Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
She's queued up for a proper CPAP (or something like that) machine assessment soon.

My mum's always been a snorer and I honestly should've noticed this, but brushed it off. Every time I've been at my mum's in the past couple of years, her snoring started to sound super weird and paced in a totally different way. All of those patterns clicked in my brain after my mum told about being in a sleep study.

One thing that apparently is a sign of speel apnea is getting up to the toilet multiple times during the night. And that's something that became more and more frequent. She thought that it was just due to her menopausal stage, but nope, sleep apnea.
Yep! The bathroom thing is because people will have an apnea, they body will kind of jolt themselves to re-open the airway, and sometimes that jolt will wake them up. Brain wants a reason to be woken up, and going to pee is as good as any, so it settles on that. It's called nocturia, IIRC, night-time urination. Fun stuff. CPAPs typically work really well, unless they need a BiPAP for various reasons (or, if they have central apneas, a BIPAP S/V or S/T. Those are fancy). A lot of people think the symptoms of sleep apnea are just normal aging, and really love their machine once they get used to it. Which is actually kind of cool, because that means they feel a lot better with minimal effort.

I been hocking CPAPs for close to 9 years now. Fun stuff.