Quote Originally Posted by Honest Tiefling View Post
Please, we're from North California, we have no idea how to tolerate variance in temperatures. Anything outside of our comfort zone is reason to panic.

And the last time I went into the city, it had decided to try out this summer business and I was slathering myself in so much sunscreen I left white marks EVERYWHERE.
Quote Originally Posted by 2D8HP View Post
I can confirm.
If y'all ever come down here (probably for Atlanta, there's not much else that's really touristy), I recommend October or November. Barring summer overstaying or winter coming early, that weather should feel fine for y'all

Also, sunburns don't hurt me. They itch like crazy, but don't hurt at all. Still very unpleasant, but from what I hear about how it affects everyone else, I think I can't out ahead on that one.