Quote Originally Posted by obryn View Post
I know there's quality people, but how do we know there's quality rules? The 5e books haven't been released yet, and the DMG is supposed to be the big "hacker's guide" for homebrewers and 3rd party publishers alike. I can still remember Sword & Sorcery's awful Creature Catalog...
That's a fair question. Obviously, I can't say if you'll like the 5e rules, hate 'em, or not give a dire rat's hairy behind about them. What I can say is that Steve Winter is leading the project; he was one of the designers (along with Wolfgang Baur) who worked on the Tyranny of Dragons adventures for Wizards (via Kobold Press). The expectation is that having Steve on staff means the rules are right. Whether you end up enjoying the rules or not, of course, is a personal decision.

On a personal level, I think a lot of the stuff should convert to other system easily enough. All of the adventures, for example, should translate across systems with the DM/GM just needing to "plug in" stats for monsters and NPCs (with some tweaks, of course). Monsters will require work to build the stats, but the concepts will be there and so it's just a matter of slapping together the right pieces

My suggestion? Keep an eye on things if the system is all that makes you wary. The Kickstarter runs until September 4th. The PHB releases by then, and should give people a good feel for the rules system.