Quote Originally Posted by Duck999 View Post
Ever heard of cat cafes? In Japan, they have restaurants full of cats. The cats, however, avoid the customers usually. Until they get food, then the cats all swarm them.:small tongue:

Mind you, this is not from firsthand experience. I took a lesson on Japan a while back and learned about this.
There are at least two on the West Coast of the U.S., too, either just opened or about to open and one either in planning or recently opened somewhere in or around NYC.

Granted, there's also a place you can go just to be cuddled for up to 6 hours at a time by professional cuddlers in either Portland or Seattle, which is, depending upon your POV, a great example of how jobs that only humans can do are being filled by humans as automatization and globalization eliminate or relocate more and more jobs, a depressing indictment of modern society and our disconnect from one another that there exists enough of a market for the basic human need of physical contact that businesses can sustain themselves from the revenue charging for it would generate, or just a very shrewd business practice to tap into an untapped market niche.