Quote Originally Posted by JWallyR View Post
3) Speaking of budget- has anybody done the math on the group's overall wealth, i.e. individual shares? I expect that Morevek's "fair share" of the currency is probably bigger than most of the rest of the party, due to their having found usable equipment, but I'm not sure how to handle that.
This is the table with completed item value:

Item Quantity Value(unit) Proceeds Identified? Found Owner
Defending Warhammer +1 1 8312 4156 y Blackwing sell
Pearl of Power level 1 1 1000 0 y Blackwing Waylan
Pearl of Power level 1 1 1000 0 y Blackwing Elrembriel
Spellbook (alarm, alter self, cat's grace, dismissal, dispel magic, magic circle against chaos, resist energy, spider climb, versatile weapon) 1 0 y Blackwing Elrembriel
Scroll of Dimensional Lock 1 3000 0 n Blackwing Elrembriel
Scroll of Invisibility 1 150 0 y Blackwing Elrembriel
Potions - Cure Moderate Wounds 2 150 0 y Blackwing Elrembriel
Composite Longbow +1 (+1 Str) 1 2500 0 y Blackwing Waylan
Banded mail 1 250 125 y Blackwing sell
Falcata +1 1 2318 0 y Blackwing Filburn
Light steel shield +1 1 1159 0 y Blackwing Aurora
Alchemist's fire 1 20 0 y Cultists Elrembriel
Alchemist's fire 2 20 0 y Cultists Waylan
Alchemist's fire 3 20 30 y Cultists sell
Cold iron dagger 1 4 0 y Cultists Elrembriel
Cold iron dagger 5 4 0 y Cultists ?
Breastplate 5 200 500 y Cultists sell
Longsword 5 15 37.5 y Cultists sell
Heavy crossbow, 20 bolts 6 102 306 y Cultists sell
Masterwork breastplate 1 350 175 y Cultists sell
Masterwork longsword 1 315 157.5 y Cultists sell
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds 1 300 0 y Cultists Morevek
Wand of Magic Missile - 7 ch 1 105 0 y Anevia's and Irabeth's Elrembriel
Potion of Invisibility 1 300 0 y Anevia's and Irabeth's Elrembriel
Ranseur of the Gargoyle (IC post #675) 1 2310 1155 y Anevia's and Irabeth's sell
Half-orc's brass ring (strong magic faded) 1 0 y Anevia's and Irabeth's Elrembriel
Scroll of Death Knell 1 150 75 y Hosilla sell
Oil of Magic Weapon 2 50 0 y Hosilla Morevek
Potion of Invisibility 1 300 150 y Hosilla sell
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds 1 300 0 y Hosilla Morevek
Wand of Spiritual Weapon - 7 ch 1 105 0 y Hosilla Waylan
Alchemist's fire 2 20 20 y Hosilla sell
Antitoxin 1 50 25 y Hosilla sell
Masterwork dagger 1 302 151 y Renegade mongrelmen sell
Masterwork longbow 1 400 0 y Renegade mongrelmen Aurora
Masterwork chain shirt 1 250 0 y Renegade mongrelmen Waylan
Potion of Cure Light Wounds 2 25 0 y Renegade mongrelmen Morevek
Wand of Longstrider - 10 ch 1 150 0 y Renegade mongrelmen Elrembriel
Potion of Cure Light Wounds 2 50 0 y False crusaders Elrembriel
Scroll of Cause Fear 1 25 0 y False crusaders Elrembriel
Gold 129 1 129 y False crusaders cash
Spellbook (Detect Secret Doors, Fog Cloud, Grease, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Shocking Grasp, Silent Image) 1 0 y Millorn Elrembriel
Marble statuette 1 75 37.5 y Millorn sell
Scroll of Resist Energy 1 150 0 y Millorn Waylan
Masterwork dagger 1 302 151 y Millorn sell
Cloak of resistance +1 1 1000 0 y Millorn Morevek
Platinum 8 10 80 y Millorn cash
Gold 7 1 7 y Millorn cash

(Yes I'm counting the spellbooks for zero. That because we can sell them, provided we find buyers.)

According to this table the valuables distributed are as follows (cash and sales of valuables not counted):
- Elrembriel 4954
- Waylan 4205
- Filburn 2418
- Morevek 1675
- Aurora 1559

If you want to apply equality in the value of loot shares, it's possible; then Elrembriel would owe the most (2048 gp), while Aurora would be owed the most (1347 gp). Do you guys wish to do this?