Athard's pouch disappears beneath his cloak as he stands to leave. Too bad this wasn't a lunch meeting instead of a breakfast meeting. A bottle of wine for the road would have been far more preferable to a scone or some fruit.

Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post
Where do you think we're headed?"

"East," he says before taking a bite out of an apple, the weight of the coin in his pocket seeming to restore a bit of his appetite. He takes his time chewing and swallowing before he continues. "Darguun or Valenar if we're traveling overland. Maybe Qbarra by sea." He takes another bite.

Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post
"We're probably going to get in fights if we're treasure hunting at the edge of Khorvaire. So that means we need to learn to work together and know what each of us can do, right?"

"Right," Athard replies with a hint of condescension. "And why don't you start."