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Thread: 50 Fathoms

  1. - Top - End - #31
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    Pearl searches among all the unfamiliar for something that looks familar. If she does not see anything she shrug her shoulders and head back to the beach. Maybe she be able to searc along the water line for seaweed or some or the more familar items she uses to cook with.
    Thanks to YPU for the avatar design.

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    "Ha! Thanks, I think." Says Mimli. She's not quite totally literate on the handsigning yet. "Let me see, how do I reply..." She waggles her hands.

    {Friends purple impertinence lovely bubbles exclamatory joy}

    Quote Originally Posted by oyhr View Post
    "Let's see, there's plenty of wood, put I'm going to need some nails to put in it place. I could probably make a makeshift hammer out of some of the rocks around here, but..."
    "I suppose we could-"

    She breaks off, her eyes widening. "Svien. Svien! Leave that be, there's trouble at the ship! Come on!"

    She takes off running, bundles of meat bouncing against her back.
    Last edited by Lost Demiurge; 2009-10-27 at 08:26 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    Pearl covered her mouth with a soundless giggle. She nodded happy that any one would take the time to try to learn to talk in a way that was so strange to them. The fact they spoke funny did not matter in fact it made it enjoyable to her. The fact they even tried gave her great joy and made gave her a sense of belonging.

    As she was looking to find any thing that could be eaten she heard some yelling from Mimli. Not sure what was the matter she return in case they were getting attack only to see Memli runing towards the ship.


    Pearl quickly looked towards the direction Mimli was heading looking for whatever had her running.
    Thanks to YPU for the avatar design.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    Svien starts running back towards the ship without any idea what's going on.

    "At least the ship doesn't have any valuables. I doubt most pirates would be interested in lumber."
    Last edited by oyhr; 2009-10-30 at 06:46 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    Four hours ago, your ship was hit by something large below the waterline. Several of the crew were sucked out the bottom in an instant, and a broken lantern set the hull ablaze.
    Your captain, Jonas Abraham, managed to beach the ship on the shores of Torath-Ka—the Savage Land, but it seems the Adrianne is doomed.
    Captain Abraham tasked you with foraging out to find provisions while the other 20 men of the Adrianne begin salvaging what they can from the wreck.

    Kazas, with zero experience with what to do in a situation like this, hustles off, like everyone else, but just goes looking for a spot where he can look busy and stay out of the way. Before he gets a chance, though, he is tapped on his upper left shoulder.

    Kazas turns to glare and favor the guy with an annoyed, "What?" It is a silver and furtive-looking Kehana, one who'd been on the Adrianne a lot longer than he had, so he figures that he'll be getting some orders, but the guy first takes a couple of beats to look him up and down with some trepidation.

    What he sees is kind of thin for a Scurillian, although he still has a thick blue shell all over him. He slouches on four crab-like legs, glares at him with eyes on stalks, and yanks his shoulder away with a snap of a claw. Scurillians not being especially populous, the pirate notes that he should watch Kazas's arms, since the top set sport thick claws, and the bottom one comes with darting little three-fingered hands, currently fidgeting impatiently.

    Nodding, he finally declares, "You're with me, sailor." Kazas gives a double shrug and follows him back into the ship. The Adrianne is resting on the sand at a bit of an angle, but a line of pirates is efficiently passing supplies to safety. When they get to the galley, his guide laughs, "Ha! Good, they haven't gotten this far, yet!" The Kehana then plants himself in his way and gestures for him to turn around. "Here, you keep watch. I'm gonna take some stuff while they're all busy."

    Kazas sighs, turns around, and props himself up in the doorway. "Well, it's easier than working." Bored and uninterested in if this guy gets caught, he isn't paying much attention, until a few crewmates rush by, yelling about a fire. The roar of flames suddenly registers, and he starts hearing crashes and screams. "What's going on?! Are we okay in here?"

    "You're the one keeping watch, stupid! Just shut up, and you can take what you want, when I'm done." Kazas turns to see what's taking the guy so long and finally notices just how wrong he was to follow him. A decent chunk of the room is on fire, and pieces of it are already falling apart. He thinks that he can already see daylight through a crumbling wall.

    He flinches at the flames as he rushes to help the Kehana, who's looking very distracted, trying to choose what to take. "I'll grab some, so let's go! We gotta get out of here!" The guy growls, peers around him to check if anyone's found them, then nods.

    "C'mere and help me with this, then!" Kazas grabs a bunch of bottles that the guy had been collecting, but the ceiling chooses that moment to start collapsing. The first piece knocks the Kehana out and onto him. He barely keeps himself from falling by flailing out with his arms and getting a claw wedged in the floor, which unfortunately prevents him from escaping when the rest of the ceiling falls on him.

    He "Argh!"s a few times while trying to free himself, but only ends up wedging a leg in the floor, too, when he tries to push the debris off with his other three legs. He lies there for a bit, trying to figure a way out of this without calling for help. Thankfully, the smoke has plenty of room to escape.

    He struggles for a bit, loudly, hoping that someone will hear, but he quickly tires himself out and chances grabbing one of the bottles. He kicks at the Kehana that brought him there and looks as if he might have been killed by the knock on the head. "So, was this stuff worth it? Nothing for me to lose, now."

    He breaks the top of the bottle off and is about to pour it down his gullet when a beam snaps, not only causing his life to flash before his eyes, but also the loss of the bottle. He is at last able to wrench his other claw out of the floor to help hold the beam up, though. He glares at the fallen bottle, tries to strain himself over to catch some of the liquid in his mouth, but decides that, no, it is definitely not worth it.

    In about as annoyed and desperate as a plea can sound ---> "Rrrrr...Help!"

    From the beach, the ship looks quite uninviting, with burning pieces floating off and a smoking hole in one side. The wreck seems to have been abandoned by the crew, but movement can be seen at the end of a path created by a fallen beam, where the galley once was. A rapidly-weakening Scurillian is trying to kick debris off of him with his free legs, in between kicking a dead Kehana and ranting.
    Last edited by TruorTupnm; 2009-10-31 at 09:35 PM.
    You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial.
    Strength and stupidity in numbers.

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  6. - Top - End - #36
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    As she reaches sight of the ship, Mimli stops, leans over and puts her hands on her knees, and pants to catch her breath. After a few moments, she straightens up, takes her spectacles off and mops sweat from them.

    "Well." She says to the others, as they catch up.

    "That looks fairly permanent. I suppose we should go help Kazas out of the mess..."

    She heads over, and starts kicking rubble off of the crab-man's back.

    Then her brow furrows.

    "Wait. How did this fire start, and where are the rest of the crew?"

    She squats down, and stares at the ranting crab.

    "What happened man? Out with it!"

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    Kazas whooshes a long sigh of relief as the load on top of him is lightened. He glares expectantly at the group for a bit, since he isn't entirely uncovered yet, and doesn't answer the question until he finally tears his leg out of the floor. "Argh! Finally! If I was smaller, I wouldn't have gotten stuck, in the first place! It was this stinking Kehana's fault! Did anybody know this guy? Well, he's shark bait, now!"

    When the question actually registers, he peers around and attempts to shrug. "How should I know? They were here. I was just salvaging some provisions. What, they left us? Argh! You won't let me up, unless I know something? Okay. Whatever hit the ship came back, and it must have swallowed them all, blast it!" <--- That last said with an exaggerated shake of a claw.
    You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial.
    Strength and stupidity in numbers.

    - Myself

    Free-Form Role-Playing Game Characters, because I got tired of sticking links in my posts --->

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    Mimli finishes pulling debris from Kazas and straightens up. She frowns up and down the beach.

    "Hm. It was a sea-going thing that hit us. If it came for second breakfast, then it would most likely have approached from the water. I'm not seeing any big damp patches on the sand..."

    She turns to Pearl and Svien, waving an arm to include Kazas. "Take a look around, lads and lass. Got to be some clue where our shipmates buggered off to."

    And she heads out a bit, glancing around, following her own advice.

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    Very clearly there are tracks of chaotic movement among the wreckage, as is to be expected when your stranded on some savage island and your wrecked ship catches fire.


    You soon find tracks leading away from the ship and into the jungle, you also find tracks of large objects being dragged along by these tracks. Here and there you recognize the steps as those of bare feet.
    Your Personal Undead

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  10. - Top - End - #40
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    Once freed, Kazas immediately attempts to salvage what's left of the wine to store in his flask. He gapes around at the damage to the ship for a bit and starts growling about how doomed they are, stuck forever in the Savage Land, probably merely to be eaten by some monster. He sees, however, that everyone else starts looking around as Mimli instructed, so he sullenly follows trails of footsteps that may or may not just be his own, although he doubts that he'll find anything.

    Upon completing a few circles, he "Hmmm..."s at the ship, then attempts to catch Mimli's attention. "If we're to be trekking through that jungle, we'd best take as much as we can from this wreck." He eyes the leaf pouches they returned with. "What've you got? I hope it's not something that's brought the wrath of the Red Men on us or somesuch!"
    You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial.
    Strength and stupidity in numbers.

    - Myself

    Free-Form Role-Playing Game Characters, because I got tired of sticking links in my posts --->

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    Pearl arrived just as Kazas was freed from the wreckage as she listen to him complain she rolled her eyes. Kazas was always complaining mostly about how life would be better for him if he was not a big crab man but a normal crab. Pearl had her doubt about that if his wish had come true Pearl would not doubt he had become some man or creature lunch way before now.

    Pearl had not needed Mimli suggestion to search for tracks of where the crerw man had gone off too. She was not sure why Kazas had been left behind why he did not know what had happen to the ship. She was already checking the ground for tracks when Mimli suggested they do that. She concentrated on the area between the ship and the jungle figuring anyone would head in that direction first. Before long she found the sign that a large object had been dragged along the sand. Here and there among the drag marks was the imprint of bare feet.

    Pearl made a fist and slapped it hard against her chest making a hallow slapping sound. This was her version of yelling Hey over here!
    Thanks to YPU for the avatar design.

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    Mimli pokes around, and jogs over when Pearl slaps her chest. "Hm! Into the jungle? Now what would they go and do that for... Place is dangerous."

    She glances over at Kazas. "Wrath of the Red Men? I doubt it. It's just dinner."
    Something in the line of questioning draws her thoughts. She frowns at the jungle.


    "Come to think of it, they might not've gone under their own power. If the Red Men noticed the ship..."

    She heads back to the ship, and waves the others up. "All right Kazas, let's see what we can find that could be useful for finding our crewmates, or saving 'em. Don't spend too much time or try to grab anything too heavy, we might have to fight shortly."
    Last edited by Lost Demiurge; 2009-11-04 at 09:37 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    "If you would excuse me for a minute, I'm going to get something from my room and then come back."

    Svien leaves.

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    Very little of use can be found among the wreckage of the ship. The last flames die out slowly as there is no more wood left above the water line to burn. By the position of the sun you can judge its getting late in the afternoon. With only scarce provisions scavenged from the jungle it is time to set out and discover what has happened to your crewmates.
    Your Personal Undead

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    by dr. bathand, Kpenguin and Fay Graydon

    You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.
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  15. - Top - End - #45
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    Mimli puffs her cheeks, and lets her breath out in an irritated Fuf!

    "Well, damn. No help for it, let's go look for our missing mates."

    She beckons Pearl to take point, and falls in behind her.

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    Kazas shoulders his satchel and takes one last despondent look at the ruined ship, what he believes to have caused his demise. "Argh. I should have stayed in the city!" He follows Mimli, but he dithers at the edge of the jungle, pacing around, waiting for the others, clearly refusing to go in, without them watching his back. "Oh, we are gonna die. Everyone else is probably already dead. Huh. How does one escape the Savage Land? I don't suppose there are any friendly Red Men we might run into in this region?" <--- That last said hopefully, but followed up by a cynical laugh.
    You're either an Outcast, or you're in denial.
    Strength and stupidity in numbers.

    - Myself

    Free-Form Role-Playing Game Characters, because I got tired of sticking links in my posts --->

  17. - Top - End - #47
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    As what was left of the crew started to form up to explore the area Pearl pointed out the foot prints she had discovered. She pointed to her bare foor and then to the print in front of her she then pointed to the others and ther booted feet. Pearl was one of the few crew member that did not wear shoes. When one spend a lot of time in the water wearing shoes was more of a hinderance then a help.

    With a nod of her head at Mimli Pearl took point indicating to the other they should give her some room to scout ahead. Pearl planed on being about 40 feet ahead of the group. Pearl started to follow the trail. Once inside the tree line she tried to be as quiet and stealthy as possible.
    Last edited by Diella; 2009-11-10 at 05:28 PM.
    Thanks to YPU for the avatar design.

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    3 meters below sea level.

    Default Re: 50 Fathoms

    At first you have a hard time following the tracks trough the dense foliage of the jungle, in fact you loose the tack altogether for about a quarter of a hour. fortunately after that you can follow the trail for tow miles without much of a problem.

    You can only come to one conclusion,
    tropical jungle.
    You sweat and pant like never before while itching from scratches and bides from bugs and foliage.

    All make a vigor roll vs fatigue, also make a notice check while your at it.
    Your Personal Undead

    Other Avatars:

    by dr. bathand, Kpenguin and Fay Graydon

    You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.
    -C. S. Lewis

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