP in Mining. They are also looking for toxins in the hills around and above Hill Nest. 159 masstakra, with 22 in each nest. No new nests founded. Same divisions of worship as last turn, unless Hue can do something about it.
    Terrowin Avatar by HappyTurtle. Much thanks!

  3. - Top - End - #183
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Quote Originally Posted by Gourtox View Post
    Brian, Turn 8

    He follows Clock and takes the fish when offered. "Thank you Clock, I am truly honored to be your guest." He whispers, "Now do I take the first bite or do you?"
    Turn VIII

    Clok whispers back Brian takes first Bite.
    Not forgetting Yldenfrei and the wonderful avatar she made.

  4. - Top - End - #184
    Eldritch Horror in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Again, there are noises in the air, with nothing visible to create them. The noises carry ideas in their rythmn, but ideas that the Alvatsoti can make no sense of. They do not eat, and have no concept of 'poison' - the toxic acid they produce for defense drives things-that-poke away, but there is no one to show it has the same effects when eaten. They can only conclude that the wind noises are either imaginary or stupid, and proceed in their development as they had before.


    +2 Fertility
    +2 Telekinesis
    +1 Toxin

  5. - Top - End - #185
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Round 8

    The tribes meet and gather for the first time in many years. Many Ernvuld mingle and share. And then, the tribes split.

    In that time of togetherness, they discussed the meaning of the voice. They all heard it... and thus they obeyed it. They gathered the animals and plants that hurt to eat. They mashed them together to create something putrid. They smeared it on the business-ends of their weapons, but not the weapons used to hunt food. They're simple, but not stupid.

    And they rallied behind a leader. He Who Speaks Well Great Ideas was given control of the two tribes' futures. He Who Speaks Well Great Ideas took many days to think. He had, at last, a great idea, and in a well spoken speech, spelled out the plan.

    The great warriors of old, three of them, were each to spread out with some of the Ernvuld and settle their tribes. He Who Speaks Well Great Ideas would remain here, and oversee the central tribe, a place where the Ernvuld could gather and share ideas and goods.

    And so it came to pass.


    +1 Brain
    +1 Fire Manipulation
    +1 Tool Crafting
    +1 Poison Crafting
    +1 Knowledge:Math
    Characters [ Krad | Tinn ]

  6. - Top - End - #186
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Brian, Turn 8

    He takes a big bite out of the fish.
    Avatar by Onasuma

  7. - Top - End - #187
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Quote Originally Posted by Gourtox View Post
    Brian, Turn 8

    He takes a big bite out of the fish.
    Turn VIII

    The Poi Cheer, and Clok ushers him into the wooden hut-thing. More Poi arrive and Brian is presented with more Fish, some Pretty Shells, and a another necklace of shark teeth. Even More Poi arrive, and Brian is pressed with bowls of sweet coconut milk and another gifts, followed by various requests such as blessing the FisherPoi.
    Not forgetting Yldenfrei and the wonderful avatar she made.

  8. - Top - End - #188
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Turn 9

    A great Dragon comes from inside the mountain and sits on top of it. It has green skin and looks at the rest of the world. The voice speaks again. "Go to the top of the mountain."


    5 EP

  9. - Top - End - #189
    Eldritch Horror in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Alvatsoti, Turn 9

    The mountain. They knew of the mountain, though they had never found reason to go there. It was the only piece of the land below that reached up to them, rather than forcing them to go down to it. Perhaps this voice was that of the mountain, calling them to visit - so think some of the younger, more adventurous Alvatsoti, having inherited in bulk the curiosity that led their ancestors to explore the ground below.


    +1 Maneuverability
    +1 Speed
    +1 Brain
    +1 Toxin
    +1 Toxic Ranged Attack

  10. - Top - End - #190
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Turn 9

    The masstakran hear the voice again. They don't know where the mountain is, and most don't trust the voice enough to go to this 'mountain' anyway. After all, didn't Strange-Masstakra say that his Master wished to destroy the Masstakrian race? The masstakra are worried, and put more faith into their bone rings, which seems to work.

    The masstakran of Hill Nest are still mining the hills, looking for anything interesting, after all, even if they hadn't found any of this 'poison' doesn't mean its not there in the hills.

    Now 190 masstakra (unless I have miscounted, if so, please tell me) divided into 9 nests, one south of Hill Nest, one to the East. They are Mine Nest (south of Hill Nest) and South East Nest (East of Hill Nest). +1 EP in Earth Magic (stoneskin), +2 EP in Mining, +1 EP in Knowledge (geology), +1 EP in Bonework (jewellery).
    Terrowin Avatar by HappyTurtle. Much thanks!

  11. - Top - End - #191
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World


    They find, a soft purple metal.

  12. - Top - End - #192
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World


    The mountains, for most Roggae, were only a distant location. A place they couldn't reach, anyway, because of the Great River and the Sea's Sister.

    The River Herd

    However, the River Herd seemed to have found a way. As they were exploring the waterfall surrounding, they discovered that what they had thought was a bottomless pit where water felt was in fact nothing but a high cliff. And there, a small ford stood, result of the slow accumulation of sediments as the Great River flowed out of the waterfall's pool to go east.

    Said ford was only crossable during the driest moments of the years but, as the River Herd staid near the Waterfall, they eventually found out. Still, the crossing was not safe : the stream was fast, accelerating as it went past the ford. And so, the biggest of the Roggae tried to cross, solid ropes tied around their upper arms while the second set held long sticks, used to probe the riverbed and to secure the balance of the Roggae.

    Three of the Roggae were dragged away by the stream but two of them reached the other side, where they tied the ropes to a nearby tree. The next crossings were easier and, as more and more ropes were used, many strange and large "rope bridge" was eventually built. It looked like a twisted web, with four main ropes tied from one bank to another, each as thick as a Rogga's leg and each connected to the next by hundreds of smaller ones. Other ropes had a basket with heavy stones at one end, the other end being tied to the main rope. The Great River would only be crossable during dry periods but at least it was now safe, as long as the River Herd replaced and maintained the ropes.

    It wasn't long before a net and fishing baskets were added to the whole thing, with heavy stones and branches to consolidate the work. The Fishing Web was in place, with his three corridors where fish could be catch easily, the fast flow of the river being the only inconvenience.

    But already, some young Roggae were looking at the mountain.


    +1 Tool crafting and +2 Fishing: they are learning to combine plants, stones, wood and bones to make useful things like the Fishing Web.
    +1 Hide work and +1 Cloth making : practice make you better. No breakthrough or big innovation, just better overall quality.

    Slurpz : I let you introduce the Zaali to the Roggae. The River Herd is on the Zaali territory but the Roggae are not true hunters (they hunt to get rid of predators and competitors but that's it) and limit themselves to the surrounding of the river (which provide most of their food)

  13. - Top - End - #193
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Turn IX

    [to be edited in a later date(Preferbly when I'm not so tired)]


    +1 Wood-Crafting
    +1 Strength
    +1 Botany
    +2 Brains
    Not forgetting Yldenfrei and the wonderful avatar she made.

  14. - Top - End - #194
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Tempestan Turn 9

    <to be edited in when I feel like it...>


    +3 Strength
    +3 Brains
    +2 Toughnes
    +4 Construction
    +3 Grasping

  15. - Top - End - #195
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Turn 9
    The Aephidian Hive Stirs in this outrageous non-Aephidian thoughts coursing through their minds! How dare this creature do such a thing! The queen of the hive sends out 10 of the strongest, quickest Aephidian Warriors to the winged beast.

    +1 Brain
    +2 Tool Focus Fire
    +2 Toughness

  16. - Top - End - #196
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Turn 9

    The masstakra have found something! Some masstakra are trying it out, seeing what it tastes like, feels like, smells like and its malleability. They soon find out it is bent easily, smells and tastes like nothing else they know and feels cold to the touch.

    All of the above traits are common to all metals, and the tests used were used by medieval alchemists when they weren't looking for immortality and the secret of turning lead to gold, and since some metals are poisonous, alchemists didn't usually last that long. Metal will probably soon be quite common throughout masstakrian territory. Also, is the metal poisonous, and are there any other significant/unusual traits it has?
    Terrowin Avatar by HappyTurtle. Much thanks!

  17. - Top - End - #197
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Not poisonous, no other traits.

  18. - Top - End - #198
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Brian, Turn 9

    "Thank you for your kindness, but I must leave now." He returns to the mountain.
    Last edited by Gourtox; 2009-01-08 at 03:38 PM.
    Avatar by Onasuma

  19. - Top - End - #199
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Is the game dead or something ?

    Nobody updated the "reserved" posts.
    EDK didn't give any description about the dragon.

    Are people even still reading this ?

  20. - Top - End - #200
    Eldritch Horror in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    I am...sort of...

  21. - Top - End - #201
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Mm, a little busy, at the moment.

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    Lolita avatar by neoseph7!


    Epic meter: |

  22. - Top - End - #202
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Evolution 6.6 - The World

    Yeah, I'm still here. . .

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