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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    This thread is for the more Serious Plots in Nexus that people don't think really pertain to the ACROs or Inside. This is also for fairly longer plots, unlike the Random Places thread.

    1:Use [Location] Tags
    2: If need be, use a [Plot] Tag as well.
    3: Each [Location/Plot] is under the owner's control.
    4: Play nice. Or in this case, gritty.
    5: Keep the Drama Low. Yes, this is a serious Plot thread, but please, as rule 4 says, play nice. Just because the Plot is supposed to be serious, it doesn't mean you should take everything seriously.

    If you think your plot is rather silly, or aren't sure if it's long enough, try the Random Places and Plots thread.

    If you want a Location/Plot listed in this post, just PM me.

    Plots and Locations

    Plot:The Fall of The Kartam Lagarr- A Colony Ship crashlanded on a mountain due to complications and possibly an attack by something called "The Guntha".

    • The Command Bridge
    Last edited by UncleWolf; 2010-11-30 at 08:35 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    The Fall of The Kartam Lugarr

    "All hands, prepare for crash landing!"
    Captain August shouts over the comm systems as the collision alarms blare and his mercenary crew rush to their impact stations. His adjutant stands by his side and gives a hasty salute, his red and white uniform torn to shreds and bloody.

    Only part of it was his own.

    "Sir! The Guntha have seized the escape bays and engineering decks three through seven. I..."
    his words falter him for the first time in fifteen years. "I'm sorry sir, but they've destroyed it all." The Captain's mind races as he absorbs it all, before nodding. "Get to your station, and we'll discuss it later, when we're safely landed."

    "But Si-"

    The Captain orders. His Adjutant hesitates for a second and leaves to find a safe spot to hole up in, leaving the Captain alone on the Bridge. He adjusts his battered uniform, as if regaining his sense of dignity, and calmly walks towards his command chair. The alarms blare, and gunfire and explosions sound off behind him as his brave crew attempt to hold off their hated foes or seek safety, but he ignores it all.

    Taking a seat, he watches as a mountain rises up before the doomed colony ship The Kartam Lugarr...

    Eons pass...

    Riss, Eileen, Cessie, and Lloyd will find themselves coughing and sputtering as their consciousness returns. They'll vaguely remember the wave of blackness, and if they look around, they'll see a dusty room, lit only by flickering orange strip lights under rusted heaps of machinery. In the middle of the room are the remains of a giant chair. In it, lays the yellowed bones of something humanoid, but with a lined ridge along the sternum, it's skull split open by a rusted chunk of metal.

    There is one noticeable entrance at the rear of the room, a pair of sliding metal doors wedge open enough for someone to crawl through. The front of the room is a pile of rock and dirt, source unknown.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    Lloyd coughs as he stands up, a rip roaring head ache tearing it's way through his mind, and the image of darkness engulfing him, and choking him one all too familiar to the young boy in his tattered military flight suit. He staggers to his feet, his legs nearly giving out as he is forced to lean against the wall, his breathing heavy, and laden with stress as he viewed the area around him.

    Focus Lloyd, come on now. Your trained for this.

    He tried to focus on the area around him, his eyes trying to adjust to the darkness, and the shapes of three other people around him.. okay. Get these people up and moving. Safety, or at least knowledge in numbers. He moved quickly towards the closest of the "shapes" and gave it a sharp series of pats, his voice a low murmur as he said.

    "Come on now, stand. We don't have time."

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    [Location Unknown]

    Riss tried to work out the feeling of grit in her eyes even though she knew it would be gone soon anyway. That said, Lloyd could get an elbow in the gut in short order from the unwanted physical contact. "Don't have time for what?" Riss said, an odd accent faintly showing. It was mostly a slight elongation of the vowel sounds, really.

    Nonetheless, she stood up and did her best to get her bearings. It was rather handy that she had her toolbag with her at least... Not that it was fully stocked at the moment but it did carry her important gear at least. Oh, and also a small self defense mechanism. Always good to have on hand.
    Last edited by Terumitsu; 2010-11-30 at 09:06 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    Gah- Is all he could get out as he got the elbow in the gut, how rude! He was trying to help them after all, but with a rather major grumble of indignation he begins the same process of each of the other shapes, hoping that they too. would not find it in their hearts to hurt him for attempting to grant them life saving seconds of planning away from their captors.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    [Location Unknown]

    Riss wouldn't know anything about being 'Captured' although she didn't have that feeling of nausea that she normally got from teleportation. Then again, there are ways to suppress that.

    Though, the skeleton on the overlarge chair was actually getting a bit less interest than the machinery strewn about the area. It was obvious that there was some sort of accident here but there might be clues as to what exactly 'here' was.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    [Location Unknown]

    The blonde, vaguely Nordic-looking woman currently sprawled atop a pile of rubble suddenly twitches. Then sits up, grabbing her forehead, and giving a "I have no idea of anything right now, I have had far too little to drink to deal with whatever it is" kind of groan.

    Then she looks up and around...


    Oh, dear. Alexis is going to be worried,"
    Eileen mutters, rubbing her temples agian. "I need a drink..."

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    [Location Unknown]

    Cessie rubs her forehead as she slowly gathers her bearings, blinking as her eyes adjust to the low-lit environment, now this wasn't her study, nor was it her room in her sisters palace. This didn't quite look like anything she had seen before in fact, most interesting.

    And yet very worrying, how did she end up here? Had she been kidnapped? There was a dark surge... must have been some type of magic, these other people might have been effected by the same thing, but why?

    "Excuse me... do any of you happen to know where we are? Err... I'm Cessie Mithar by the way." She says as she have gotten up the floor.

    Cessie is dressed in a fashionable very conservative black dress that covers every inch of her body (except her hands and her neck of course). She have raven colored hair and blue eyes that almost shines with curiosity.

    Her manner is very calm and polite however.
    Last edited by Shadowcaller; 2010-12-01 at 01:46 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    Riss will find that the consoles have either been stripped clean of all circuitry and wiring or it's simply decayed over time. If she knows of such things, she'll be able to tell that the metal was once stainless steel, which means it'd have taken a rather long time for it to become this rusty.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    The silver hair youth acknowledged Cessie, even if he did find that dark dress to be a tad.. drab for his tastes. His hands twitching in unison with those words, like some sort of inaudible concert that he was tapping out the beat to inside his mind. His voice is calm though, measured, and calculated. Like every word he said had been determined before you had even replied. Which is kinda weird.


    His rousing duties finished, he walks up the the large figure.. over arching chair.. what seemed to be displays... though long broken.. and.. well the general feel of the place told him this was either an Emperor's Tomb, or they were on a ship.. one that had crashed and taken it's captain with it. So that likely meant they were underwater since he hadn't HEARD of any massive craters in the area.

    Regardless, if this was a captain he would find Dog Tags, or some method of identification on the mans body. If he was a royal, he would surely find some sort of gaudy insignia declaring how great this guy was just for being born into a family that had been smart, or strong enough to muscle it's way to the top so it's descendants could grow fat and lazy.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    [Location Unknown]

    If the metal was rusted away, then that was cause for concern. How was the rest of the place holding up in that case? Something to keep an eye out for.

    That said, she did poke around a little to see if she could find any other traces of technological progress rather than the obvious signs like that sliding door over there. There was always silicon, gold, platinum, insulation, plastics, hypercarbon crystals, nanotubing, and other things to look for at least. Maybe something that had been dropped or somesuch, really. It was a futile hope but one could always try.

    It was the sudden introductions that caught her off guard. Riss had found herself to be a little more trusting now that before yet the name exchange game was always a bit of a task even now. "Riss" she said, going through the wreckage.

    "Right, so... Anyone here know where we are and just wanting to keep a surprise? I really hate surprises." she said.
    Last edited by Terumitsu; 2010-12-01 at 08:25 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    "Eileen Thorsson," the blonde in the I.S.F. uniform states her name simply as she stands. "As for where we are, I'd venture a guess that it's somewhere that used to be rather more snazzily decorated."

    She manages to deliver this with a straight face...

    "...beyond that...ship's bridge?" she asks, motioning to the skeleton in the centre chair. "I believe dead Captains will tell no tales though."

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    [Command Bridge]

    Lloyd will find no clothing at all, just a fine layer of dust where it should have been and small lumps of rusted metal, fused to the chair. He'll also note however, how the chunk of metal in the skull looks regularly shaped, almost like an axe head...

    Riss will find the walls to be made of a different form of iron, and if she knows such things, will probably be able to tell it once came from an asteroid, except it's been refined, the unneeded alloys and impurities removed, providing an extremely hardy structure. Possibly iron/tungsten alloys.

    In other words, it's probably the reason the place hasn't collapsed.

    When she searches through the rubble, she'll find just a small gold disk. It looks like a coin made of plastic. One one side, is a starburst, on the other, is the name The Kartam Lugarr.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    Cessie don't really get the urge to rummage around in all this dirt and stays out from that, instead she inspects the skeleton closer, apparently the remains of dead people are less disturbing then dirt and rust.

    "I believe he just might." She says approaching the skeleton "Nice to meet you all by the way, even if it could have been under better circumstances, I know as little as you of this place, but I think I might be able to shed some light of the situation..."

    She casts a spell, moving her hand in a motion that really isn't needed for the spell to work, all it needs is a thought, but it's a habit most mages have, they need to do something special.

    The spell is aimed towards the skeleton and should allow her to communicate with the remaining life energies (or residue which in the world she comes from means a different thing) and possibly see his memories that must have degenerated quite a while by now as residue slowly leaves the body once it's dead. So the longer a person is dead, the less residue it have.

    It will only be possible for the skeleton to speak however, answering any questions she (and for fairness, the others) might have. Unless it don't want to of course, it's memory must be badly damaged by now.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    [Command Bridge]

    Riss took note of the motion. To say she wasn't fond of mages would be a lie, rather she simply disliked how magic worked. It was just so.. Nebulous? Something like that anyway. It was the general disregard for the natural laws that annoyed her. But she would have to deal with it. It wasn't like she should dislike the person simply due to the method. It's what they wanted to do with the method that was the important thing... Usually.

    She did pick up the disk, though. She'd take a moment to look it over more thoroughly once she was in an area with better light.

    Though... What was that mage doing to the corpse? That was just weird..
    Last edited by Terumitsu; 2010-12-02 at 05:21 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    [Command Bridge]

    The skeleton glows when the spell hits it, and wisps of life essence wrap around the body, showing a half-decomposed body. It's nonhuman, covered in half-rotten scales. It seems to have a third eye in the middle of it's forehead.

    The three eyes open, and the spirit head turns to Cessie, lifeless eyes locking onto her.

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    [Commando Bridge]

    "Greetings, may I ask you name?" Cessie tries, hopefully whatever language the creature was speaking, he would still understand her with the spell she just cast. She acts a bit nervous however, it wasn't often she got the chance to use necromancy but lately she had begun started to use it with more ease. Most likely since she wasn't that much in Hestopia anymore.

    She tries to ignore what the others reactions might be, most people did have things against necromancy and so did the people she had grown up with really, but she knew better now, it had good sides as well. It proved that right now.
    Last edited by Shadowcaller; 2010-12-02 at 06:26 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    Eileen starts as Cessie casts her spell, then grumbles something under her breath about necromancers and the fate that awaits them.

    But she remains quiet otherwise, deciding to hear what the spirit has to say before continuing looking about.

    She does check to be sure she has her weapons with her though. Especially her special staff.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    [Command Bridge]

    The spirit coughs, moving even as his skeleton doesn't. I...I am... He shakes his head trying to remember. It has been many years since I have been summoned back. His gaze locks onto Cessie. I am Captain Jezrae, why have you taken me from Eclipsia's embrace?

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
    [Commando Bridge]

    "Greetings, may I ask you name?" Cessie tries, hopefully whatever language the creature was speaking, he would still understand her with the spell she just cast. She acts a bit nervous however, it wasn't often she got the chance to use necromancy but lately she had begun started to use it with more ease. Most likely since she wasn't that much in Hestopia anymore.

    She tries to ignore what the others reactions might be, most people did have things against necromancy and so did the people she had grown up with really, but she knew better now, it had good sides as well. It proved that right now.
    Lloyd is astounded by this revival of the dead.. what.. what exactly was this heresy?!

    However, he is not one to question it's nessecity in times like this.. an additional ally would prove most valuable should whatever brought them here, and likely wrecked this ship decide to show themselves. However, it was not going to sit well with him, respect for the dead and all.

    "Are you sure that's.. erm.. safe?"

    He says assertively, his slight pause showing more a.. careful dedication to which words he picked, having initially wanted to say "proper", but decided that someone casting Necromancy didn't care about that in the slightest regard.

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    [Commando Bridge]

    "Oh, this is perfectly safe, the honored Captain Jezrae have just been called here to see if he likes to ask a few questions... which I'm sorry I needed to do." Cessie nods politely to the spirit.

    "I just came on board this ship and I wanted to find out where we are and what have happened here..." She looks around at the others a bit "...I think I can speak to everyone when I say we just like to go home, would you be so kind to help us with that Captain?"

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    [Command Bridge]

    Riss began recording the now talking skeleton's words. Not with a tape-recorder or anything that primitive but loading the information on an external memory unit. A bit complicated, yes, but having cybernetic implants meant one could do some really cool stuff.

    Though, she did speak up to ask a question. She didn't know if she would get an answer though. "What happened here?" she asked, gesturing to the rubble and mess.

    Of course, someone interfering with the spell like that could set it off and make it do something crazy, she thought. Not knowing a thing about how magic works and only getting bits here and there, she wasn't quite sure if what she just did was wise. Too late now though..

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    [Command Bridge]

    An amused smile comes to the Captain and his third eye flares for a moment. The four will get the feeling that he's looking through them. I see, . He seems rather amused. You are on what remains of my ship, isn't it obvious? He then looks at Riss. Hmm...cyborg... He smirks. Again, it should be obvious. We crashed.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    [Command Bridge]

    ...Well that was bloody unhelpful. Riss wasn't deterred terribly much although being noted as a cyborg was a bit odd. All of her gear was subdermal so it would need an x-ray or themoscope to tell she was something other than normal when she wasn't using the more 'active' ones.

    "Riiiight.. So, what would be the sequence of events directly preceding the crash of the ship out to a minimum time frame of roughly an hour?" the muse asked again, hopefully getting a different answer this time. With luck that should detail a nice chunk of information out for the group. At least it could let her know what went wrong...

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfbane View Post
    [Command Bridge]

    An amused smile comes to the Captain and his third eye flares for a moment. The four will get the feeling that he's looking through them. I see, . He seems rather amused. You are on what remains of my ship, isn't it obvious? He then looks at Riss. Hmm...cyborg... He smirks. Again, it should be obvious. We crashed.
    Cessie glances at Riss disapproving, that wasn't the way to talk to people, least of all dead people who she had forced to live again just in hope they would be nice enough to tell them their story. "What she means is that we very much would like to know the events that transpired before the crash if you can remember any of that of course, your memories will most likely not be perfect. But then you can rest once again Captain, I promise you that."

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus]-Serious Plots{Meta thread}

    "And so do I," Eileen finally speaks up. "We apologise for disturbing you as well, but we...seem to have randomly found ourselves here." The Nordic blonde shrugs. "Not by our own choice."

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    [Command Bridge]

    The spirit nods. Very well, Scathi. I will tell you what I know. The Captain gestures in front of him. The hour before we crashed, the Guntha had captured half of our drives and sabotaged them. They controlled a full third of our ship, most of which were vital components. Our ramjet was already detached, and we were forced to make a landing. Unfortunately, they had fought their way to the rest of the engines by then, and destroyed them. He sighs. Last I remember, was waking up after some sort of crash, and one of the damnable things hacked my skull with his vibroaxe.

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    [Command Bridge]

    Riss probably didn't deserve that glance. Sure, it was being disrespectful but how can one expect a person who knows little of magic to know that the thing was actually alive in a sense?

    Then again, the mage in question might just be used to everyone else knowing a thing or two about magic so it could be a reasonable assumption to make. Maybe they could exchange words over it later should Cessie feel inclined to start the conversation. Riss was just about terrible at being sociable. It's not that she didn't lack the skills, she just didn't try. Then again, not being killed by cave-ins or something more dangerous. Like a rich idiot who went out and bought a hunters license and was now shooting people in the street. Her homeworld wasn't a nice one by any means.

    Though, she did have a few more things to ask, at least. "D'you think you could ask it about the organisations that captured the ship? Oh! And ask if it's atmospheric only. Might help us in making sense of a layout in getting out of here.. Heck, if you can ask it to tell us where the closest few exits are, we'd be outta here quick." Riss asked Cessie. It wasn't a bossing tone but it was still a bit weighted. Apparently, Riss took that glance to say 'I ask the questions here.'

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    [Command Bridge]

    "Atmospheric?" Cessie asks carefully, she didn't like not knowing a word but pretending to know what this Riss was talking about seemed a bit pathetic to her. Better to just ask, she had no idea where they were anyway, might as well embrace it.

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    [Command Bridge]

    "The thing said something about ramjets which work by compressing and super-heating air for propulsion. If there is no air, then the vessel can't fly. At least if the vessel only has that sort of engine at least. Might as well ask what other kinds of thrust this place may have had just to be safe. Once we know what kind of craft it is, we should be able to have a good idea of the thing's general design which would aid our escape." Riss said.

    If it wasn't clear yet, she was pretty good at this almost forgotten art of 'science' in the Nexus... Or wherever they were right now. She wasn't trying to flaunt, though. She was just elucidating as she felt was natural.

    "Um.. Atmospheric means that it flies, to answer your question though." Riss said, finally coming back around to the point.

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