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  1. - Top - End - #151
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)


    Igs hears the snipers words over the com and grins as he slide down the hill nearly falling to a knee at one point. He tries to stay low and quiet as he legs begin to ache from the running they had put up with this day.

    Sarge 'll take out de russ if Draxis could provide me with a shot on the commander as I rush the line. Commissar If you wouldn mind aim at the rhino it may well have Damned Astres in it. Ill provide enough of a distraction to keep the rest of the the bastards busy.

    Igs mumbles the request through clenched teeth as he tries to cover the distance between the hill and the incoming tanks. He double checks the stubber in his hands and peers for a crater or some other cover which he could hide in 150 meters in front of the oncoming tanks.


    hide (1d100)[21]
    awareness (1d100)[51]
    Last edited by crazedloon; 2010-01-22 at 12:12 AM.
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  2. - Top - End - #152
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)


    Zane simply waits as the vehicles move closer. He might be able to do something when the occupants climb out, but a shot-gun vs/ armor usually doesn't do very much.
    Thanks to Edwin for the Avatar!

  3. - Top - End - #153
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)

    Father Lucius takes a few deep breaths, preparing himself for the coming storm...
    Anemoia: Nostalgia for a time you've never known.

  4. - Top - End - #154
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)

    The first wave of armoured vehicles drawls parallel to the commissar and her fire team, still some 500 metres short of sergeant Brock and his fire team. The vehicle commanders continue to scan for targets.

    Awareness check for the Leman Russ’ Commander. (1d100)[5] vrs. 45 (45 base, +20 Equipment, -20 distance)
    Awareness check for the chimera commanders (1d100)[60] vrs. 10 (30 Base, +20 for multiple people looking, -20 for shadowy illumination, -20 for distance

    The second line of armored vehicles trails some 200 metres behind the first line.

    The rhino comes into view, the armour has the sheen of burnished iron, trimmed with yellow and black, with a metal helmet icon on the hull.

    The Leman Russ commander pans toward the hill and plays with the settings on the magnoculars. His had reaches for the comm. Bead in his ear.

    "He's made us. Silvanus take him." Brock related. "Igs, draw their fire. Commissar, recommend you frag what you can as they try to deploy."
    Last edited by Ceridan; 2010-01-26 at 02:33 AM.
    Thanks to Kpenguin for the Superb Avatar.

    Deathwatch Characters
    Sven Carlson, Alistayr
    Tristan Weylin, Mikael
    Master of the Forge, Hephaestus Faust, Gwain

  5. - Top - End - #155
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)


    With pleasure sir

    Igs grits through his clenched jaw before grabbing the grenade with one hand and and slipping his thumb from his other hand through the pin and pulling. He gives his fellow guardsmen time to take his shot before hefting the grenade in front of him aiming for any cover between him and oncoming tanks. He continues to move forward to the cover that aimed for lowering to nearly a slide as he enters the cover. He lays the stubber unceremoniously on the ground at the edge of the cover in the thick of the smoke before continuing forward in a single motion drawing the grenade launcher from his side.

    Commissar I would suggest laying low until I have draw their fire.


    delaying until Draxis shoots
    throw (1d100)[45]
    move action to any cover I can find and throw the grenade to, (aiming close enough to get to it this turn) How far would it be from the tanks?
    free action to drop the stubber to the ground
    free action draw the Launcher

    Last edited by crazedloon; 2010-01-26 at 08:58 AM.
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  6. - Top - End - #156
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)


    Amidst the rumbling of the tanks and the shaking ground, a faint whisper is audible to those who quietly wait on the top of the hill, looking down on the battlefield. This whisper, seemingly inconspicuous, would have been drowned out by the intense concentration that gripped their hearts if not for its most peculiar source. A young man, who had until then been completely quiet, was leaning on one knee, as if in prayer, a few feet behind them. What at first is assumed to be a last rite prayer is quickly revealed to be much more as recognition sets in and his identity becomes clear.

    His white and red robes, a standard uniform issued to Imperial Psykers, give away his allegiance while his blond hair and peculiar face, marked by an unwavering smile allow you to place him at various occasions during the march. His continued silence and his day-dreaming demeanour had him pegged as an adept, absorbed with his thoughts and simply present to record and keep track of the mission.

    Now, in the midst of chaos, you find him chanting. In his hands, he holds a long staff. As he tightens his grip on it, the sun-shaped blade at its top begins to glow slightly.

    Without a doubt, for better or for worse, the Psyker has joined the battle.


    Assuming i am popping right into the action!
    (1d100)[73] Vs 71 Incantation (51+10+10)
    Oh god, this is terrible haha
    Last edited by Saldre; 2010-01-27 at 05:43 PM.
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    Amazing avatar of "The King In Yellow" by Ceika

  7. - Top - End - #157
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)


    Once the enemy armor has been spotted, Rotha removed her laspistol while keeping the krak in her other hand. She tensed up, readying herself for the long run toward what could be her grave. "Even though it may seem we are outnumbered and outgunned. Remember that the Emperor stands with us, and His grace is the greatest weapon of all." With that said, Rotha waves for the other guardsman to wait a bit longer.

    When Brock says they were spotted, Rotha leaps up from cover. "Throw smoke! Kraks and frags start running. Covering fire from smokers." The Commissar dashes toward the nearest cover whilst putting her faith in the guardsmen to do as they are told.

    Pre-battle rally attempt: (1d100)[72] vs 30
    Move toward the smoke. If I'm in range: I'll throw the krak toward the rhino. If not, I'll hold off and dive toward cover.
    Last edited by ZeroNumerous; 2010-01-27 at 02:07 PM.

  8. - Top - End - #158
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)

    Loken throws the smoke grenade as close to the convoy as possible and starts dashing towards the closest vehicle when the smoke goes off. Hoping the vehicle stops he gets ready to put his krak under the tracks.(lol that sounds illegal) and gets ready to open the top hatch to throw in a frag.

    Lol it seems like a lot and I know I can't do it in one round but that's my plan for now.
    Last edited by AssassinKing; 2010-01-29 at 05:06 PM.
    Faith in the Emperor.

  9. - Top - End - #159
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)

    Father Lucius makes the sign of the Aquila. It was time to see what role he and his flock would serve for the Emperor...
    Anemoia: Nostalgia for a time you've never known.

  10. - Top - End - #160
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)

    Still waiting for Silvanus to shoot. Assuming he aims for the Leman Russ commander…

    The first line of armoured vehicles have barely rumbled by the Commissar and her fire team as they toss their smoke grenades. They detonate, spewing thick grey smoke around and behind the nearest chimera as the fire team leaps the wall and sprints for the APC.

    Igs’ smoke grenade lands well short of the mark, the vehicles being some 400 metres distant, but does seem to draw fire from the chimeras on the opposite flank. Heavy stubber rounds and multi-laser fire cris cross the area cover by the smoke, lighting up the night with tracers and laser pulses.

    The second line of armoured vehicles, including the Rhino, are still some 100 metres behind the first line. The chimera commanders of the second line seem caught off guard by the smoke and hesitate as the commissar’s fire team rushes the first chimera, quickly losing sight of them in the smoke.

    The Rhino, however, reacts with startling speed. The twin bolters on top track onto the smoke and the deep cough of bolter fire adds to the din of engines, stubber and las fire.

    Commissar’s Fire Team
    The smoke grenades, general confusion, and your wild charge have put you within 3 metres of the back and sides of the nearest chimera.

    Rhino: Bolter fire #1(1d100)[19], Bolter #2(1d100)[27] needs a 30, 50 base, +20 full auto spray, -10 for range, -30 for smoke.

    Brocks Fire Team
    The enemy seems occupied at the moment and isn’t shooting at you. The White shields look determined, but the range is still too great for their two grenade launchers to be effective given their short supply of krak grenades. Long Las fire will be at a -20 unless you have a telescopic sight, then it is only -0.

    Three chimeras are spraying wildly at your smoke. Heavy stubbers, multi-lasers and you think the hull mounted heavy bolters are waiting for a clear shot. Running into the smoke will require a Will test as any sane person’s survival instincts scream at them to duck and cover.
    Last edited by Ceridan; 2010-02-02 at 05:04 PM.
    Thanks to Kpenguin for the Superb Avatar.

    Deathwatch Characters
    Sven Carlson, Alistayr
    Tristan Weylin, Mikael
    Master of the Forge, Hephaestus Faust, Gwain

  11. - Top - End - #161
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)

    Commissar’s Fire Team.
    Dodge rolls for two NPC troopers, both need a 40. 1st Trooper (1d100)[80], 2nd Trooper(1d100)[67]
    Last edited by Ceridan; 2010-02-02 at 05:07 PM.
    Thanks to Kpenguin for the Superb Avatar.

    Deathwatch Characters
    Sven Carlson, Alistayr
    Tristan Weylin, Mikael
    Master of the Forge, Hephaestus Faust, Gwain

  12. - Top - End - #162
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)

    Commissar’s Fire Team
    Trooper Vinn takes a bolt round to the head. Bolter damage (2d10)[5]. Trooper Evans takes two bolt rounds to the legs. Bolter Damage (2d10)[12], and (2d10)[13]. Bolt rounds have a 4 pen thus cutting right through Flak armour. *Shivers* Vinn cluthes a nasty wound on his head. Evans dropps as his legs come apart in a welter of gore, screaming as the severed arteries pump his blood out of the wounds in torrent.

    Welks hears his friends scream as they are hit. He drops to a knee at the edge of the smoke and aims his disposable launcher at the front of the Rhino. “You sons of whores!” He screams as he fires. (1d100)[68] Needs a 60. Base of 40, +20 for target size, lighting negated by the targets bolter fire. *Yikes* Father, you want to try to Intervene, I.e. spend a fate point so that the lad can reroll that?
    Last edited by Ceridan; 2010-02-02 at 05:22 PM.
    Thanks to Kpenguin for the Superb Avatar.

    Deathwatch Characters
    Sven Carlson, Alistayr
    Tristan Weylin, Mikael
    Master of the Forge, Hephaestus Faust, Gwain

  13. - Top - End - #163
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Dec 2009

    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)


    Draxis controls his breath, cursing his organic lungs, and takes aim over cover at the Leman Russ commander. He waits, wanting to give the bona fide sniper the first shot, planning to fire immediately following Silvanus.

    Immediately after Silvanus fires:
    (1d100)[30](30) vs 45 (BS +20 (full aim) +10(accurate) -20 (range))
    Last edited by LTSearchEngine; 2010-02-02 at 09:49 PM.

  14. - Top - End - #164
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)

    Over the din of stubber fire, the crack of las rounds, and the thunder of bolters, Father Lucius overhears the the shriek of a Guardsman and the roar of a rocket launcher. Recognizing both as being from the Commissar's team, the Priest makes the sign of the Aquila and utters a short prayer. "Godspeed, brave warriors of Terra. I commend your souls and your dying deeds unto the Emperor, and may your revered glories be whispered by the Saints for all eternity."


    Spending a Fate Point to let the Guardsman reroll his rocket attack against those blasphemous horrors who dare to stain the earth with the blood of the devout. FOR THE EMPEROR!!
    Last edited by Lycan 01; 2010-02-02 at 10:35 PM.
    Anemoia: Nostalgia for a time you've never known.

  15. - Top - End - #165
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)


    Zane winces as blood sprays from the injured troopers. Briefly a vision of a room covered in blood flashes through his mind, but he shakes it off. The battlefield is no place to daydream.

    Throwing a Krak grenade at the Rhino, Zane prayed that it would take out the biggest threat, be that the heavy bolters or whatever was inside.

    Emperor Protects!


    Throwing a Krak grenade at the Rhino.
    ...of course. Spending a fate point to reroll, roll in the OOC thread.
    Last edited by Krrth; 2010-02-03 at 10:43 AM.
    Thanks to Edwin for the Avatar!

  16. - Top - End - #166
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Nemesis Squad, Cadian 113th (IC)


    Igs grinned with satisfaction as the smoke was filled with shots intended for him. He continues to sprint towards the tanks launcher in hand crouching low to hide from direct sight.


    full run action
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