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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Seattle (GMT-8)

    Default (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    It was a uncommonly warm evening in early autumn in the city of Westport, the crown jewel of liberty, enlightenment, and corruption in the West. About the walls of the largest city in Herth was the fledgling kingdom of Tyr, the guardians of the free city-state. All manner of folk from all nations came by way of Westport to trade and find fortunes.

    OOC Thread here.
    Feel free to introduce your characters. The world is yours too, so don't feel inhibited about adding your own spice.
    Last edited by roryb; 2010-11-29 at 12:05 AM. Reason: Added OOC link

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Dwarf in the Playground
    jebob's Avatar

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    Default Re: (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    Chi-Haruo strolls through the gates of Wesport, moneybag by his side and a rucksack with necessities and various magical essences.

    A fine city, shame about the smell of fish. He ponders. I wonder where one could find lodgings for the night?

    He attracts the attention of one of the many street-sellers, orders one of the local delicacies and begins to converse about good places to stay.
    Many thanks to Discord for the Avatar!


  3. - Top - End - #3
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    Fletcher skipped through the streets of Westport, giddy with the success of his latest acquisition. Tonight's the night, he thought. He slipped his hand into his worn white robe to caress the object.

    A disturbance drew Fletcher's attention from his reverie, a familiar voice. Fletcher turned and grinned.

    "Chi-Haruo!" Fletcher leaped upon the surprised alchemist and ruffled his hair. "What are you doing here? How've you been?"

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    OOC: this is all good. I'm going to sit and watch until a proper moment to jump in.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Dwarf in the Playground
    jebob's Avatar

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    Default Re: (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    "Fetch! Its good to see you again, but strange to see you so far from the School. How are things keeping with you?"
    Many thanks to Discord for the Avatar!


  6. - Top - End - #6
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    "Oh, you know. I'm keeping busy. I, uh, I came out here looking for something. For somebody." Fletcher ran his hand through his blonde locks, his gaze straying down the street from whence he came.

    "Anyway, I'm good!" he said, his eyes and smile returning to Chi-Haruo. "Gosh, it's great to have you back! We have a lot of catching up to do. Have you eaten? There's a great little place down the way here-"

    The shopkeeper, mute through the exchange, said with extra emphasis, "Can I help you boys?"

    Fletcher smiled his boyish smile. "Of course! One for each of us, please!" Fletcher handed over the silver, and took the proffered pastries.

    "Dessert first, Chi-Haruo! Come on, let's go get dinner. You can stay with me tonight. I'm sure Mrs. Jordalyn won't mind."
    Last edited by ~Q~; 2010-12-01 at 02:47 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    And by the evening, in the manor home of Lady Jordalyn in the wealthy district of the Westport, two satisfied lads pushed clean plates away from them. Around them, the lavish trappings of the palatial dining hall almost assaulted the senses—trophies of elk and bear, tapestries depicting hunting scenes, alabaster busts within alcoves (most likely depicting the lineage of Jordalyn's house), two great fireplaces with elaborately carved mantlepieces of marble, frescoed vaulted ceiling, and paintings covered every square inch of the place that wasn't paneled with dark knotted oak.

    The feast was sumptuous, and with bellies full and head swimming in a pleasant buzz from ruby redwine from Guildeland, the two fell silent.

    Lady Jordalyn was old, but still possessed of a timeless beauty and a graceful poise. She gave a restrained smile at the two. Clearing her throat, she cut the sudden silence.

    "So, master Chi-Haruo, what brings you to the city?"

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Dwarf in the Playground
    jebob's Avatar

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    Default Re: (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    "I'm looking to set up business actually," confides Chi-Haruo. "I heard there is a good market for potions of all kinds, and the port ensures a fresh supply of reagents and customers."

    "I also heard that the Magical School of Wesport has a handful of recipes that they aren't sharing with anyone."
    Many thanks to Discord for the Avatar!


  9. - Top - End - #9
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    Lady Jordalyn raised her eyebrows in surprise and interest. "Really? How the wheels of fate do spin! I have contracted master Fletcher's services on one account, but I have need of another. Tell me, can you determine the nature of a substance?"

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    Finally full after his third helping of decadence, Fletcher pushed his plate away and leaned back to rub his full stomach. He had been attentive throughout dinner, catching up with Chi-Haruo and making pleasing banter with Lady Jordalyn. But now, as the others chatted, Fletcher seemed distracted by his thoughts.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    "If given a small sample which I can use, it is a trivial matter. If I can merely observe the substance, I cannot guarantee success. I would be more than happy to take a look for free, consider it a gift of gratitude for tonights excellent dinner."
    Many thanks to Discord for the Avatar!


  12. - Top - End - #12
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    "Splendid!" said the hostess with restrained delight.

    Soon, the plates and silver were cleared away by the servants. The three continued to nibble on one remaining platter of dainties while sipping wine. Jordalyn had an item brought to her, then explained.

    "Master Fletcher has been helping me," she began. "Two long weeks ago, my dear husband vanished!"

    Although she held the dignity and posture of a lady, tears started to well in her eyes.

    "No one has seen or heard from him since, and no one can figure out where he may have gone. He has no enemies that I know of." Holding out a scrap of cloth to Chi-Haruo, she continued, regaining her composure. "Where his head should have laid on his pillow, the fabric of the bed was wet the next morning. It has since dried, but it still has a strange odor. I don't know if you can make anything out of the enigma."

    OOC: This is a Master [13] task to discern by smell what it is. Alchemy and arcane knowledge Qualities are relevant here. Success determines one or more familiar substances. Another Expert [11] task would need to be made after cross-references books and/or thinking about possible mixes to come up with an explanation of what it is and what the substance does.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    Fletcher realized that this type of identification was Chi-Haruo's specialty, and remained quiet as the alchemist accepted the cloth. Still, he expected the auras of both the cloth and Lady Jordalyn to reveal something useful. Fletcher closed his eyes and lowered his head... and when he returned his gaze to the table, his pupils shone a soft, milky white, his Seer's Sight.

    Expert [+4] Mystic + Average [0] Divination

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Dwarf in the Playground
    jebob's Avatar

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    Default Re: (PDQ) Shadow in the West (IC)

    So its (2d6+4)[12] I think

    Knowing Fletcher's sight when he saw it, Chi-Haruo prods the cloth.

    "I've smelt it before somewhere, but I'd have to run further tests to make certain. If Fletch has finished with the sample, I'd like an hour or so with my apparatus in a space with good ventilation. Rest assured, I will discover its nature come the morning."
    Last edited by jebob; 2010-12-06 at 03:10 PM.
    Many thanks to Discord for the Avatar!


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