Quote Originally Posted by Red Fel View Post
We all have friends who are idiots for various reasons. Even ones who are otherwise smart will inevitably do something that shocks us with its stupidity. I guarantee it.

Surprise! Your friends and co-workers aren't perfect people. (They're not me, for starters.)

What you do is decide - in that moment - whether it's more important to be right, or to be friends. And if you choose the latter, you suck up the fact that everyone you know will have frustrating imperfections that grate on your sanity, each day rubbing the wound raw with their infuriating lack of ideal qualities, as every moment spent with them drives that wriggling worm of doubt deeper and deeper into your brain, until-

... Ahem. Just learn to deal, is my point.
Fine. I'll learn to deal with it and accept his happiness of denial.