Quote Originally Posted by malkarnivore View Post
Play a mermaid? Centaur? Dark elf?

Ok sure. I can handle your special snowflake crap because I like playing oddballs myself.
What if I want to play a male succubus bard? (No, not incubus, male succubus)

But whenever someone's idea revolvea around a half-dragon/half-fey/some other weird thing, half (insert non core race here) that purely follows some bizarre logic revolving around the "rule of cool" I get a headache.

Mostly because I started out as that idiot, not realizing how much that stuff can damage a campaign. Never mind agitating the other players who may have made more normal characters.
This is why I've changed the reproduction of any race that produces halves. This is only well known regarding dragons, who can't mate with each other due to being spirits, and so must mate with humans to survive. But the 'mating with humans causes a supernatural offspri' happens with angels and demons as well, although they don't actually suffer from the same restriction as dragons.

Acquiring things like that in the late game tends not to be as disruptive, but level 1 half dragons are almost as much of a pain in the rear as that one guy's justification about how "A kender paladin is totally a viable concept!"
It is, you just need to work out who he 'borrowed' the powers from.

Someone pass me the ibuprofen. I'm gonna need it.
Second shelf, take the 'get some sense hammer' while you're at it.