From a Hc Svnt Dracones (cyberpunk furries) game
Spoiler: Characters
Blitzkrieg (me), female lateral black jaguar, a notable gladiator style fighter who was kicked out on the street by her sponsor while they claim she is on vacation. The rest of the party was hired by a mysterious benefactor to get her back on her feet.
Buckeye, male deer, a bored rich kid with a talent for engineering. Knew Blitzkrieg before being hired because he work on gladiator arena hazards.
G.I.T.S., male micro bat, hacking and infiltration specialist,
has narcolepsy because his player has a less reliable schedule than the rest of us.
Acko, female otter, sniper/spotter, partner of GITS, mostly in it for the money, has an obsession with bubblewrap.

Blitzkrieg: I'd give you a hand, but it appears you already have it.
Buckeye: You might say that. *pulls out an arm that was jamming a sawblade*

Blitzkrieg: Ok, Buckshot here is my engineering crew, what are you, my medical team?
GITS and Acko: *Silence*
Blitzkrieg: PR team?
GITS and Acko: *silence*
Blitzkrieg: *sigh* This going to go well. Well, what is your job then?
Acko: We're infiltration specialists.
Blitzkrieg: *looks between the 4 foot tall otter and half foot tall bat* Apparently this is my security detail.

Blitzkrieg: So with Bucky running stuff and Tiny being too small, that makes you my sparring partner.
Acko: Uh, I guess- *gets pounced*

GM: After knocking out the robot that just mauled Buckeye half to death, you realize that fighting like this was Blitzkrieg's day job.
Blitzkrieg: *smirk* Yep, so don't try to take it from me.
Buckeye: *groan* You can have it.

Blitzkrieg: So are you two twins or what?
Identical Scientist 1: *slips a card in her pocket* Call this number if you figure it out.
Identical Scientist 2: *slips a second card in a different pocket* And call this if you don't.
Blitzkrieg: I'm ok with this.
Buckeye: Come on dude, there is two of them, share!

*after a hectic fight scene, the a mad drive with a ticking timebomb in the back of a truck*
Blitzkrieg: Hey Bucky, you still bored?
Buckeye: *wearily flips bird*

Blitzkrieg: So, how did you two meet?
GM: *cue mini adventure that is a series of failures that end up explaining Acko's bubblewrap addiction*
Blitzkrieg: This is what was hired for me?

Acko: *misses half a dozen shots with a grappling hook*
Blitzkrieg: Our sniper, everyone.
Acko: Shut up.
Blitzkrieg: Just saying, you're worth every penny I spent.

Blitzkrieg: *looks between the half dead Buckeye and mostly dead Acko* Despite what it seems, we're hiring you to be my medic.

I'm having fun channeling my inner Roy.