Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
Awwwh what a shame. But yeah. My mum's sauna gauge is also broken and only reaches 60°C even though I know and can feel that it's around 80°C or 90°C. My previous housemates only liked the sauna around 60°C (what are they, savages?!) and it was a pain to go to sauna with them.
The instructions indicated that the sauna was thermostatically controlled and would reach temperatures over 180*F (~82*C). It was one of those hot rock heaters you poured water over to make steam.

Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
... also, where the heck did you find yourself a Finnish sauna?
At the apartment I stayed at in Brisbane! There was a pool, spa (hot tub), and sauna. You had to enter and walk through the ammenities building (toilet/shower/change room) via either the male or female rooms, then it had a door in each section to a combined unisex sauna.

Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
... by showering and doing all the washing in-between, not forgetting to have a bit of a drink? Honestly, it's not that bad. I usually lay down or sit in the sauna for about 10-15mins at a time and then have a break.
I did the Sauna -> Cold Shower -> Sauna -> Reasonable Shower path. Somewhere around 20-25 minutes each sauna step.