AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 11
HP 30/41 Blurred (3 Rounds Remaining)
Starting Position: J12, Ending Position: L11

Slashing the foe as he fled, Tuntematon, gave chase, tossing a fuzzball from his bag of tricks as he ran around in front of his enemy, dodging all the entangling vines.

Out of Turn: Attack of Opportunity
Standard Action: Pulling from Bag of Tricks, throwing at P11 and having creature charge E2
Move Action: Moving to L11 via this route - R12 Q12 P12 O12 N12 M12 L11

Attack of Opportunity: (1d20+3)[4]
Critical Confirmation (If Needed): (1d20+3)[22]
Damage With Dagger: (1d4)[1]
Extra Critical Damage (If Needed): (1d4)[4]

Bag of Tricks Random Critter: (1d100)[27]