Quote Originally Posted by Sipex View Post
Grim, I had a friend who was very much like yours (whether or not yours is a friend) and I will state that it's a very rare thing to come by. Most guys aren't like that, not the jocks, not the nerds and not [insert social group x].

That said, don't let it get to you, the women he talks to all have a choice when he speaks to them and most of them are going to shut him down. If they don't then it's their choice and you just have to assume they know what they're getting into.

Take some solace that if this guy continues his ways he's not likely to have any lasting relationships and will forever bounce between women for the rest of his life (and he might be okay with that). As long as he knows what he's getting himself into and the women who actually take his proposals know what they're getting into (and there's no abuse) then you have no obligation to intervene in any way.

Now, if he complains about how he can't keep a girl? It might be time to explain things to him.
got it thank you

part of the reason tat i made this thread was that at the time i wrote it i was sleep deprived, jet lagged, hardly coherent and stuck with a jerk
so now i realize again that humans are typically okay