Sweet. Glad your computer trouble's been fixed Teddy!

Meanwhile in Zodi news: I'm probably too generous a person. My Mom needed some assistance paying off a bit of her rent for her bar so she could buy time to finish her taxes so she could get access to her bar's business account so she can pay all of the rent and so she can sell the bar. The amount she needed was 20 000 dollars.

I could pay for it, that leaves me with around 3000 left, but...I mean it stings. It hurts a lot. That's 7 or 8 years of saving and just LIFE, gone. She said she'll pay me back, but we'll see. Additionally this delays my plan of moving to live on my own by six months, less if I get paid back sooner rather than later/never.

But if I didn't do this she'd lose the bar, and since it's tied to the mortgage of the house she'd lose the house, and I live in the house so her losing the house would be less than ideal.