Quote Originally Posted by Admiral View Post
"Ah, has it really been so long since you've been back here?" Elynwena asks, with surprise that could easily be either feigned or genuine. She makes no acknowledgment of Rhenner's attempt to steer the conversation to Elven- perhaps out of consideration towards his friends, perhaps to intentionally embarrass her son in front of them. "Why yes... I suppose you haven't met Cardiff, Senton, and Sool: half elves, 15, 20, and 31. When the Crusaders took the village of Rondon, your father and I adopted them from the refugees. And your youngest sister arrived last winter." Rhenner figures she likely means his stepfather and stepsister (his own father had died years earlier), but in his whole life Rhenner had never once heard her use that prefix.
Mithril muttered under her breath. "And I thought my family was large." Finally regaining control of her expression she nodded, slightly surprised at how young Rhenner seemed now he was faced with his mother.

She sighs slowly. "Just where are you coming from... that you ran into that kind of dragon?"
"Speaking of the dragon, our horses are still in those woods. I don't know where 'here' is but if they are seen, I would at least like mine returned."