Quote Originally Posted by Vknight View Post
This is just kobold propoganda the truth is actually the kobolds were evil after all Garl was just trying too help and Kurtulmak got upset as we all know kobolds are short sighted wrastrels and vagabonds
Tch! Another gnome apologist! How can you defend a people who hide from the world studying secrets only emerging with plans to sow chaos! They are thematically identical every doomsday cult!

Truth be told, I don't care for kobolds either. They both kind of annoy me. Maybe it's because of the time I spent playing horde in WoW.

It is kind of compelling to me that the lore leaves this kind of vague. To me the evidence solidifies when you look at the racial powers of the gnomes and kobolds, the things that could be considered the 'blessings of their gods'. The kobold's pack tactics and grovel, cower, and beg (aka Mass Help Action) really paint them as a cooperative people, while gnomes get powers meant to deceive. If I had to choose between a gnome or kobold to help me, the kobold's nature makes it a collaborator, while a gnome is suited to ditch me and hide.