Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post
and now she can explore this wall too, maybe even get to practice her skills again. Natalia wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. "I am, want to look. Thank you."

Natalia looks back at mithril and grins. "thank you. Hope you...find shrine." She follows alder to the wall.
Lander walks with Natalia towards the edge of the town. "You should know," he starts, "good stone is hard to come by in Woodhelm. When we need it, we have to carve it from a shallow quarry eight miles away and haul it here, and we had to build the wall in a hurry. So we used stone for the guard towers and for the foundation, but the wall itself is made of wood- of which there is plenty available"

Natalia can see that there are eight stone guard towers around the perimeter of the camp, lined by the 30 foot high wall. Rocks make up the bottom few feet of the wall, with two layers of thick, flat lumber sprouting from it, separated, it appears, by a thin wooden chassis meant to reinforce it.. The walls are buttressed from the inside by additional planks every few yards to keep them from being pushed in. The work is clearly rushed and inelegant- the buttresses are not even sanded- but as Natalia studies the structure she can tell it was crafted with an expert eye for engineering, with the positions well chosen against outside forces. Along the top of the wall are the battlements, with corridors for guards to patrol- these too are ugly but functional.

Lander points to a spot along the wall that looks newer. "That's where the fire giant broke through," he says sadly. "Didn't take too long to break through both layers, even with us filling him with arrows from above."

Quote Originally Posted by CWater View Post
"To be honest, I am not sure myself. We were to meet some people, but the dragon interfered. Please don't ask me details about them, I can't really speak about it. But I don't yet know what we are to do next, I need to discuss it with the others.
"I understand the need for secrecy," Elynwena replies in a forgiving tone. "It's not as if I have shared any secrets with you."

As Rhenner turns to leave, she leans up and grabs his hand. "You are always welcome here, son. I hope you know that." Her eyes are as sincere as he's seen them.

Once Rhenner leaves, it will be easy to find either Natalia mid-conversation with Lander or Mithril in the chapel.