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Thread: IC II Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs

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    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: IC II Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs

    Gastaraa Plains

    Quote Originally Posted by SirCatBeard View Post
    Muttering darkly as flail impacts ground, Relik sweeps it in an upward swing at the rising fey's torso.

    Spoiler: AoO

    Attack: [roll0] (-7PowAt still, +4prone,+1 from Stance)
    Damage: [roll1]
    The weapon smashes into the fey and they cry out in pain, glaring at Relik with fury as blood seeps from their wounds.

    Aerin also takes a swing at the enemy lunging at her and prevents a grapple attempt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Table Flipper View Post
    "Easy Maple," Hawke says to help calm his horse as he eyes the fey circling north.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Full attack with three arrows against F17, courtesy of rapid shot feat + high bab attack.

    Attack: [roll0] (-2 due to rapid shot penalty)
    Damage [roll1]

    Attack 2: [roll2] (rapid shot attack made at highest bab)
    Damage 2: [roll3]

    Attack 3: [roll4]
    Damage 3: [roll5]
    Two of Hawke's arrows strike true and sink into the fey's side. She looks at Hawke in surprise.

    Alfdel spurs his mount forward and the fey in front of them scrambles out of the way. Two of the closest enemies try to claw at the horse, but Alfdel directs it away from them and it suffers only a small scratch. Once he's passed, the half-elf turns back to take a swing at the badly wounded fey. His blade draws blood and the target is looking seriously hurt but still refuses to fall.

    Vethir shoots two arrows at the cluster of approaching fey, but the creatures dodge and scatter and the arrows fall into the earth. Yuli turns her horse around and rides to meet them swinging her longsword at the closest one. The fey is hit in the shoulder and snarls exposing long canines.

    Spoiler: Map
    FD is the redhead dancer.
    Fs are other fey.
    Ms are mortals.
    hs are riderless horses.
    X, Al, Mi, Y and V are the imperials.
    * indicates that a character is prone.
    () indicated that a character is prone and unmoving. Not marked if a standing character is occupying the same square.
    Squares around characters indicate horses.
    Brown squares mark the road and carts.



    Quote Originally Posted by Athedia View Post
    Spoiler: CWater
    Eggy snooping on this she shouldn't? Why she would nev- Spot (Gah, stupid 3.5): [roll0]

    "Look Vindal, I had to sneak out. I don't know what the guard is saying right now but people are hunting my brother and me and I don't know what to do. I don't even know if it is safe for you and the shop. We can't reach him, we can't get any messages sent. I was hoping to uh... borrow or use or I don't know one of your items. We had those tokens, do we still have a bird one? I think that could get a message to Rowan. Let them know they need to get back."
    Spoiler: OOC
    Oh, yeah Perception, sorry. Been playing so much Pathfinder. :P Unfortunately Eggy seems to be too distraught at the moment to snoop.

    "Yes, I gathered as much. The guard's have been around, and while they've been tight-lipped, I could tell something's wrong. I don't trust them. Of course you can take a token, you helped make those, and this is an emergency. But I don't think you should tell Rowan to come back", Vindal strides over to the table and sets down a few papers that were in his hand and starts going through the others already there, "Instead, both of you should leave Springhaven, it's not safe for you here right now. It's possible hey're hunting you just because you're witnesses to the castle massacre and don't want you talking, though I have to say the intensity of their search is... worrying. Either way, you need to go." He gathers a stack of papers and arranges them neatly before handing them over to Eglantine, smiling a little sadly "I've written your journeyman certificate, I wish this could have been a happier occasion but... congratulations, your apprenticeship is over."
    Last edited by CWater; 2019-07-19 at 03:24 AM.
    Alamryn Kven, a druid who tries very hard not to be useless.
    Celesta Halla, a fearless barbarian.
    Jheren Falconer, a drifter ranger.
    Rhenner Calami, a snarky medic with an untrustworthy memory.

    DMing Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs and The Pirate Dream: Sliced Heart