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Thread: Upcoming TABLE Code Changes

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Upcoming TABLE Code Changes

    While I personally prefer the current TABLE format (except for the messy BR situation) in a lot of ways (simplicity and ease of use is preferable), this new code is actually an improvement in many other ways: It now aligns much closer with the standard (as seen in the HTML you are formatting), it provides many more options, it will be easier for us to customise/create layout improvements you can use, and it will be easier to get it the way you want it to look.
    Care to explain that a bit more. I can accept that it may be easier for you to modify behind the scene's, but i don't see how it will be any easier than the current format to get it how you want it to look or add new functionality, (the new gridline and width limit options aside, (neither of which are overly important to it's main uses around here)), currently as you've explained it it functions exactly like the current, except it significantly upgrades the amount of characters needed to do the cell and row separation. It's the exact same functionality we have now. People may be expressing a preference for it, but i don't understand why...
    Last edited by Carl; 2014-02-20 at 12:02 PM.