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Thread: Dusk Eclipse's Eyes of the Lich Queen IC

  1. - Top - End - #281
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    US East

    Default Re: Dusk Eclipse's Eyes of the Lich Queen IC

    Stepping over the body of the lizardfolk leader, Athard sets himself to the grim purpose of silencing the flute in the northwestern hut.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Move action: Move to R7 to join S1 in the hut. I'm not sure if playing the flute prevents him from making an attack of opportunity, but my intent is to not be in line-of-sight of the other two lizardfolk.
    Swift action: Activate Scarlet Throne Style feat.
    Standard action: Initiate Flurry Strike maneuver. Power attack for -1 attack, +3 damage.
    Attack 1: (1d20+9)[29]
    Damage 1: (1d8+11)[14] + (1d6)[3] = [17]
    Crit confirm: [26]
    Crit damage: [18]

    Attack 2: (1d20+9)[21]
    Damage 2: (1d8+11)[13] + (1d6)[4] = [17]
    Last edited by rypt; 2015-04-08 at 03:23 PM.