Rarity: "My Celestia, those clothes are FILTHY! Off with them at once!"
Nova: *begins stripping*
Marv, June, and Dan: "NO!"
NH: "You humans and your clothing obsession."

Nova: "She said she was thirsty?"
NH: "And you gave her a Surge? After what it did to me?"
Nove: "Um...oops?"
Pinkie Pie: "Wowthisstuffisamazing.IbetIcangetsomanythingsdone ,wowIwondrhowfastthisstuffmakesme?Oh!IbetI'mfaster thanRainbowDashrightnow!MaybeIshoulddropbyandseeif shewantstoracemeandseewhoisfaster...."

Cesetia: "That certainly explains the extra large cake in the palace courtyard."
NH: "It was my fault princess, I should have kept a better eye on them."
Marv: "Rest assured, he's not allowed near any more energy drinks for the foreseeable future."
Dan: "We've also confiscated the rest of his stash."
June: "And the lovely large blue pony was nice enough to take them off our hands."
NH: "Which large blue pony?"
Luna, from the other room: "Huzzah! These are tasty!"

June: "I didn't know the moon could do a summersault."