Spoiler: Kaarna
Please roll initiative.

Spoiler: Adrianna, Soren, Xan
Xan shrugs off the effect of the woman's spell. As Soren dodges up the stairs, the squid fetches him another whack. The remaining humanoid zombie moves to follow him, but the woman snaps, "Kill this one first!" gesturing at Xan. The zombie wheels to attack Xan.

Attack of opportunity against Soren: (1d20+19)[39] Critical threat check: (1d20+19)[23] Damage: (2d6+9)[17] Critical damage: (2d6+9)[13]
Zombie attack on Xan: (1d20+8)[14] Critical threat check: (1d20+8)[21] Damage: (1d8+3)[9] Critical damage: (1d8+3)[6]

Adrianna and Xan are up. Roll20 link.