Quote Originally Posted by ezekielraiden View Post
This would be why I don't generally give any answer I'm not really sure of. I just...why would anyone ever roll to *resist* Protection from Energy? (I can in fact envision a scenario but like...it's both contrived and requires IMO abusive metagame thinking).

But yeah I am fairly convinced the RAI differs from the very narrowly read RAW here. The only possible quibble could be the use of the word "requires." You aren't required to resist a buff, and in fact you rarely even elect to. So that word could imply that the spell definitely must MAKE you roll a Fort save, as opposed to simply offering the option to do so.
That would make it work on no spells; you can always voluntarily fail a saving throw, even if it would obviously be a really bad idea.

(I concur that RAI is that Gift of Consumption is meant as a curse, not a buff duplicator.)