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Thread: Am I the only guy

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    ZombyWoof's Avatar

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    Default Re: Am I the only guy

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaelbert View Post
    No, you're not. And this isn't directed at you directly, but I've had some experiences recently that I feel are relevant.
    A disgustingly large amount of men I know memorize feminist literature and tracts, and then use these ideas to "up their cred." As in, talking a mean game when it comes to feminism and the like in order to make then look cool. The result of this, they hope, is to seduce women who are attracted by that sort of rhetoric. Essentially, it's using feminist rhetoric to mask basic objectification (looking to "score").
    Saying you oppose the objectification of women is not enough. You need to act like it, too.
    Of course, by saying this, I could very well be doing the same thing I profess to detest. Talking about how some men use feminist ideas to mask basic misogyny could be my way to cover my use of feminism to mask objectification. You can't escape! Unless you're gay, I suppose.

    Well women who are so easily fooled by rhetoric can't be that smart anyways. Ever seen Good Will Hunting? I like to think of myself as Will when he calls out that grad student in the bar. Girls I date should be able to pick the rhetoric out of a conversation and make fun of it.

    In any case I don't care if people think of me as "misogynistic" or whatever. Those are labels slapped by people who can't handle the fact that people aren't always treated perfectly. I know that I "respect" women as much as one can (I don't respect women as a group, but I view people as people and respect people) without knowing them and the only reason I treat them any differently is if they're attractive and I want to get together with them (or if they're my friends). And that's not wrong no matter what the feminist leadership says.


    Quote Originally Posted by Perenelle View Post
    Well, I'd probably take offense... that'd just be wrong. I'd be flattered if someone came up and was like "Hi, I know you don't know who I am, but I think you're really pretty". But someone randomly coming up to me and asking to have sex would be... eww. There's a pretty big difference between the two.
    There is a difference and I'm not saying there isn't, but being offended by it seems like an odd reaction. Like I said, weirded out, creeped out, sure. Offended? That's... kind of like being offended by someone holding up a sign that says "Penniless and homeless please help."
    Last edited by ZombyWoof; 2011-04-24 at 07:13 PM.