Quote Originally Posted by grimbold View Post
who doesnt objectify girls?
Most of the other guys I know are always objectifying girls and treating them as toys and not bothering to get to know them before dating them. They really just pick up random girls off the street. I don't do this and guys mock me. I actually end up talking to a lot of girls and as a consequence i have a lot of girls who like me for who i am (Despite my having a girlfriend). Another consequence of me actually getting to know girls is that i have girlfriends who stay with me for like 6+ months not 6 or so days.
so am i the only guy who doesn't objectify girls or am i just some sort of social freak?
No, you're not. And this isn't directed at you directly, but I've had some experiences recently that I feel are relevant.
A disgustingly large amount of men I know memorize feminist literature and tracts, and then use these ideas to "up their cred." As in, talking a mean game when it comes to feminism and the like in order to make then look cool. The result of this, they hope, is to seduce women who are attracted by that sort of rhetoric. Essentially, it's using feminist rhetoric to mask basic objectification (looking to "score").
Saying you oppose the objectification of women is not enough. You need to act like it, too.
Of course, by saying this, I could very well be doing the same thing I profess to detest. Talking about how some men use feminist ideas to mask basic misogyny could be my way to cover my use of feminism to mask objectification. You can't escape! Unless you're gay, I suppose.