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Thread: IC II Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs

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    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Feb 2010

    Default Re: IC II Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs

    Gastaraa Plains

    Quote Originally Posted by SirCatBeard View Post
    Following the momentum, the flail falls toward the third fey that had charged so confidently only moments ago.

    Didn't really expect the second to hit, let alone crit. At least something is working.

    Cleave attack: (1d20+8)[27] (-7PowAt still, +4prone,+1 from Stance(assuming crit did confirm)
    EDIT: Should be +11 rather than 10, so 14.
    Damage: (1d8+3)[5]
    Despite being down on the ground and almost trampled by a horse, the third fey manages to roll out of the way before Relik's flail smashes to the spot of grass where they'd just been, sending dirt and grass patches flying.

    Quote Originally Posted by aReallyGreatAxe View Post
    Rowan dodges out from behind Relik and Alfdal and crosses the grass until he gets some space from both mortals and fey. The Councilor was right, these people had to be under some sort of thrall or enchantment.

    "You don't want to be here," he calls to the nearby mortals, weaving magic into his words until they dance through the air like the commands of the fey. "Come on, please help us end this!" Of course, he couldn't tell them to do anything... but he could at least try to give them the ability to choose.

    Spoiler: OoC
    1.) Move action: move to O17 to... not be stuck behind everyone.

    2.) Standard action: Casting mass resurgence, on M14-M21, as they are all within 40' of Rowan and 30' of each other. Assuming they're under the same enchantment, they get another saving throw against the ongoing spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability. If they succeed the save, the effect ends immediately.

    Spoiler: If they are not all under the same effect
    If they're not under the same spell and Rowan gets to choose which one is affected, he will choose the one which affects the most people. If each is under a different spell, he'll choose to affect a halfling.
    Rowan's spell sends forward an ethereal wave of force and the four mortals closest to him blink and look around in surprise and alarm.

    Spoiler: OOC
    I swear I rolled for them all, yet strange coincidence would have it that M16-M19 were the ones that managed to break free of the effect. It's fitting, I suppose. :J M18 rolled a nat 20 so I'll reward them with a higher spot in the initiative.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kish View Post
    Aerin growls ferociously, ducks the fey's attempt to grab her hand, and attempts to smash her in the face with the hilt of Aerin's sword. "Keep your filthy fingers out of our minds!"


    Striking for nonlethal and recovering maneuver(s) again: (1d20+8)[27] Critical threat check: (1d8+3)[5] Nonlethal damage: (1d20+7)[11] Critical damage: (1d8+5)[10]
    This strike of Aerin's is more a warning than a serious attack and the fey girl jumps back with a shriek. "You're no nice at all!!

    Spoiler: Sylvan
    "These meanies are here to ruin our party! Defend me, and kill them all!! Tear them to bits! Everyone help!!"

    She jumps down from the cart, trampling the closest mortal to the ground without even a glance and runs to stand behind a couple of other fey. Her cry seems to have alerted the other denizens of Faešei, who look up from their cups and idle chatter. Some gleefully throw their drinks away and extend their claws, while other groan and whine about the interruption.

    A young half-elven man dressed like a messenger that had just snapped awake thanks to Rowan's spell moves to put some distance between himself and the party of fey. "What's going on?!", he asks while drawing his rapier.

    Sandra directs her mount to a better position and shoots an arrow at the closest fey, hitting them in the shoulder.
    Spoiler: Sandra attacks F19
    Longbow: (1d20+8)[27]
    Damage: (1d8+3)[5]

    Councillor Xastra continues casting and a translucent armour surrounds her form.

    The remaining fey next to Relik scrambles up, taking a slash from Alfdel's sword as they do so. Snarling the fey launches a flurry of attacks at the half-elf, using all their limbs. Only one of the attacks manages to draw blood however.

    Spoiler: F3 full attacks Alfdel
    Kick1: (1d20+7)[11]
    Damage: (1d8+5)[10]

    Kick2: (1d20+7)[21]
    Damage: (1d8+5)[7]

    Claw1: (1d20+2)[14]
    Damage: (1d4+5)[8]

    Claw2: (1d20+2)[11]
    Damage: (1d4+5)[7]

    The fey next to the cart bare their claws and slash at Aerin, one of them also using her horns to gore the hafl-orc. She suffers some serious injuries as the fey savagely tear into her. A third fey runs over and jumps onto the cart. Her eyes burn with red fury and she attempts to grapple Aerin.
    Spoiler: F4, F5 and F9 attack Aerin
    F4, full attack
    Headbutt1: (1d20+5)[9]
    Damage: (1d8+3)[9]

    Headbutt2: (1d20+5)[22]
    Damage: (1d8+3)[11]

    Claw1: (1d20)[8]
    Damage: (1d4+3)[4]

    Claw2: (1d20)[17]
    Damage: (1d4+3)[5]

    F5, full attack
    Claw1: (1d20+9)[22]
    Damage: (1d4+6)[7]

    Claw2: (1d20+9)[18]
    Damage: (1d4+6)[7]

    EDIT: 30 damage to Aerin in total. Ouch.

    Aerin gets an AoO first, if it hits, the following attempt does not occur.
    Melee touch: (1d20+10)[30] if hits, roll an opposed grapple check against the following
    Grapple: (1d20+10)[16]

    A group of three fey charge past confused mortals to get to Rowan. Only the first of them gets to take a swipe at him before he can react. The claws are sharp and Rowan feels his flesh being cut open.
    Spoiler: F6 attacks Rowan
    Claw: (1d20+9)[16](charge)
    Damage: (1d4+3)[5]

    The fey Sandra fired at grins wickedly and charges at her, followed closely by a second fey. They claw at her legs and leave them bloody. The third in their group casts a spell and Sandra's horse moves nervously but she's able to calm it, though it remains jumpy. The fourth fey glances up drunkenly and slashes open the throat of the human next to him. The others shout at him.

    Spoiler: Sylvan
    "Idiot! Not that one!"

    Spoiler: F19 and F18 attack Sandra
    Claw: (1d20+10)[16] (charge)
    Damage: (1d4+4)[7]

    Claw: (1d20+9)[27] (charge)
    Damage: (1d4+3)[4]

    A group of four fey talk in low voice amongst themselves and start moving north, circling around Hawke while eyeing the Councillor and her guards.

    Two mortals dressed in peasant clothes glance around fearfully and run to get to the other side of the road. The last of the four that Rowan managed to release from the fey magic grabs the arm of the person next to her and tries to drag him away, but he's reluctant to move. The other people just stand in their place, still drinking and talking, or at most look around with a slightly confused expression but no sign of concern or fear on their faces.

    Spoiler: Map
    FD is the redhead dancer.
    Fs are other fey.
    Ms are mortals.
    hs are riderless horses.
    X, Al, Mi, Y and V are the imperials.
    * indicates that a character is prone.
    () indicated that a character is prone and unmoving. Not marked if a standing character is occupying the same square.
    Squares around characters indicate horses.
    Brown squares mark the road and carts.



    Quote Originally Posted by Athedia View Post
    Eglantine did a wavering motion with her hand. It wasn't technically okay but she needed to let him know she was alive. She then gestured for Iver to drop the illusion, Vindal would definitely not react well to a stranger girl down here.
    Iver nods and ends the spell, looking around curiously like he's never seen a magic item crafter's workshop before. Perhaps he really hasn't.

    Eglantine steps into the backroom. Unlike the main workshop, this one is neatly arranged, the shelves tidy and everything strictly in order. Only the table in the middle of the room is a bit of a mess, with papers and ink haphazardly scattered about. Vindal is inside, though only the upper half of the elf is visible; he's opened a hatch on the floor and is standing in the space with his back to the door. Though when he hears footsteps he quickly spins around and only relaxes a little when he sees his apprentice. "Eggy! You're back! That's... good. Yes, good." He clambers up to the main floor and hastily closes the hatch.

    Spoiler: OOC
    If you'd like to try to get a sneak peek of your teacher's secrets, you can make a Perception check.
    Last edited by CWater; 2019-07-17 at 04:35 AM.
    Alamryn Kven, a druid who tries very hard not to be useless.
    Celesta Halla, a fearless barbarian.
    Jheren Falconer, a drifter ranger.
    Rhenner Calami, a snarky medic with an untrustworthy memory.

    DMing Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs and The Pirate Dream: Sliced Heart