Quote Originally Posted by CWater View Post
The stairs to the basement lead to another workshop and storage space. Eglantine knows this place has been especially warded and this is where Vindal does the more risky enchanting and handles the more dangerous crafting materials. It's disorganised, which is very typical of the absentminded craftsman, yet he always seems to easily find everything while he's working.

No one is in the workspace, but the door to the back room is ajar and Eglantine hears someone moving in there. The back room is special storage space and Vindal generally doesn't let anyone else in there, even Eglantine has only been there a couple of times.

Iver is still following and looking nervous, though also a little curious. "You sure this is ok?", he asks.

Spoiler: OOC
Question, has Eggy asked Iver to drop the illusion he cast or is it still active? It makes her look like a blonde elf girl.
Eglantine did a wavering motion with her hand. It wasn't technically okay but she needed to let him know she was alive. She then gestured for Iver to drop the illusion, Vindal would definitely not react well to a stranger girl down here.