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Thread: IC IX: Turning the Tide

  1. - Top - End - #265
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: IC IX: Turning the Tide

    One of the orcs breaks free of the wall of arms, and races around the tentacles his ally had conjured.


    Lucky in some sense for the tentacles, got in the way of O2 coming after Ian.

    O2 is wounded but not quite bloodied.

    The orcs are startled when the three warriors appear behind them. One of them turns with his greataxe and swings twice; the other has to drop his longbow on the ground just to draw his own axe before attacking.


    They both aim their axes at the same target. But which one? 1 it's Kurt, 2 it's Rhenner. (1d2)[2]


    Attack: (1d20+14)[24] Critical: (1d20+14)[34] -4
    Damage: (1d12+16)[22] Critical: (1d12+16)[24] (1d12+16)[21] (1d12+16)[23]

    Attack: (1d20+9)[16] Critical: (1d20+9)[14] -4
    Damage: (1d12+16)[24] Critical: (1d12+16)[22] (1d12+16)[23] (1d12+16)[28]


    Attack: (1d20+10)[18] Critical: (1d20+10)[27] -6
    Damage: (1d12+16)[22] Critical: (1d12+16)[27] (1d12+16)[26] (1d12+16)[18]
    Last edited by Admiral; 2015-11-15 at 10:57 PM.
    Thanks to CoffeeIncluded for the avatar of Shiny, from the Eldgar campaign:

    IC V Against the Current IC VI Stormy Seas.

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