Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
I am so totally jells right now. Totally.

I honestly can't remember if Swedish waters right up on the coast are supposed to be hypothermic even during summer, is that commonly the case?
Define "hypotermic". If you mean "Teddy could get hypothermia from staying too long in it", I think that's true for most seas...

Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
I had a brief moment of horror as I contemplated whether Sweden has any places where you can walk from the shore into the ocean before I realized that this had to have been the case for all that vikinging to happen.
I'm not entirely sure about where you're going to find a shore where you can't walk into the ocean. Unless you mean those cliff coasts where geting down to the water is a hassle, in which case I understand what you mean, and no, we don't really have those anywhere in our long country.

Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
You can tell it's summer when you get mosquito bites. I've gotten three from one ****ing bug and I want to set all of existance on fire.
When mosquitos come around, you can do one of two things. Either slather yourself with mosquito repellant and hope for it to stay effective, or just accept the situation and hope to eventually develop an immunity. I usually go down the second road, it tends to lead to less hassle for me.

Today I found this. As a Scandinavian, I must call this glorious!