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Thread: Annals of the Azlanti

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    Colossus in the Playground
    lostsole31's Avatar

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    St. Louis

    Default Re: Annals of the Azlanti

    R7T21: Jolly once again grips on of his wounds and focuses his divine energy through the flesh for 7. He then focuses clerical powers to channel positive energy at the living, healing himself, Dorit, the Scribe, and the enemy shriezyx for 10. He then takes a 5' step towards the shriezyx to flank with Dorit, shield raised and ready.

    Jolly notices something behind him. The dog at the altar is still criscrossed bound - including through it - but some of its wounds have closed over the wire .... meaning that while you healed the wound, it is now even more impossible to free the creature when this is all over. That said, sometimes the best one can do for an animal in such despicable torment is for a merciful stroke. That can come later, though.

    R7T16: Bessel, you know Natalya is dead. You are facing Khrysm is Ft, Atlatia FL, and 2 little flapping homonculi in the same square to L. What do you do?

    Serafaim on deck, shriezyx in the hole ...


    HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

    Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
    The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
    * Cat's grace. Altar.
    Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
    Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
    * Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
    Serafaim: 12. Altar.
    Shriezyx #3: 11. (27:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
    Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
    Homonculi #1: 10.4.
    Homonculi #2: 10.3.
    Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
    Atlatia: 9. (18:36). In position to coup de grace Natalya.
    * Used sound burst.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2013-10-20 at 02:17 AM.
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