Quote Originally Posted by Zaydos View Post
Same here. Especially now that I know it encourages kitten killing.
It just come naturally, with how the game is set up. The kittens spawn so darn quickly, and you can't get rid of them after, cause they attach themselves to a dwarf who is kitty-brain-washed into protecting the kitty, and then you have more kitties than dorfs! The only way is to cage them when they're born, for processing. Same with most animals, really. Puppies I usually let go, because you can train them to be war dogs, or hunting dogs, and actually do something useful, and a couple of cats can be useful to hunt down rodents, but it just get's out of hand, and basically makes the game unplayable after a certain point, due to sheer slowness.

It's taken me a LONG LONG time to get into the game, partly due to the IMMENSE complexity. Especially now that irrigation is mandatory if you want to get a farm going...