Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
Quite a lot MoonCat.

Good points there Atlantian. Lets just say that, in terms of resources, I have everything 4e related and will be on call to loan what is needed to those who need it. Wink.

And yha, time zones is pretty ARGH ARGH ARGH. I was thinking after we have everyone joined up, or atleast interested, then we could start discussing time zones.

Yes, MapTools is free.

EDIT: Assuming everyone is sure, that's Me, AtlantianTroll, AbsolMorph, MoonCat, MattesRanger, and Teddy. I say we keep our discussions of time zones in RAndom Banter, so we're for sure before making the other topic.
So we would be using MapTools then?

And also: