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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    Beneath his helm, the brow of Othnielor Oresten furrows in worry. He agrees vocably with Griffin's assessment and accompanies him to the tents of healing, intending to aid with the wounded.

    Sorry for the lack of quality on this one, chaps. Not feeling in to form. Oresten'll burn 6 points of his healing ability in helping Griffin heal the gravely injured, keeping his remaining healing power in reserve... just in case something else comes up...
    Avatarcred: HELL YEAH to THE Oneris! Ma'am, thank you, ma'am.
    Previous Avatars: by Dr Bath, Strawberries, zimmerwald1915

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    Griffin and Oresten quickly found healers tent and entered it. Immediately they understood that poor villagers indeed need their help. There were people with claws marks all over them, people with terrible bite signs, even two guys with their limbs torn off.

    An old cleric was tending to one of them. When paladins entered, he turned around and gave them a deadly-tired look.

    - Welcome, - he said, - please wait while I finish with those man and I'll check you... wait you aren't wounder, are you? You must be those paladins from the town! Can you please then... help me? I know that you can't regrow someone's arm or leg, but... maybe you know something about diseases? I need to to help this man without a leg, but check three those man at the corner, please. I tried to heal them, but their wounds just won't close... and suffer from some kind of fever, they are so hot.

    Since paladins decided to help the most wounded anyway, they followed cleric's request.

    Here, three man were lying on bedrolls. They all were terribly bitten, marks of large teeth were all over them. Almost certainly, those were people that guard talked about. Because of their blood loss they were supposed to be pale, but no, their skin was red and almost burning to the touch. Paladins examined their wounds trying to understand what animal or monster could cause them, but learned nothing. And whatever disease it was, it was terrible.

    The paladins laid their hands on them and wounds closed, but poor men still were unconsious. And burning with fever.

    Then paladins used their powers to help others in need.

    After that was done, cleric spoke to them again.

    - I thank you noble warriors , -he said, - lives were saved thanks to you. But as I understand you also failed to understand what monster caused this... and what exactly he caused. Indeed those are grave times. If those animal attacks were not enough, we also have unknown monstrosity nearby! And there are even more rumors about forest. One wounded man, now he is already healed and back to duties told me that he once saw a drow while he was on patrol. A drow! Here, so far from all known entrances to Underdark! Maybe it's him behind all this. Maybe he even brought some deadly beasts from Underdark!

    I recommend that other paladins will try to check diseased too. Maybe someone will roll successfully.
    Last edited by Erad; 2009-11-07 at 03:20 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    Theodric moves among the wounded, offering water, wine, and doing what he can. In cases of critical injuries, he spent some of his power in helping them
    Anyone Theodric judges particularly injured, he will give a few points of his lay on hands ability too.

    As he does so, he asks them about the events that led to their mauling, trying to find a clear picture of the events.

    ((sorry, exams))
    Nadir We,
    Youth Born,
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    Axe Weilders,
    Victors Still.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    Theodric walked among the wounded, trying to ease their suffering. He laid hands on a few man, healing their bites and even checked on diseased men in the corner. Unfortunately he too learned nothing from their wounds and had no idea how to help them.

    He tried talking with those who could speak, and them told about endless animals attacks on the village and the fort, and about few brave men who dared to go deeply into the woods, and in what terrible conditions they returned. Those were men in agony, and whatever hurt them, it did it on his own territory deep in the woods and not near the village.

    All others were hurt by normal animals and wounds of most of them, were far less dangerous.

    - Thank you for your help, - said cleric, - please talk to fort commander as soon as possible.
    Last edited by Erad; 2009-11-08 at 08:42 AM.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Scow2's Avatar

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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    After expending his remaining allocation of healing by the grace of Pelor, Griffin nodded to the cleric. "Will do, sir," he says respecfully, then heads to find the commander in the fort.

    Upon finding the officer, he bows respectfully to the higher authority. "Greetings, commander. I am Griffin McNeil, Shieldbearer of the Merciful Palm and exalted servant of Pelor," he introduced himself. "My companions and I have been dispatched here to investigate and quell the evil inciting the animals to attack the village."

    After his introduction and explaination of purpose, he waited for the commander to respond, assuming that he may have more relevent information on the situation, or at least a strategic plan for handling the catastrophes facing the town.
    Last edited by Scow2; 2009-11-08 at 03:00 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    Theodric lumbers over to join him, looking a little worn. One meaty paw was tangling itself in his beard, the other was hanging limply by his side. " 'M Theodric. Baratheon." He grumbles. "Tell me, do you have a map of the forest? Doesn't need much in the way of detail or anything. I figure if we can figure out the bulk of these attacks, we might be able to deduce where to start."
    Nadir We,
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  7. - Top - End - #37
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    The commander was soon found inside the fort, in a big room with a large table and a huge Empire map on the wall. He was a mid-aged man, with a small scar on his face and was wearing heavy plate. When the paladins entered he was in the middle of conversation with young elven woman wearing leather armor and with a longbow on her back.

    - I scouted the forest, but found nothing specific... there are many tracks which lead deeper into the woods, but I didn't dare going there alone.

    Before commander replied, he saw paladins.

    - Greetings, commander. I am Griffin McNeil, Shieldbearer of the Merciful Palm and exalted servant of Pelor, - Griffin introduced himself, - My companions and I have been dispatched here to investigate and quell the evil inciting the animals to attack the village.

    The commander nodded and looked on second paladin.

    - M Theodric. Baratheon, - grumbled Theodric, - Tell me, do you have a map of the forest? Doesn't need much in the way of detail or anything. I figure if we can figure out the bulk of these attacks, we might be able to deduce where to start.

    - Hail paladins, - answered commander, - I am Korin, commander of this fort and surroundings. And this elf is Keyla, one of our best rangers. For a week we are trying to find out the source, but so far in vain. You want a map? Here look at this one on the wall, our village is here, a few days travel from the capital, on the very edge of the large forest. The forest covers a pretty large area all the way to sea on the west, and goes a little to the north, close to the city of Anverin. Our attacks come from the north and north-west, and as far as I know, there is nothing there. No ancient ruins, no nearly forgotten ancient fortresses, no crazy mage laboratory. However I know that local druid Jeargin lives somewhere there. Or maybe lives, I doubt he survived those attacks... if of course he isn't behind them.

    Keyla tried to find out what CAN be found there, but the woods are dangerous for lone travelers. Maybe if you go with her, you'll find something.
    As for reasons... well I'll let Keyla speak.

    - Hail paladins, - said Keyla, - I know WHAT happened to the animals, but I don't know HOW it was done. I am sure in one thing - animals are terrified. I don't know what it is, but it frightens the animals so much, that they run from the danger right on our village. The dare to fight with us people, but not to stay in the forest. Something is wrong in the forest. Tainted, evil, I don't know, you feel such things better. And this presence fills the hearts of the beasts with fear they can't control, fear which cause them to attack people - and usually they won't dare it!

    - I suspect that this drow is behind that, - said commander, - the drow which our soldiers saw a few days ago.

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Game for Paladins


    A passion burning in his eyes, William clearly asserts "We will cleanse the forest of whatever evil taint is there... drow or otherwise," before turning his body and motioning as if to proceed immediately.

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Troll in the Playground
    Miraqariftsky's Avatar

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    Default Re: Game for Paladins


    Oresten comes around the bend, with the periodic clanking of his armour and knocking of his hammer-cane as he limped along. Across his back is slung his shield and his helmet in the crook of of his arm.

    He looks up at the assembly with a face much-lined with scars and worries and eyes as dark pits. His voice, when it comes forth is not the voice of a proud princely paladin... but that of somebody haunted. The only words that escape his suddenly parched lips are, "Damn these drow. Their menace shall be laid low"

    And then an almost imperceptible shudder courses through him. Suddenly chastened, Othnielor stands straight and bows. "Forgive my impertinence, milord. I am Othnielor Oresten, Shieldbearer from House Eogn. My counsel is that we should further fortify our position here and hold until the night is past. I do not know about you, brothers, but my eyes cannot see very well in the dark, no matter how bright the moon and stars might be. We are but human, are we not?"

    His gaze narrows and his grip upon the head of his hammer tightens. "And the drow are but drow, are they not? Being such, they are most likely to be most vulnerable when the sun is up. That is when we should strike. Is it chivalrous and honourable combat? Some may argue that it is not... But is it not more honourable to give these people and ourselves a better chance by..."

    He then gestures out the window into the black expanse of night. "...not literally taking a stab at the dark? We may be the Lightbringers of Ledar, but we are not fools"
    Last edited by Miraqariftsky; 2009-11-10 at 02:00 PM.
    Avatarcred: HELL YEAH to THE Oneris! Ma'am, thank you, ma'am.
    Previous Avatars: by Dr Bath, Strawberries, zimmerwald1915

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    ((what time of day is it?))

    A terrible light came into Theodric's eyes. "Well." He said "That simplifies things quite a bit." He said darkly.
    Nadir We,
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  11. - Top - End - #41
    Scow2's Avatar

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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    "Thank you, captain," Griffin said to the commander, before turning back to the other Paladins.

    "My plan would have been a nightly assault, because, yes, Drow are weaker during the day, but they are also conspicously absent. It would be easier to find them when they are out and about. During the day, we may never find them. In case anyone is blind, Pelor has vested within me his radiance, to be a beacon even when the sun is gone. Brother Oresten, I have more to say to you, but here is not the place," he said, having further words with Oresten's suggestion that he'd rather not be arguing over in the presence of the unordained.

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Game for Paladins


    William stands back while the rest of the group work on a strategy. He has never been one for making good plans, but rather executing them with might and potency.

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    Feeling somewhat chagrined, Oresten replies, "That is a good point that you bring up, brother Griffin. And good it is indeed that the Sunlord has blest ye so, whereas all I have beyond what most paladins have is my gift of gab... And yet alas, I do confess that this talent Pelor gave me, despite drow having been the ones who had nearly slain my beloved and I, should by rights still be used if the chance arises"

    He then looks down at the map and racks his memory, from his studies and from all his ambassadorial trips, for anything that he could remember about this forest and the druid Jeargin. Knowing that sometimes, people may not be exactly what they seem and despite the likelihood that there is no deception, Oresten's ambassadorial instincts tell him to look briefly at the faces of the commander and the elfmaid, Keyla, to see whether or not there may be something they are holding back from them.
    Knowledge: Nature, Local, Geography checks, please. A spot of Sense Motive, too, thank you.

    Turning to the group as a whole, he propounds, "Shall we vote on it, then, brothers? Shall we hold the fort and help to defend it through the night or shall we sally forth now and strike at the heart of darkness, taking advantage of the element of surprise?"
    Avatarcred: HELL YEAH to THE Oneris! Ma'am, thank you, ma'am.
    Previous Avatars: by Dr Bath, Strawberries, zimmerwald1915

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    - You know, I don't like the condition of those wounded in the tent, - said Keyla, - I don't know what beast caused them, but maybe I'll learn something from the tracks. But I won't go alone.

    And the commander said, - I think it's better to find the root of the problem, we can't even be sure that beasts will attack tonight. And even if they will, we still can hold out a little longer.


    Rolls (no offline dice at this computer):
    Nature: (1d20+2)[13]
    Local: (1d20+4)[22]
    Geography: (1d20+2)[14]
    Sense Motive: (1d20+2)[5] Was mistake here you got +5 more=10

    Oresten knows pretty little about the area, yet he knows that druids usually live in the wilderness, but not to far from the city, for cases that people will need their help. Shall the need arise, he will find him, not certainly, but with high chances.

    The beast who wounded people is unnatural, but it's impossible to tell what exactly.

    Commander and elven ranger aren't lying, but they are somewhat unsure about something, possibly about drow.

    Last edited by Erad; 2009-11-13 at 04:10 PM.

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Scow2's Avatar

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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    Griffin shakes his head, "I vote we don't vote on a plan just yet, and evaluate the situation. From what I can tell, a night assault would be less reliable, as the Drow could see us long before we could see them. On the other hand, a swift strike would end the nightmare for this village swifty. May I suggest a third option?" he rambles, trying to lay out his thoughts. "Keyla, are you able to attempt to scout again? Mardok should escort and assist you, as he is also an accomplished scout as accomplished combatant. The rest of us stay here and defend against the assaults of the animals until you return, and together we can mount a solid assault against the taint. Or you could take William with you as well, and the three of you should have the power to destroy the heart of the evil while we defend."

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    Theodric has remained quiet. He wasn't a planner, subtly was wasted on him. Instead he excused himself.
    "I'm going to the town, perhaps someone else well know something. When you young 'uns agree on something, find me. And be quick, I'm not as young as I used to be, and my back has more kinks then a forest has trees" With that he turned and lumbered out of the room.

    Theodric wanders around, most likely eventually making his way to the pub. He makes an effort to get on with everyone he runs into, and tries to determine the feelings of the town.
    knowledge local [roll]1d20+5[roll]
    Gather information [roll]1d20+5[roll]
    Nadir We,
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    Victors Still.

  17. - Top - End - #47
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    Mardok had chosen not to remain witht he others, instead moving along the outside of the village. He searched for any bodies of slain animals, and examined marks to look for any animal tracks that were not made by a natural creature. He has not gone in to see the wounded yet and hasn't seen the marks made upon them. His bow is out with an arrow nocked, ready to aim and let fly should something leap out at him.
    Last edited by Croverus; 2009-11-16 at 01:05 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    Stroking his goatee, Othnielor nods and concurs, "Your counsel is wise, brother Griffin"

    The Eognnan scion takes a step back from the table and bows to both the commander and his comrade. "I take my leave, sirs and madam. I go to patrol the perimeter. I shall be at the palisades, should I be needed"

    With these words, meets the eyes of his remaining comrades, the commander and Keyla, his gaze locking for a while with Griffin's, and then he turns to leave.
    Avatarcred: HELL YEAH to THE Oneris! Ma'am, thank you, ma'am.
    Previous Avatars: by Dr Bath, Strawberries, zimmerwald1915

  19. - Top - End - #49
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Game for Paladins

    Most of the paladins decided not to leave the village in that late hour, and found things to do inside.

    Oresten and Griffin decided to help at the palisades, Theodric was trying to calm the villagers and possibly get some information.

    So far, the night was calm and the only one who was seen out of the palisade was Mardok, who was checking the bodies of the animals. No wild beasts were coming to kill... at least now.

    Theodric spent time speaking with villagers, calming them, and asking about the last events, but unfortunately, he learned nothing new.

    But Mardok did find something. One of the bears who was killed not far from the palisade, had quite unique wounds. One of them wasn't inflicted with a weapon. No, it was caused by bare hand! Nails of the bare human hand. And the wound had pieces of rotten flesh inside - human flesh. There was only one humanoid creature who could hurt bear that deeply and infect him at the same time - Undead. The pain and sickness drove the poor animal mad and caused it to attack people.

    So far such a wound was found only on one animal.

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