2024-07-26 - Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales, Now in PDF (With Bonus Strips)
2023-11-27 - Holiday Ornament 2023 and New Shirts (and Gumroad Sale)
2021-10-13 - AMFES: Summer 2, Now with Digital Tokens Included
2020-11-27 - 2020 Holiday Ornament and Black Friday Sale
2020-02-22 - The Forums Are Back!

1306 - Out of Pocket
1305 - Termination Claws
1304 - Getting Under the Skin
1303 - Flight Risk
1302 - Not a Competition


Order of the Stick Guest Comics and Filler Art

I've only done one, but here it is: my guest comic for 8-Bit Theater.


For a week and a half in August 2005, I was away selling books at GenCon Indianapolis, so I asked some of my webcomics peers to fill in for me, imagining OOTS in their own style. You can see all seven results below.


Just a few weeks before that, I sprained my wrist and was unable to draw for about a week. I used a bunch of fanart to fill in for me and called it "Sprained Wrist Theater", because I'm lazy like that. Enjoy.



It doesn't happen TOO often, but from time to time, health issues or scheduling prevent me from completing a strip on time. I always try to put something up, though, and the sages have dubbed these half-assed attempts to cover myself Filler. Behold, my filler!

Late message for 2004-09-13

Late message for 2004-10-11