Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post
Natalia looks back and forth between the two stepbrothers. Rhenners never been like this, and it's worrying her. Soon it's too much, and she puts his hand on the cleric's shoulder, looking back to Lander and asking, "Sorry, but...want to hear more, but after?"

Then she walks with Rhenner over to the edge of the wall and turns towards him. She's clearly concerned. "Rhenner, what...wrong? Happened?"
"What happened? What hasn't happened? The world is coming up with new ways to be mad as a daily habit it seems", Rhenner sighs and shakes his head, "Sometimes I wish I was back in my life three years ago, the world used to make sense then. Although, the reality would still be what it is, and eventually it would show somehow and then I wish I understood more what was happening." The look in his eyes is distant and he's not sure himself that what he says makes much sense. "Look", he continues rubbing his forehead, trying to focus, "it's-" He is cut off by the raised alarm.

Quote Originally Posted by Admiral View Post
As Natalia and Rhenner talk near the wall, and Kurt and Mithril ponder their prayers, the air is split by the sharp sound of a ringing bell.

"Raid!" comes the far cry of a guard. "Giants, to the north!"
Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeIncluded View Post

Natalia's head snaps around at the alarm call. "Sorry, Rhenner!" She's off and running before the echoes are even able to fade, sprinting towards the north, or what she assumes is the north based on where everyone else is running, with a blade in one hand and a potion in the other.

my test went well, I think.

Admiral, how long has it been since we teleported here? Would the low level clerics and Druids be able to cast buffs on us or give us potions?
For a couple of seconds Rhenner is frozen in place, while the new information makes its way to be processed. But once it's registered, it gets granted highest priority and all other matters are promptly swept aside and told to shut up until further notice. Rhenner runs after Natalia. "Where are Mithril and Kurt?!"