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Thread: The Awakening

  1. - Top - End - #151
    Ogre in the Playground
    Copacetic's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Awakening


    You made the first move. You had no right. We are merely protectng our land against people like you, the Seekers, the Coyotes, the World. If this really is a matter of raiders, why have you not gotten of our territory when it was obviously it was not us? You are no more than pilfering thieves.

    Face in the Clouds

    Liars. We have made no more aggresions. You call us evil spirits? You call yourself enlightened? We are beings of fire and chaos, not of death. Your "Lonestars" have done enough of that. If you you truely are beings of knowledge you will meet me here or I swear we will not stop till we have sown your lands with the tears of your children.
    Not forgetting Yldenfrei and the wonderful avatar she made.

  2. - Top - End - #152
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Awakening

    Face in the Clouds.....
    Lonestars...? Lonestars attack our settlements as well. I am not authorized to speak with you, but I can stop the storm against the little gathering you have here if you call a ceasefire.

  3. - Top - End - #153
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Awakening

    Face in the clouds

    Then do so. We will wait.
    Not forgetting Yldenfrei and the wonderful avatar she made.

  4. - Top - End - #154
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Awakening

    Operation Wild Storm

    Raven activated the helicopter's speakers, turning them up to their maximum volume. While still nothing like the voices in the sky, it still made its presence heard.

    There are some things that are unforgivable. I stood with Coyote during the Change... I saw the things you and your depraved kind did... We learned about you, and learned that you would not live in peace, that you killed anyone in your path.
    I can't speak for the ones who lost loved ones, who watched everything they owned razed and raped beyond recognition, whose lives were destroyed by your unthinking malice. But I've seen enough of you and the effect you have to say this: Go to Hell. You're fire and chaos, true - but you bring death and suffering and evil in your wake. If we can make a world where our children can live in peace, not worried that any day a monster from their worst nightmares will destroy them and all they hold dear, then we will make it true. It might take the lives of soldiers, it might take sacrifice and pain and blood. But we have no choice, if we want to still be human.
    You can talk to the Seekers. You can try to "sow our lands with the tears of our children." You can defy us all you like. But true, undeniable evil exists in this world, and I'm looking straight at it.

    The helicopters strafe the demons one more time, before withdrawing to the other side of FourSide, landing and hastily refueling while they allowed the Seekers to speak with the Charred. The barrage halted, and the soldiers from Iktomi Base dug in, trapping the Charred.
    freedom in the flame

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
    Raz, you scoundrel! You planned this!
    Quote Originally Posted by BladeofObliviom View Post
    Great, and now I'm imagining what Raz's profile on a dating site would look like. "Must be okay with veils."
    Quote Originally Posted by Kasanip View Post
    I don't think there is such a time to have veils that it is not the fault of Raz_Fox.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dervag View Post
    It's a freaking Romulan dump truck. The Romulans are no more likely to build an unarmed warp-capable ship than they are to become a hippy commune.

  5. - Top - End - #155
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Awakening

    Meanwhile, Seeker agents are posing as Coyotes and attempting to join the fray.. They want to join the Coyotes and get revenge on the demons.

  6. - Top - End - #156
    Troll in the Playground

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    The great state of denial

    Default Re: The Awakening


    Yukito Sama, we have requests for alliances from a pair of new nations. The seekers and the enlightened.
    Aren't they the ones we shouldn't trust?
    Neither is Coyote, frankly sir.
    Fair enough. Well, now that we have got an intelligence agency that's willing to give us a bit of a hand...
    You mean the ones that we can't trust sir?
    Right, well it's the best we've got. Unless you want to infiltrate Europe, the mainland and North America you can stop complaining.
    Yes sir.
    Shoot them off a message. Tell them we'll give them a firmer answer when we get some intelligence on them. Until then, let's continue formalizing trade with them. Purely consumer goods.


    [COLOR="Orange"]Ack! Oh, sorry, we didn't see you there.[/quote]
    I did.
    Well the elf did. You must be Nathan. I hear you're here to see our weapons technology. Well, I can say we don't have too much in the way of military technology, or at least established ones, let me show you what we have so far. Now this, is an energy attuned battery, or an ibu. It's a crystal mixed with various metal alloys that have been engraved with dwarven runes and filled with elven magic. This one is attuned with the rune of Karosh, and loaded with electricity magic. They've pretty much replaced all forms of conventional electrical generation. 12 volts for this one, as much as a car battery and no larger than a typical micro chip. Has a 20 year theoretical life, but mine only seems to last a few days. We've taken the liberty of replacing all of the batteries in your current gear with these.
    The elven scientist walked up to the secret agent, spinning a shotgun shell between her fingers. Alright, for the first item on our list, the new IS-2. I say 2 because we forgot that shotgun shells need, well, a shell. This is about a thousand shards of our ice generating chips, which we use to flash freeze imported meats. Each shard can barely penetrate into steel just enough to freeze it. She pulled a stocky, flare barrelled shotgun from a gun holster that seemed far too large for the holster. She loaded the shell into it. It was a strange 8 shot semi automatic shotgun, where the barrel flared outwared. She loaded it with a flourish and fired it at an armoured target dumby down the hall. The Shotgun blast seemed more of a loud hollow thud than a true bang, and there was no lingering smell of cordite.
    The target was peppered liberaly across his body with the tiny shards, and at first there seemed to be no obvious destruction, the flak jacket taking most of the blow. However, after a few scant moments, lines of frost began creeping across the dumby's torso, and his jacket turned rock hard. In under 10 seconds, the dumby was frozen solid. Giving the target a sharp jab with the but of the gun, the Aldastra managed to shatter the target dumby into a pile of delicate looking shards. She didn't stop there though. Walking over the pieces of former human simulacrum, she gave a hefty rap on the chilled steel door behind the target dumby, shattering it as well. We're making larger scale versions to load into our ICBM missiles, to use for anti armour, and to add to Tanaka's creation. Now since each of these shells costs about as much as several thousand car batteries, we can't put them into full scale production until we can streamline our production of ibu crystals to a greater level. Until then, however, I bet someone like you can make due with something like it.
    We're also working on a mecha, as she alluded to. I plan on calling them "Alloysprockets", but since I'm working with you, I think I'll stick to just calling them gundams.
    Metal gear was a dumb game anyway.
    You're just saying that because you can't beat liquid.
    I don't see how you can punch a man that's that hawt...

    The geeks leave Nathan relatively unnoticed as they bicker about geek things.
    Last edited by Yukitsu; 2009-05-19 at 11:16 PM.
    Me: I'd get the paladin to help, but we might end up with a kid that believes in fairy tales.
    DM: aye, and it's not like she's been saved by a mysterious little girl and a band of real live puppets from a bad man and worse step-sister to go live with the faries in the happy land.
    Me: Yeah, a knight in shining armour might just bring her over the edge.

  7. - Top - End - #157
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Awakening

    (I've invited people to join this "They have establsihed nations already.)

  8. - Top - End - #158
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Awakening


    Nation/Organization Name: Jello

    Races: Ooze / Jello

    Leader: Purple-Ooze-Goo:

    Government Type: Elective Dictatorship.

    Dogma (towards the changed): The Jello people, are little known, and little cared about. They are to the effect of the greatest genius stuck as a 5 year old for all time.

    They are neutral, not caring for good or evil as ideals, they care only for there own well-being and happiness.

    Since they made contact with the land walking races, Jello kind as being more or less treated as a collection of monsters. Although they don't actively intend to cause undue pain and suffering they do occasionally need humans for experiments that they may not necessarily survive, or enjoy, but such is the cost of technology.

    Very little is known about the change, there is a theory that it was a light that announced the coming of the Jello people. At this stage, the Jello's are not motivated to knowing any more than that.

    Location: The Mariana Trench, Western North Pacific Ocean
    Strengths/weakness (take two of each):

    Gelatinous nature: Due to the gelatinous nature of the Jello people, they have no need for air and can survive the deep crashing depths of there home. They are very hard to kill, in fact there still trying to work out how to do it (its yet to occur to them that this might be a bad idea.) They still feel pain however, they just regenerate from it, and then generally try it again to see if they get the same result, then consider that maybe it wasn't the smartest course of action to do, but hey, third time lucky right?

    Technocrats: Jello's are very intellectual. Technology as a whole is very new to them, but something they think is rather marvelous. A Jello's main method of learning is trial and error and due to there rapid recovery from otherwise deadly experiments they advance very rapidly with technology, however due to their isolation, they didn't have much technology to begin with.


    Low Wisdom: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Unless your a Jello, in which case, its probably worth a try, you know, just it case it works.... or doesn't.

    Low magic: Jello's don't understand how magic works. They keep cutting spell casters open, dissolving them, mushing them, skinning them, and yet still nothing. There is currently a theory that magic runs in the blood of living other creatures, and Jello's having no blood, can simply not use magic. To test this, several Jello's have tried to distill the blood of spell casters, there was some debate on weather they have to be alive or not during this process, in the end it was decided that both methods were to be tested. The tests where stopped because the Jello Technocrats kept getting headaches from all of the magic users screaming.

    Background: Jello's have always being around in one form or another, some speculate that they are in fact related to jelly fish. However all attempts at interbreeding with jelly fish have failed, leading to the discovery of several excellent creams for the treatment of Jelly fish stings.
    Its only recently that the Jello people have begun to surface to see what the world actually looks like. A leading Technocrat announced that since there was a down, there must be an up. This lead to the great swim, where the sky was seen by a Jello for the first time. Unfortunately, all of the Jello's part took in the great swim and no one remembered the way home, this lead to the Jello's finding there new home land at the Mariana Trench.
    While searching for a new homeland, the Jello people discovered land, and with it humans. After a series of tests to learn the human language, the great diplomat, Sticky-Green-thing, attempted to make contact with a human leader. Unfortunately it seems "Run away its a monster, oh god its going to kill us all" is not a human greeting.

    Since then the Jello's have being .... tender in there attempts to maintain contact with the outside world, even though they have adopted human languages now. Recently they have become interested in trying to work with metal, like the things the humans stuck inside Sticky-Green-thing as a way of greeting.

    Main Players: (Three of your nations "Protagnists", not necessarily a leader:

    Sticky-Green-thing: The Great Diplomat who first made contact with humans.

    Blue-Burnt-Blob: One of the greatest Technocrats Jello kind has ever known. Renown for his discovery of fire, and the fact it hurts to touch it.

    Purple-Ooze-Goo: The leader of the Jello people, activity involved with both the diplomats and Technocrats.

    Above the Mariana Trench a sudden bubbling was all that announced one of the greatest discoveries, Jello kind has seen.

    "Behold! I have worked metal!" Blue-Burnt-Blob triumphantly raised the poorly worked metal bowl into the air/sea, for all Jello kind to see.

    Purple-Ooze-Goo copying land kind's behavior gave Blue-Burnt-Blob a round of light applause "Well done, Blue-Burnt-Blob, how did you manage such a feat?"

    Blue-Burnt-Blob smiled smugly "It was all to easy really, I should have thought of it long ago. You simply engulf the bit of metal you wish to use, then jump into a thermal vain. Then you just ignore the horrible horrible agony, while shaping it into what ever you want!"

    Purple-Ooze-Goo nodded sagely while thinking Truly, he is our greatest mind.

    It took only a matter of hours before Jello kind had perfected working with metals, they had worked out that you didn't need to jump into a thermal vent, anything hot enough would do. They had learned that on land, fire made hot enough can do the job too. And one of the most important discoveries, the metal can be shaped by other means than engulfment, meaning Jello's didn't have to burn too!

    Of course most Jello's still hold true to the old ways and engulf the metal to work with it, instead of merely hitting it with something, the new way just seemed so ... primitive.

    Now that metal work had being thoroughly explored and understood, the Jello nation turned its interested to a new topic.

    Working out a way to catch more fish to feed their increasingly hungry population.
    Last edited by WrathOfLife; 2009-05-24 at 01:38 AM.

  9. - Top - End - #159
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Awakening

    (Jello discovers a portal during his experiments. . . )

  10. - Top - End - #160
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Halna LeGavilk's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Awakening

    OOC:(Uh, Armin, how is this going to work? My nation is in America, and it seems pretty established already.)
    RIP Gary Gygax, March 4th, 2008. May he roll 20's in heaven forever.
    RIP Dave Arneson, April 7th, 2009. He roleplays his way into our hearts.
    Avatar by Banjo1985, the Awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by havocfett
    Quote Originally Posted by My self
    I'll throw in my hat as a Dwarf Warlord//Were-Dire Badger, going into Dwarven Defender and Deepwarden from Races of Stone. Is that cool?
    ...I'm not sure the vocabulary exists in the english language to express how much I approve of this concept.

  11. - Top - End - #161
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Awakening

    (Portals.. . Sorry I wasn't clear about that.)

  12. - Top - End - #162
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Awakening

    OOC: So, is it two different worlds with portals connecting them, or are they being merged, Rath/Dominaria style?
    RIP Gary Gygax, March 4th, 2008. May he roll 20's in heaven forever.
    RIP Dave Arneson, April 7th, 2009. He roleplays his way into our hearts.
    Avatar by Banjo1985, the Awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by havocfett
    Quote Originally Posted by My self
    I'll throw in my hat as a Dwarf Warlord//Were-Dire Badger, going into Dwarven Defender and Deepwarden from Races of Stone. Is that cool?
    ...I'm not sure the vocabulary exists in the english language to express how much I approve of this concept.

  13. - Top - End - #163
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Awakening

    (I don't think that they are merged yet. I plan to merge them eventually. That will be the Second Change. For now there are only portals connecting them, Warcraft style.)

  14. - Top - End - #164
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Halna LeGavilk's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Awakening

    OOC: Gotcha. Thanks!

    Nation: The New Republic of America
    Races: Humans, Demons, Angels, Dragons, others.
    Leader: John
    Government Type: Meritocracy Military Order
    Dogma: Those of chaos, those who behavior cannot be controlled, by themselves or others, must be destroyed. We who realize the need for law, the need for order, must band together, to keep our traditions alive. But at the same time, those who do not allow members of our society to have autonomy, and the freedom to live as they wish, they must also be cast aside and destroyed.
    Location: Southern and Middle Eastern Seaboard, and Great Plains of N. America, plus a small part of a new landmass in the Atlantic Ocean.
    Melting Pot:
    The NRA is a melting pot of all those who wish a shelter outside the storm of choas that envelopes the rest of the world, those who seek to be safe, and therefore a wide variety of beings bring their talents to the NRA, giving the NRA no particular weakness in any category.
    Different Organizations:
    Three different organizations, the Restoration of Law, the Brotherhood of Sword and Gun, and the Institute of Progress, oversee many of the needs of the nation (Law and order; the military; and scientific and magical progress; respectively), making no central "power structure" of the nation, making it very hard to take down from any point of power, top, bottom, or middle, as well as giving it some sorts of specialization, each oraganization within itself.

    No Specialization: The NRA does not particularly have any specialization, leading to it not being very strong in any area.
    Trusting: The Nature of the NRA's melting pot gives it to being very trusting of individuals, making it easy for spies and the like to infiltrate.

    2050: America is in ruin. Huge portals of death open in the sky, raining death and destruction, changes and dooms, on 300 million people. It seems as though all hope is lost...
    Fast forward 20 years. A small, ruined hospital in New York City. A man stumbles forth. He wears ripped jeans and his face and upper body is wrapped in pristine white bandages. The only thing that is seen is his right eye- white and intense, it flashes red when his anger rouses.
    A number of different organizations and miniature nations had risen up in the past few years, assimiliated into one of three different organizations: The BSG, the RoL, or the IoP. A massive clash between the three organizations played out inside of Washington DC, each side bringing in larger and more dangerous machines, until at last, they all unleashed super weapons, hoping to devastate the other two.
    Until John appeared in the sky. Anger flashing in his eyes, he stopped the unleashing of the weapons, and return, burned the air and ground with the heat of his anger. He unified all the organizations that day, bringing them back into the country that he knew and loved, and then-
    he dissapeared into the background, emerging only rarely.
    Main Players:
    John: John is an enigma. A being of great power that dies of he is pulled out of his homeland. The ultimate ruler with no ambition to rule. A god that scorns followers. He wishes to protect his flock, and that is all. But it will be harder than he thought.
    Kratis the Wanderer: The half-demon head of the IoP at the moment, Kratis is a brilliant engineer and archamge who has done more than anyone else to reconstruct America after the Change. He is eccentric, and has an odd preoccupation with pudding.
    Gregory Hahn: A paladin with zeal, Gregory is promiscuous and charismatic. He is the almost assured head of the RoL, with the ailing, but still powerful Gazrak Ilac leading it.

    IC:2nd World, Washington, D.C., Coast of Potamac River, Jefferson Memorial
    A great funeral pyre burned for the man known as Jalnes the Shapeless. A shapeshifter, he often took the form of a man with short green hair, black eyes, and wings. He smiled and laughed a lot, was laughed by all the peoples of the NRA, was a renowned diplomat, and made a killer souffle. He was also one of the greatest warriors the NRA had ever beheld.

    A thousand men and women had gathered to mourn the loss of this man, the leader of the BSG. Even John, the reclusive semi-leader of the NRA, was there, his single eye formed with a pupil that beheld a slight look of sadness. He bowed his head and turned away, and began to walk, away from the funerals and speeches.

    "Going somewhere?" a strong male voice called out. John turned back around, to see Gazrak and Gregory, dressed in ceremonial armor, walking toward him. John nodded at them.

    "Well, yes, home, preferably. I am not a fan of funerals, you know." John's eye blanked out to its normal white, and the ceremonial clothing he was wearing morphed into a tan trench coat with sleeves ripped off just below the elbows, showing the bandages that wrapped down to his hands.

    Gazrak lifted a white eyebrow. "Really? That outfit is just ridiculous, you know." Gregory tried unsuccessfully to stifle a laugh.

    John shrugged. "Eh. Makes me more mysterious." All three of them laughed, then John turned away. "I'll see you guys later." He lifted a hand, raised two fingers and waved good-bye to the two paladins.

    Screams filled the air. All three of the men whipped around, John lifting into the air, hands glowing with pulsating blue light and eye turning black, Gazrak drawing his sword, and Gregory unholstering his pistol, and unsheathing a small combat knife.

    A great glowing portal had arisen in the air where the funeral pyre had been. Many in the crowd screamed and fled, but a few drew their weapons and advanced on the portal. John shouted, amplifying his voice. "Everyone away from the portal! Fall back and get reinforcements." He flew up to the portal, raised his hands, and began concentrating on it, raising a magical shield to block any from entering - or leaving - it.

    OOC: I hope this isn't too presumptuous of me Armin, I just thought it would be cool.
    Last edited by Halna LeGavilk; 2009-05-24 at 11:10 AM.
    RIP Gary Gygax, March 4th, 2008. May he roll 20's in heaven forever.
    RIP Dave Arneson, April 7th, 2009. He roleplays his way into our hearts.
    Avatar by Banjo1985, the Awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by havocfett
    Quote Originally Posted by My self
    I'll throw in my hat as a Dwarf Warlord//Were-Dire Badger, going into Dwarven Defender and Deepwarden from Races of Stone. Is that cool?
    ...I'm not sure the vocabulary exists in the english language to express how much I approve of this concept.

  15. - Top - End - #165
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Awakening


    Blue-Burnt-Blob stared in awe at the portal, while Purple-Ooze-Goo stared blankly at it. All around them Jello's had come to see what had distracted Blue-Burnt-Blob.

    "Its defiantly a .... thing..." Purple-Ooze-Goo said with an attempt at Technocracy.

    Blue-Burnt-Blob slowly turned to face Purple-Ooze-Goo his face apparently locked in awe. "Yes.... Yes it is."

    Blue-Burnt-Blob looked down deep in through then suddenly he nodded as he came to a conclusion. "We should throw something at it... see what it does." looking up with a smile on his face that began to shrink as he saw the expression on the faces of the Jello's around him.

    Seconds latter as he found himself hurled towards the portal, as fast as several Jello's could throw, Blue-Burnt-Blob wondered if speaking his mind around other Jello's was entirely a good idea.

  16. - Top - End - #166
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Awakening

    The goo, or ooze, or slime, or whatever it was catapaulted into the portal, coming out into the Awakened world. It seemed as if something was just wrong. He didn't know what it was.

  17. - Top - End - #167
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by Armin View Post
    The goo, or ooze, or slime, or whatever it was catapaulted into the portal, coming out into the Awakened world. It seemed as if something was just wrong. He didn't know what it was.
    OOC: Is he still in the same area? or different area altogether?

  18. - Top - End - #168
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Awakening

    (If your both going to America just assume its in different parts.)

  19. - Top - End - #169
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Awakening

    (I meant, when Blue-Burnt-Blob traveled through the portal, did he remain in the Mariana Trench. or did he move to a different location in the new world?)

  20. - Top - End - #170
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Awakening

    (Thats what I"m trying to say. My Geographical skills are lacking, where is the Marrianna Trench?)

  21. - Top - End - #171
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Awakening

    (Around one thousand km's north of Papa new Guinea, then around 11km's below water.)

  22. - Top - End - #172
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Awakening

    (Can goo's survive under water? ;) )

  23. - Top - End - #173
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by Armin View Post
    (Can goo's survive under water? ;) )
    (Yup, specially noted in there advantages

    Gelatinous nature: Due to the gelatinous nature of the Jello people, they have no need for air and can survive the deep crashing depths of there home. They are very hard to kill, in fact there still trying to work out how to do it (its yet to occur to them that this might be a bad idea.)

  24. - Top - End - #174
    Barbarian in the Playground
    RocketMan's Avatar

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    Montreal, Canada

    Default Re: The Awakening

    Nation/Organization Name: Second Britannic Empire
    Races: Human.
    Leader: King William V, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Duke of Normandy, Lord of Mann, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Supreme Governor of the Church of England, Paramount Chief of Fiji, Emperor of India, Head of the Commonwealth.
    Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy
    Dogma (towards the changed): The Second Britannic Empire is above all an imperialist power. Espousing the ideals of taming “savages” and bringing the light of civilization to the far reaches of the earth, they have enthusiastically begun to reassemble an empire.
    Location: British Isles; small colonies in India, New England, Atlantic Canada, the Caribbean, southeast Asia.
    Strengths/weakness (take two of each):
    Naval Power
    The Second Britannic Empire has melded magic and the remaining technology to fashion a formidable fleet of warships. While they do not yet “rule the waves,” the Empire has been making great strides in that direction.
    The scattered colonies provide the home isles with invaluable resources, both in terms of natural wealth and man power.
    The Second Empire often strikes outsiders as terribly arrogant – and they’re right. The Empire tends to be thoroughly unlikable due to their unwavering belief in their own superiority.
    Nationalist Movements
    While the English were enthusiastic about the Second Empire, some extreme groups in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland see it as a return to 20th century oppression. Small scale terrorist operations in some regions, particularly Ireland.
    Background: The Second Britannic Empire sees itself as the successor to the British Empire, unofficially dissolved a century ago. With the destruction of the international order, the citizens of the United Kingdom elected the Reconstructionist Party to power. The new empire used the post-cataclysmic confusion to seize small territories in the Americas, Asia, and Africa.
    Main Players: (Three of your nations "Protagonists", not necessarily a leader):
    King William V: Born to King Charles III and Princess Diana of Wales, William assumed the throne upon the death of his father in 2029. Educated at Eton and Sandhurst, William eagerly assumed the duties of the imperial monarch.
    Liam, Prince of Wales: The teenage son of King William V and Queen Kate I, Prince Liam is the heir to the throne. He is alternately enthusiastic about his future reign and apprehensive of the possibility of failure.
    Prime Minister Alastair Palmerston, The Earl of Derby: The third Reconstructionist Prime Minister since the rebirth of the Empire, Palmerston is perhaps the most ambitious Prime Minister yet. Fueled by early colonial success, the Earl of Derby plans increased colonialism.

    Whitehall, London, England

    The Prime Minister sat at his desk, his eyes not really taking in the towering stacks of paperwork. Outside the sky was slate grey, with thin clouds of rain and smog hanging over the Imperial Capital. The Prime Minister pulled another piece of paper from the stacks and signed it hastily, not even bothering to read it. He was too indignant for that. How dare they presume to know better than His Majesty's government? Reports had come in that morning – another attack in Belfast, again by the Irish Resistance. Entirely bothersome, those Irish. Beyond bothersome. Not even the successes at Johor could cheer the Prime Minister that morning.

    Unfortunately, his day was about to get worse.

    "Sir," the voice of his Secretary, Aldridge, spoke from the door. The Prime Minister looked up. "Mr. Palmerston, so sorry to be interrupting. But there's been an..." He paused, unsure. "An incident." The Prime Minister mentally groaned. Blast it all, another incident?

    "You see, Prime Minister, we're not yet sure the extent to which it is serious. Scotland Yard has been dispatched – and the army."

    "The army! Aldridge, what has happened?"

    "Well, as I said, we're not exactly sure. Something involving a portal near Oxford. Whole county's being cordoned off, apparently, until we can find out where it goes."

    This was the last thing the Prime Minister wanted to deal with now. I mysterious portal – good lord! "Has His Majesty been informed?" the Prime Minister asked tiredly. "Please do so."
    Last edited by RocketMan; 2009-05-25 at 01:47 PM.

  25. - Top - End - #175
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Halna LeGavilk's Avatar

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    Aug 2007

    Default Re: The Awakening

    In Palmerston's chamber, a large pair of semi-transparent lips appeared. "You have a message from Gregory Hahn of the Restoration of Law of the New Republic of America. Would you like to accept?"
    RIP Gary Gygax, March 4th, 2008. May he roll 20's in heaven forever.
    RIP Dave Arneson, April 7th, 2009. He roleplays his way into our hearts.
    Avatar by Banjo1985, the Awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by havocfett
    Quote Originally Posted by My self
    I'll throw in my hat as a Dwarf Warlord//Were-Dire Badger, going into Dwarven Defender and Deepwarden from Races of Stone. Is that cool?
    ...I'm not sure the vocabulary exists in the english language to express how much I approve of this concept.

  26. - Top - End - #176
    Barbarian in the Playground
    RocketMan's Avatar

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    Montreal, Canada

    Default Re: The Awakening

    The Prime Minister tried to conceal his irritation at the latest interruption. Leave it to the Americans to send a pair of disembodied lips when a simple spell would have done the trick. Nevertheless, he supposed it would be necessary to take the message.

    "Yes, I'll take the message immediately."

  27. - Top - End - #177
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Halna LeGavilk's Avatar

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    Aug 2007

    Default Re: The Awakening

    The lips vanished, replaced by an illusion of the handsome young man that was Gregory Hahn. He smiled. "I hope the, uh, lip thingy wasn't too weird. Something the techies insisted we do. I called to ask you about something. We in the Republic have a rather delicate situation. A rather large portal appeared in our capital. We were wondering if anything of the like happened to you."
    RIP Gary Gygax, March 4th, 2008. May he roll 20's in heaven forever.
    RIP Dave Arneson, April 7th, 2009. He roleplays his way into our hearts.
    Avatar by Banjo1985, the Awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by havocfett
    Quote Originally Posted by My self
    I'll throw in my hat as a Dwarf Warlord//Were-Dire Badger, going into Dwarven Defender and Deepwarden from Races of Stone. Is that cool?
    ...I'm not sure the vocabulary exists in the english language to express how much I approve of this concept.

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