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    Orc in the Playground

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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: GitP Blood Bowl Manager Cup - Season 7 - [Results, Standings, Schedule, and Leade

    Murder, Arson, & Jaywalking Mid-Season Report
    Historically, Khorne Teams have not done well in this league. Crow has suggested that Murder, Arson & Jaywalking has been ‘project’ team longer than any team in league history. Of course, Crow also said that that if we didn’t win in week I, our season was already over. Well, we didn’t win week I but the season is far from over. Murder, Arson & Jaywalking is tied for 3rd in division A going into the All-Star break. That sounds like moderate success but that statistic doesn’t tell the whole story. Division A, made up of all veteran teams, is incredibly strong this year. The top four Division A teams have more points that the top Division B team. Based on that stat alone, I would guess that division A teams take both of the playoff wildcard spots. If that turns out to be true, only one Division A team will miss the cut and I’m confident that team isn’t going to be Murder, Arson & Jaywalking. I think we have a real shot at the Cup- and I don’t mean the Crud! Cup.

    Offensive performance has been tepid. We’ve scored only seven points in six matches. That number has been enough to put MAJ wins in the standings, but only by virtue of a tremendous defensive effort. Star Bloodletter Chord Horrid has failed to put up significant numbers this season whereas the less experienced Madcap Chad has been the playmaker. I’d like to see more here, but I don’t know how to make that happen.

    This is an area where Murder, Arson & Jaywalking has really shined this season. We’ve given up only four points in six matches- a league low matched only by the our Nurgle counterparts, the Sultans of Slaughter. We’ve been able to out-bash other bashy teams and interfere with the ball carriers of more agile teams. Hopefully this contiunes down the stretch and into the playoffs.

    Player development has been something of a mixed bag this season. Murder, Arson & Jaywalking took a hit in week I when emerging star Khorne herald Drox Fetlock and veteran pit fighter Lurig Chrush decided to try life as corpses compounding the career ending injury received by emerging star pit fighter & squad leader Carlos ‘Might Be a Tzeentch Infiltrator but We'll Play Him Anyway’ Francis at the end of Season VI. Francis was replaced on the line by former MAIM KILL BURN experienced pit fighter Let-The-World-Burn Pearson while the Grisel Shagburn stepped in and seized the the mantle of squad leader. Fetlock’s position was filled by Shagaraktiyash, a rookie herald. Chrush’ position hasn’t been filled, but the gap in the roster has provided an opportunity for benchwarmer Vandal Darksoul to join the scrum. I hope to use this week to focus on the rookies and push their performance to the next level. On the positive side, since week I there have been noticeable improvements made by a few of the players. Madcap Chad is breaking tackles left and right. It’s also been noted that the force behind Kaldsorfan Ribar’s blocks is less deterred by armor than ever. Lastly, Moonblood’s level of play has elevated across the board- He’s still a wild animal, but that animal is a professional blood bowler.
    Last edited by Tastier; 2016-04-15 at 02:19 PM.
    Murder, Arson, & Jaywalking - Khorne Daemons of the GITP Fantasy Blood Bowl League