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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Bearer of the Light (Prismatic Mage)

    I was thinking that the prismatic spells are so awesome that the initiate of the sevenfold veil really wasn't enough to build on them. It is, after all, almost totally based off of prismatic wall and sphere, not the ray, spray, or any other version. So this is a gift to all who want to continue to kick butt in multi-color. If it seems unbalanced, please tell me, but bear in mind it is an epic PrC.

    Arcane caster capable of casting at least one spell of the light descriptor or one prismatic spell for each level (0-9).
    Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 24 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 12 ranks, Spellcraft 24 ranks
    Special: must worship the God of Light (Lord of the Plane of Light)

    Bearer of the Light (PrC) HD: d4 2+intelligence modifier skill points/level
    Lvl BAB Fort Ref Will Special
    1 [+0] [+0] [+0] [+2] Searing Light, Prismatic Resistance (+2 on saves), Broaden Spectrum (1-3)
    2 [+1] [+0] [+0] [+3] Focused Prismatic Beam (Red): 1/month (must replenish)
    3 [+1] [+1] [+1] [+3] Focused Prismatic Beam (Orange): 1/month (must replenish)
    4 [+2] [+1] [+1] [+4] Focused Prismatic Beam (Yellow): 1/month (must replenish)
    5 [+2] [+1] [+1] [+4] Prismatic Resistance (extra save), Broaden Spectrum (4-6), The White
    6 [+3] [+2] [+2] [+5] Focused Prismatic Beam (Violet): 1/month (must replenish)
    7 [+3] [+2] [+2] [+5] Focused Prismatic Beam (Blue): 1/month (must replenish)
    8 [+4] [+2] [+2] [+6] Focused Prismatic Beam (Indigo): 1/month (must replenish)
    9 [+4] [+3] [+3] [+6] Focused Prismatic Beam (Green): 1/month (must replenish)
    10 [+5] [+3] [+3] [+7] Prismatic Resistance (immunity), Broaden Spectrum (7-9), The White

    Searing Light (Ex): As an arcane caster takes levels in Bearer of the Light, the knowledge granted by the God of Light burns the knowledge of other magics from his mind. At first level, a Bearer of the Light is unable to cast any 0 level spells which do not have the light descriptor (dancing lights, flare, and light). At each following level, the Bearer of the Light is unable to cast non-Light spells of each consecutive level.

    Prismatic Resistance (Ex): at first level, a Bearer of the Light is endowed with special resistance to light spells and effects, gaze attacks, rays, and prismatic spells and effects. He receives a +2 on saving throws against these.
    At fifth level, this ability improves, granting the ability to make a second saving throw (use the better save).
    At tenth level, the Bearer of the Light gains immunity to all of these spell types and effects.

    Broaden Spectrum (Su): a Bearer of the Light gains the ability to substitute prismatic spells for other spell effects. He may use a casting of a prismatic spell to simulate the casting of a lower level spell of the evocation, necromancy, transmutation, enchantment, conjuration, or abjuration schools. (May not substitute for a divination or illusion spell). A Bearer of the Light may mimic any arcane evocation spell of the Fire, Acid, or Electricity descriptors, any arcane necromancy spell of the Death descriptor, any arcane transmutation spell which involves: a form altering effect (polymorph, alter shape, transmute rock, stone to flesh, flesh to stone, etc.), any arcane enchantment spell of the Compulsion sub-school and the Mind-Affecting descriptor, any arcane conjuration spell of the Teleportation sub-school, or any arcane abjuration spell.

    Focused Prismatic Beam (Sp): each beam is usable 1/month, after which the Bearer of the Light may replenish this ability by meditating for 8 hours uninterrupted; surrounded in a non-magical prismatic lightsource (i.e.-surrounded by prisms or 7 colors of stained glass).
    Red: 30 points fire damage to one target within 90ft, no saving throw.
    Orange: 60 points acid damage to one target within 90ft, no saving throw.
    Yellow: 120 points of electricity damage to one target within 90ft, no saving throw.
    Violet: One target within 90ft teleported to random plane, no saving throw.
    Blue: One target within 90ft turned to stone, no saving throw.
    Indigo: One target within 90ft insane, as if by insanity spell, no saving throw.
    Green: Slay One target within 90ft, no saving throw.

    The White (Sp): At fifth level, a Bearer of the Light has the ability to lay on hands, as a paladin of his levels in Bearer of the Light. A Bearer of the Light with a Charisma score of 12 or higher can heal wounds (his own or those of others) by touch. Each day he can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to his class level × his Charisma bonus. A Bearer of the Light may choose to divide his healing among multiple recipients, and he doesn’t have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a standard action.
    Alternatively, a bearer of the light can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. The paladin decides how many of her daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature.
    At tenth level a Bearer of the White may use this ability to perform ressurection as the spell. (requires expenditure of seven jewels--one 2,000 gp gem of each prismatic color--totalling 14,000gp)

    "Alright, I check the room and am about to jump down into it!"

    "Okay Robert, before you do, roll a wisdom check....."

    "Okay, I roll an 18+4. What was that for?"

    "You get a sense, something like instinct. It's telling you the room is bad, very, very bad."

    Robert gibbers in corner, "The room is bad, the room is bad, bad room, bad room, the room is bad..."

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Orc in the Playground
    SilveryCord's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Default Re: Bearer of the Light (Prismatic Mage)

    I. love. this.

    Off to play a Wizard 20 Prismatic Mage 10.

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