Some questions that have come up in my games:

1) The Eternal Gratitude card states to "Choose any one player that assisted you. You may keep the Loot Card that you originally offered to that player. You now owe them nothing for their assistance." I assume this means that, even if you were offering multiple pieces of loot to a player, you get to keep all of them (as opposed to just one)? Also, the card states to "choose one player". Can it be used on NPC Players as well as human ones?

2) If a player begins his or her turn in a room with monsters, and chooses not to move, does the top monster on the battle stack attack?

3) May players ask for assistance when performing ranged attacks?

4) If a player has defeated all the monsters in a room, may he continue fighting against a player (as if that player were a monster)?

5) When fleeing the dungeon, should players observe the effects of rooms that affect movement? For example, a fleeing player passes through a Dark Room. Does he have to stop there, or can he run though because he is fleeing?
